I love this quote by this self proclaim "person of color"....
My best friend is white, my mother is white, the girl I took to the prom is white.....she's......really white, she rides horses.
I didn't know that particular stereotype.....she's really white....she rides horses.
Honestly? I almost thought this was something a la The Onion, that is was really a joke. I was waiting for the punch line at the end.
I don't think anyone has ever ignored...you know, I wouldn't call this violence, I call it drunken vandalism.
Who's ever ignored it? Not me. Not anyone I know.
It's a bunch of testosterone fueled guys that had 4 or 5 six packs to many.
I think they should be arrested, and would have been if cops had been there.
I don't see where the fact that white people, most especially young white men do really stupid things, punch each other out, tip over jiffy johns, rape young women, kill each other etc etc., especially when under the influence of drugs/alcohol, and in the company of each other, which fuel their competition to see who can be the biggest offender is any kind of secret.