The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Wed 17 Jul, 2013 12:42 pm
You've cornered the market on stupidity Gunga. Only a knucklescraper would believe that the Biblical flood really happened. Next time the farmer brings you your swill you should ask him.
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cicerone imposter
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 12:45 pm
What you "saw" was from the brain of a racial bigot.

If any of my sons, when they were young, were walking back from the store, and they were shot dead, for any reason, I'd be more than saddened and mortified!

Racial bigots wouldn't care; only if the victims were white.
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 12:45 pm
If Zimmerman had been black and Martin white, I doubt he would have survived long enough to actually face a trial.

I remember reading Sam Clemens' United States Of Lyncherdom to a group of 15 year olds. I foolishly told them that that was how things used to be.
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 12:54 pm
I 'd not even have gotten mad in his circumstance.

I can not picture myself attacking Zimmerman as the 17 years old I was in 1965 or as a 64 years old man I am now for following me on a public street.

There is no excuse or justification for Trayvon knocking him down and then getting on top of him slugging away and pounding his head on the sidewalk putting Zimmerman in fear for his life or for suffusing great bodily harm.

As I would never at any point in my lifespan had launch an attack on someone for just annoying me in a public space as Trayvon did I would have under similar conditions defend my life as Zimmerman did from such an attack no matter what the hell the color of the skin of the attacker happen to be.
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 12:57 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
What you "saw" was from the brain of a racial bigot.

If any of my sons, when they were young, were walking back from the store,
and they were shot dead, for any reason, I'd be more than saddened and mortified!

Racial bigots wouldn't care; only if the victims were white.
That is not necessarily true.

0 Replies
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 01:00 pm
@cicerone imposter,
If any of my sons, when they were young, were walking back from the store, and they were shot dead, for any reason, I'd be more than saddened and mortified!

Racial bigots wouldn't care; only if the victims were white.

I would not have care if Trayvon had been as white as I white sheet and Zimmerman as black as a piece of PA coal your child does not have a right on the way home from a store to harm someone who annoyed him to the point that the person being attacked was place in fear of his life.

As far as it being sad that a 17 years old of whatever skin color placed himself in a situation where he gotten himself killed that is indeed sad but it still is not the fault of Zimmerman that Trayvon did so.
cicerone imposter
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 01:08 pm
That's an outright lie that anyone with any brains can see through.
0 Replies
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 01:09 pm
Without the assault of Zimmerman by Trayvon, he would now be an 18 years old teenagers with his life ahead of him.

He'd still have problems...


But you're right, he'd still be alive at least.
0 Replies
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 01:15 pm

Ted Nugent:


You can’t be “sort of” a rhythm-and-blues grinding guitar slayer. You either kill or you aren’t. If you aren’t, you’re a hopelessly white guitar player who has paid for too many guitar lessons and not listened to enough Howlin’ Wolf and Chuck Berry music. The same goes for freedom: You are either a free man or you aren’t. Unless you’re George Zimmerman.

George Zimmerman is thankfully and rightfully not facing any jail time for legally defending himself, but he is far from a free man.

In addition to looking over his shoulder the rest of his life for racist goons looking to cause him harm, Mr. Zimmerman may also face some trumped-up civil-rights charge by the most corrupt and racist attorney general in the history of the nation. Mr. Zimmerman may also face a wrongful-death civil suit brought by Trayvon Martin’s family, who refuse to admit their son was a troublemaker who brought about his own demise.

While there is little he can do to protect himself from a civil-rights charge by our gun-running, pro-New Black Panthers attorney general, Mr. Zimmerman may have some legal room to move regarding a wrongful death lawsuit by Trayvon Martin’s family. George Zimmerman should consider suing Trayvon Martin’s parents.

The narrative being spun by any number of media pundits, race-baiters and various excuse-makers is that Mr. Zimmerman shot down an unarmed minor. Although he was found not guilty of second-degree murder or manslaughter, let’s follow the narrative of those who believe Mr. Zimmerman killed a minor. And they are right, he did. Trayvon Martin was a minor at the time of this death. The basis for Zimmerman’s lawsuit should be that minor Trayvon Martin viciously attacked him causing great bodily harm and threatening his life, which resulted in Mr. Zimmerman defending himself and shooting Martin.

Trayvon Martin’s vicious attack on George Zimmerman and Martin’s tragic death have no doubt surely dragged Mr. Zimmerman through 18 months of untold emotional hell, pain, distress, anguish, fatigue, nightmares and financial ruin. Again, following the narrative of the pro-Trayvon media types and other race-baiters, if Trayvon Martin was a minor, then Trayvon Martin’s parents may be held liable for the emotional pain and suffering Mr. Zimmerman has been put through for the past 18 months, and surely for the rest of his life.

Parents can be held responsible for the actions of their minor-age children until the children reach the age of majority (meaning adulthood), which is exactly why Mr. Zimmerman should explore filing a lawsuit against Martin’s parents. The age of majority in Florida is 18-years-old. Trayon Martin was 17-years-old when he attacked Mr. Zimmerman, which potentially means that Trayvon’s parents may possibly be held responsible for the stress, emotional pain and anguish their son caused George Zimmerman.

I’m just your simple Motor City guitar player, and generally despise lawyers and all of their bureaucratic layers or legal maneuvering, but Mr. Zimmerman should hire a legal shark to determine if he has grounds to sue Trayvon Martin’s parents for the actions of their son.
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Wed 17 Jul, 2013 01:16 pm
DAVID wrote:
I 'd not even have gotten mad in his circumstance.
BillRM wrote:
I can not picture myself attacking Zimmerman as the 17 years old I was in 1965
or as a 64 years old man I am now for following me on a public street.
Of course. If it had happened to me, I 'd only have been mildly curious.
I might possibly have put my hand on my revolver,
without bringing it into vu, but that 'd be the full extent of it.

BillRM wrote:
There is no excuse or justification for Trayvon knocking him down and then getting on top of him slugging away and pounding his head on the sidewalk putting Zimmerman in fear for his life or for suffusing great bodily harm.
Travon was having fun,
at Zimmy 's expense, until Zimmy gave him the one gun salute.

BillRM wrote:
As I would never at any point in my lifespan had launch an attack on someone
for just annoying me in a public space as Trayvon did I would have
under similar conditions defend my life as Zimmerman did from such an attack
no matter what the hell the color of the skin of the attacker happen to be.
The race of the participants in combat
is selected by the aggressor; Travon chose who to attempt to kill.
Zimmy cud not choose, from the point in time when he abandoned following him.

Non-violence was too much to expect from Travon.

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Frank Apisa
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 01:17 pm
firefly wrote:

Killing black people isn't really a crime in Florida where people like BillRM reside, and see lynching as part of their heritage.

And they obviously think the death penalty is justified in response to a punch in the nose.

Once some gun-toting vigilante sizes up an unarmed innocent black high school kid as one of those "f--king punks", that kid has no right to self-defense, even if he feels menaced and stalked, and his needless death is just collateral damage in the defense of macho pride and the right to pack a concealed weapon so you'll always be ready to go after the next one.

If Trayvon had been white, and Zimmerman black, do you think Zimmerman would have not been arrested the night of the shooting?


If the roles had been reversed...Zimmerman would have been in jail immediately...and all these guys arguing would be on the other side of the argument.

The argument has become farce. The only reasonable explanation for some of the stuff coming from them is bigotry…and it is a chance for them to dress their bigotry in what seems to them to be reasonable argument.

This not only was a tragedy…it is a travesty. If these guys you are arguing with were blacks…they would be raging in the streets in anger at what has happened.

Don’t even bother with them, Firefly…they have proven themselves not to be worth the effort.
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 01:17 pm
Parents can be held responsible for the actions of their minor-age children until the children reach the age of majority (meaning adulthood), which is exactly why Mr. Zimmerman should explore filing a lawsuit against Martin’s parents. The age of majority in Florida is 18-years-old. Trayon Martin was 17-years-old when he attacked Mr. Zimmerman, which potentially means that Trayvon’s parents may possibly be held responsible for the stress, emotional pain and anguish their son caused George Zimmerman.
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Wed 17 Jul, 2013 01:35 pm
@Frank Apisa,
If the roles had been reversed...Zimmerman would have been in jail immediately...and all these guys arguing would be on the other side of the argument.

Wrong in my opinion it was such a clear case of self defense only Sharpton and similar race baiters was able to force an arrest and then political trial that would not had happen if Zimmerman had been black.

Blacks or whites or any other skin color we all have a right of self defense.


I do not see Firefly posting any longer as I had her on ignore however I do see some of her posts when others had quote them and I love the part where she stated that we think that a punch in the nose deserve death!!!

I have a mental picture of her being under some 17 year old teenager of whatever color slugging away at her and pounding her head against the sidewalk and not using whatever force she could bring to bear to end the assault.

Zimmerman was under no duty to risk death or serous harm and allow Trayvon to do whatever he wished to do to him.
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Wed 17 Jul, 2013 01:38 pm
I remember reading Sam Clemens' United States Of Lyncherdom to a group of 15 year olds. I foolishly told them that that was how things used to be.

I don't know that I would call it wise izzy to be reading that to 15 year olds.

The case was basically about money and fame and entertainment. And a very good one too. The judge wouldn't even have been allowed to give evidence in a court not that long ago. When our civilisation was in creative mode I mean. Now it's in prodigality mode with the fruits of the creativity.

It's a bit like slow motion doses of crack. Icarus testing his wings off the roof of the house stage.

I asked before but there has been no respose so I'll give it another go. Why was FOX News so obsessed with the case. And why have the owners of FOX News removed CBS News from its usual spot of oo.30 hours on Sky News and banished it to the middle of the night? Some of us used to sit our ladies in front of Scott Pelley for 30 minutes so that they would join us in bed in just the right mood.

(Did Empson cover that izzy?)
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 01:43 pm
There are cities around the world where there are a good few such incidents every night of the week. I daresay the relatives of the victims look with keen envy on the attention given to an American victim.

Perhaps FOX News didn't want to cover Egypt for some reason or other. A No Spin zone would surely give Egypt a look in. Or Syria. Points east.
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cicerone imposter
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 02:31 pm
What the "jury saw" was tainted from the beginning, because the prosecution failed do its job. I have mentioned many of them on this thread, and will not be rehashing it here.
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 02:39 pm
@cicerone imposter,
What the "jury saw" was tainted from the beginning, because the prosecution failed do its job.

NOBODY is entitled to his own separate (but equal) version of reality, FOOL.

Benjie delaRhumba may be an asshole, but he's a highly competent asshole with years of training at what he does. In this particular case he was asked to try a case which had ZERO factual support and he gave it a 100% effort and actually convinced three of the jurors to want to convict Zimmerman of some sort of thing albeit not murder.

That's like asking John Kennedy to take his PT boat out against the Yamato or the Musashi and sink it. There is no way in God's world that YOU could have done a better job at such a task.

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Wed 17 Jul, 2013 02:46 pm
@cicerone imposter,
What the "jury saw" was tainted from the beginning, because the prosecution failed do its job. I have mentioned many of them on this thread, and will not be rehashing it here.

The prosecutors have nothing to work with as it was a clear case of self defense.
Oh the prosecutor was an appointed one by the governor of Florida when the local prosecutor would not prosecute.
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 03:39 pm
@Frank Apisa,
The argument has become farce. The only reasonable explanation for some of the stuff coming from them is bigotry…and it is a chance for them to dress their bigotry in what seems to them to be reasonable argument.

This not only was a tragedy…it is a travesty. If these guys you are arguing with were blacks…they would be raging in the streets in anger at what has happened.

I agree with you, Frank, this is nothing but bigotry that's being expressed in this thread, and rather blatant bigotry at that.

To blame a barely 17 year old for his own death, when his only "crime" was that his racial appearance, and legitimate presence in that location, antagonized and incensed a gun-toting self-styled vigilante, who then stalked and menaced him, and wound up killing him when the kid then tried to defend himself, goes beyond just bigotry--it's saying the life of that black child should be accorded no value.

Even that unarmed child's right to defend his own life, from a man with a fully loaded gun and animosity toward him, has been twisted into another example of how "dangerous" these young black men are--he allegedly had Zimmerman, despite his very minor injuries, and his knowledge that the police were on their way, ostensibly fearing for his life, and making him, therefore, feel fully justified in killing the kid as soon as he could. And that serves to reinforce, and give validity to, the racial profiling, and distorted perceptions, that motivated Zimmerman from the moment he spotted this kid. It's all a justification of, and rationalization of, racial bigotry and the notion that all black males are "dangerous" threats--even those who are toting not weapons, but merely iced tea and Skittles, and who are doing nothing more threatening than just walking back home.

In most states, Zimmerman would not likely have been acquitted of criminal responsibility for this death. He would have been held accountable for recklessly provoking the entire situation, and possibly for his use of excessive force as well. Florida's laws are designed to cater to, and pander to, the gun-toting crowd, and to protect them even when they needlessly and recklessly take lives.

These bigots can't understand the outrage in the black community--they can't connect to it at all. They can't understand why thousands and thousands have taken to the streets in a display of protest. They can't understand the fears of black parents about their own children being profiled and hunted down for doing nothing more than talking on their cell phone as they walked home from the store.

If Trayvon Martin had been white, and Zimmerman was black, no way would these bigots be defending Zimmerman.

This is about race. It's always been about race.

Don’t even bother with them, Firefly…they have proven themselves not to be worth the effort.

I agree, Frank. They've turned this thread into complete trash. I'm perfectly happy to let them enjoy wallowing in their own garbage with each other.

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cicerone imposter
Wed 17 Jul, 2013 03:41 pm
You're blind too! You couldn't/wouldn't see the challenges that were available to the prosecution, because you've already made up your mind who is guilty.

You wouldn't understand "fairness" if it struck you in the head!

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