@Pamela Rosa,
You can't just blow up the safety nets at a stroke, the consequences would be totally unpredictable.
What you
COULD do, in theory at least, would be to replace our present (stupid and destructive) welfare programs with programs which were intelligent and non-destructive, and to my thinking the key ingredient would have to be that while you might provide food and shelter to those in need, you would never provide anybody with money. There would be an understanding that money and choices come only from work.
But you'd have to do a number of things at roughly the same time. You'd have to break the power of he NEA and get rid of public schools. You'd have to bring manufacturing back to the US. You'd have to revitalize the US economy which means breaking the strangle-hold of the Gaea-worshipers. You'd have to make major efforts to take all of the money and glamor out of crime, get rid of the "War on Drugs", get rid of pawn shops etc.
Aside from everything else you have the horrible conundrum that black women appear to be making it in America while black men are failing. That simply has to be a cultural problem and not a racial or genetic problem.