Thu 27 Jun, 2013 07:37 pm
The Senate today passed an immigration reform bill founded on the framework that poll after poll shows that most Americans agree with. It combines increased border security with a pathway to citizenship for people who have already made lives here.
Of course the conservative tea-party wing of the Republican part will have nothing to do with that. And so the fight begins.
There will be no up or down vote at first. Boehner doesn't have the balls to stand up to the crazies in his party and will cling to the Hastert (meaning that nothing happens without tea party approval). But there will be a lot of pressure put on individual Republican members from business groups (who are hurt by immigration hardline stances) and other than White Americans.
I predict that the term "Discharge Petition" will come into play. A successful discharge petition is an end around an intransigent leadership. The threat of a discharge petition may be enough to get them to move.
But before that is the fun part, where one side of the Republican party says crazy stuff that outrages and alienates the fasting growing demographic group in the country, while the other side desperately tries to stop them.
I just put on the popcorn.
You just made me check my own post to make sure that I spelled his name right (and for the record I did).