Quote: He can't remember who he's insulting now.
On this, factually, you're wrong, McTag. But you've made it abundantly clear that you are ready to use any and all manner of deception to avoid actually addressing the language issues.
And speaking of insulting. You've likely had a lifetime passing off these insulting prescriptions as actual language based rules. You've been insulting people's perfectly natural language use for how long now?
You continue to do it, in your own words, you "disparage" language "you think is wrong/inappropriate". It's amazing your temerity, considering just how ignorant you are about the workings of the English language.
Even when it's clearly explained to you how silly one of your "rules" is you go on disparaging those who actually use English correctly.
And when you mount a defense for your "rules", it consists entirely of going off track with these silly little diversions like you have in this post I'm replying to.