saab wrote:
Germans say "What´s in TV?"
That's interesting.
re the word toilet....
In the states, at least in the areas I've lived, we generally only use the word toilet when the specific fixture is being referred to as in "I'm cleaning the toilet" or "He/she is sitting on the toilet". Thinking about it, I'm just as likely to refer to the fixture as the commode. Recalling conversations, my husband usually calls it the commode.
When I'm at home, if someone was to ask where someone was I'd say "He/she is in the bathroom"
If I'm in public I call it the rest room. Sometimes I'll say men's room or ladies room, it depends. I personally don't ever call it the women's room. Don't know why, just don't. Probably raised with the terminology. In public, I'll ask "where's the rest room?" or tell the person I'm with "I need to use the rest room" If I was at someone's home, where I've never been, I'd ask where their rest room was. If I know where it is, I'll say I need to use the bathroom or restroom.
If I was to answer the phone at work, and the caller wanted to speak to someone who I know went to the rest room, I would say "They stepped out for a moment, they'll be right back" The caller doesn't need to know what ther persons doing, just that they'll get back to them soon. I think most people know what that means when I say it.
So yeah contrex, I can only speak for myself, but I find the world toilet vaugely vulgar, don't know why really. The world urinal makes me wince inwardly. I think that has more to do w/ the fact I rarely see one. Seeing one though really makes me think "bleech" I was talking w/ another woman the other day and said "Don't urinals look slightly pornographic to you?" She thought a second, and agreed. But I think that's again because women rarely see them. I mean pornographic more in "that's vulgar"
and nooooo....it's not because we're uptight. I know what goes on in a toilet. The bodily function doesn't bother me, it's just that, no matter how you slice it,it's an unattractive fixture, even if it's sparkling clean.
Funny world, aint it.