The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Frank Apisa
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 11:26 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:


If the person with whom you are debating or discussing says things that are patently racist...it is okay to shout "RACIST."

Although chances are the racist will attempt to respond by suggesting that using the term "racist" to describe a racist...is just the result of losing the debate.
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 11:48 am
@Frank Apisa,
It is just a clever tactic some of that type have used these last few years, it works unfortunately.
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 11:51 am
revelette wrote:

It is just a clever tactic some of that type have used these last few years, it works unfortunately.

"conservative rednecks are plotting to kill Obama because he is black and they cant deal with a black president!". no evidence of course, just a theory.
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Sun 24 Nov, 2013 11:51 am
You know, firefly, although that is funny, I find it kinda distasteful in the way it portrays Zimmerman's family members in particular his mother. As a I recall, she looks nothing like that. She was actually a nice looking older woman.
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Romeo Fabulini
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 11:58 am
Poor George Zimmerman, all the racists hate him for his mixed blood!

WIKI- "George Zimmerman is the son of Gladys (née Mesa) Zimmerman and Robert Zimmerman, Sr.
Gladys Zimmerman was born in Peru and has some black ancestry through her Afro-Peruvian maternal grandfather.
Robert Zimmerman, Sr. is an American of German descent
George Zimmerman's voter registration record lists him as a Hispanic"
Frank Apisa
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 11:59 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Poor George Zimmerman, all the racists hate him for his mixed blood!

WIKI- "George Zimmerman is the son of Gladys (née Mesa) Zimmerman and Robert Zimmerman, Sr.
Gladys Zimmerman was born in Peru and has some black ancestry through her Afro-Peruvian maternal grandfather.
Robert Zimmerman, Sr. is an American of German descent
George Zimmerman's voter registration record lists him as a Hispanic"

I guess that conclusively proves he is not a racist! Drunk
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 12:13 pm
@Frank Apisa,
He speaks for a miniscule minority of far right idiots, he doesn't even realise when he's lost the argument, which he did a long time ago.
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 12:15 pm
@Frank Apisa,
0 Replies
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 01:15 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I guess that conclusively proves he is not a racist! Drunk

That an a few millions dollars of tax payers fund spend by the FBI trying to find any indication that he had a racist bone in his body that fail to find such evident.

Or actions he had taken in his life such as defending a black homeland man and in fact raising hell that the police did not act to arrested the white son of a police officer who had beaten the homeland man.

Going to black churches to drum up support for justice for this black homeland person.

Mentoring fatherless black children!!!!!!!!

Having his prom date being a black lady and on and on and on.

No reason to think he had a racist bone in his body but it made a better story to have a white racist attacking a poor black child instead of a mixed race man defending himself against a hoodlum that just happen to be black.

Silliness on top of silliness.
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 01:24 pm
Silliness on top of silliness.

desperation to have fantasies ratified by reality, in this case the fantasy is black victimization. blacks are not doing well as a group, but it is mostly their own fault, and the situation will not change till blacks change.
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 01:50 pm
Blacks are not doing well as a group, but it is mostly their own fault, and the situation will not change till blackbs change.

Well that might be an overstatement however a large sector of the poor black community is not doing well with a murder rate and imprisonment rate out of sight compare to any other group in society.

An taking away all the homicides of blacks by racists or police or even everyone else that is not black would not change the fact that the leading cause of deaths of young black males is homicide and by other young black males.

Homicide being way down the list of the causes of deaths with all other groups of male teenagers not number one!!!!!!

It is not white racists or the police that black parents need to worry about primarily, concerning their black male teenagers but other black teenagers instead.

Too bad Sharpton and such low lives are not concern with dealing with the real problems of poor blacks in this society.
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Sun 24 Nov, 2013 01:56 pm
BA!!! At least as a result of me not realising it was a skit, I got to see thanksgiving at the Zimmermans Wink This place is light fun as well ...
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 02:11 pm
BA!!! At least as a result of me not realising it was a skit, I got to see thanksgiving at the Zimmermans Wink This place is light fun as well ...

Given that Zimmerman is not a public figure by this own actions not even giving interviews after the innocent verdict I should think he still had the same right to sue over such silliness as any other non-public figure.
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 02:48 pm
Given that Zimmerman is not a public figure by this own actions not even giving interviews after the innocent verdict I should think he still had the same right to sue over such silliness as any other non-public figure.
i have a huge problem with the current practice of policing humor for unwanted speech, but that said I also have a problem with kicking a man when he is down assuming that we are not speaking of a public figure (aka one who has purposefully put themselves in the public eye). doing a skit on Zimmerman was in poor taste, and it should be considered thus no matter your politics.
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 02:54 pm
i have a huge problem with the current practice of policing humor for unwanted speech, but that said I also have a problem with kicking a man

Holding some citizen that is not a public figure by his or her own actions up for public ridicule for commerce gain should be punishable in my opinion no matter how must I support the first amendment.
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 03:01 pm
i have a huge problem with the current practice of policing humor for unwanted speech,
but that said I also have a problem with kicking a man
BillRM wrote:
Holding some citizen that is not a public figure by his or her own actions
up for public ridicule for commerce gain should be punishable
in my opinion no matter how must I support the first amendment.
How about defending logic from oral abuse in defective grammar??

I like to make an effort to retard the entropic decline of reason
in oral language; e.g., if someone says:
"there 's (or there is) 3 dogs making noise" instead of there are 3 dogs . . .

0 Replies
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 03:54 pm
Or famous people. They are taunted all the time don't you think? Once you are in the limelight for what ever reason, it's open slather.

What point you make however, is that if Zimmerman is a nutter, in-secure, has anger problems, all these cartoons and the likes could tip him over the edge..
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 04:40 pm
I 'm sorry that I missed this one, Firefly.
I did not mean to ignore your reply.

DAVID wrote:
Its really a nice thing to do, in terms of protecting your nabors from burglary.

firefly wrote:
Except there was no burglary,
Maybe that was the cause of the violence with which Zimmy was attacked.
Decedent got mad that Zimmy was interfering with his burglary.

firefly wrote:
nor any evidence a burglary was about to take place.
Well, Zimmy thought that he was taking
an INORDINATE degree of interest in the homes thereabout.

firefly wrote:
And, instead of "protecting his nabors",
he wound up menacingly [????] stalking and killing one of them,
How was his following menacing???
Was it because he called the police on the suspect??
What evidence do u have that Zimmy was menacing??
In regard to his having killed him, I believe that having his head
slammed on the street was a good reason for that; even just
his seating himself on Zimmy 's central body mass
and threatening further violence was justification.
The citizens of Florida are safe from that now.

firefly wrote:
who was a guest in his community, because of his impaired judgment and poor impulse control.
It seems to me that EVERYTHING that Zimmy did that nite was perfectly good and proper.
If Zimmy 's judgment and his impulse control were 1OOO times better,
then logically, he shud have done what he did that night.
1. He called the police on seeing a suspected burglar casing the houses.
2. To help the police, he followed that suspect for a short time.
3. When the suspect knocked him down and began slugging him
and beating his head on the cement, unlawfully shedding Zimmy's blood,
he shot him thereby ending the threat to himself and to any future victim.
(If I met him, I 'd suggest that he get a better gun; those little
9mm automatics are un-reliable. Trust in them is unjustified.)
As a new citizen of Florida, Zimmy has my gratitude.

I have already posted that I was in NY last summer.
In the middle of the night, I drove to one of my old naborhoods
from the 194Os. As I gazed upon it, remembering the (gone) familiar stores
in a spirit of nostalgia, I was confronted by a merchant, leaving his business.
I was in a soft ez mood, knowing that this may very well be
the very last time that I set eyes on the area, and seeing it thru
my memory, comparing n contrasting. I was as mild as Perry Como.
That merchant was in NO danger. His head did not hit the cement.
All travon had to do was BE NICE. His death directly resulted from
conduct inconsistent with niceness. It did.

firefly wrote:
And he has continued to display impaired judgment and poor impulse control,
particularly when it comes to guns....except now it's against white women,
who he has been terrorizing with his threats of gun use.
As far as I know,
these are all naked accusations, un-proven. Maybe u have proof
that I don 't know about.

firefly wrote:
And now he's the one accused of stealing someone's property--his mother-in-law has alleged
he stole $4000+ worth of property from the home he rented from her,
in addition to defacing the interior of the home.
Anyone can accuse anyone of anything.

firefly wrote:
And even a Chief of Police considers this man a significant threat to the community.
Every other living citizen might possibly harm the community; sometimes thay do.
That 's just part of life on Earth.
Does anyone 's rights depend upon the admiration of the police, or their chief ?

firefly wrote:
I don't think "Zimmy" will be up for any good citizen awards in the foreseeable future...
Agreed, but his anti-burglary patrol was a very kind and generous
thing for him to do freely with no recompense.
(Because of my laziness added to the fact that my gated community
has no complaints of burglary whatsoever) I 'd not join in this myself,
but if naborhoods across America took up strolling patrols of homeowners at nite,
burglars wud be very frustrated; thay wanna work in privacy.
Is it wise to accomodate them ?

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Sun 24 Nov, 2013 04:57 pm
firefly wrote:

If someone DOES that,
its because he 's confident that the others are un-armed;
otherwise thay 'd all draw on him, in defense of the situation.
The little girl wud have his left flank (wide open) n thay 'd close the books on him.
"An armed society is a POLITE society." (Think Samurai.)

0 Replies
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 05:09 pm
That an a few millions dollars of tax payers fund spend by the FBI trying to find any indication that he had a racist bone in his body that fail to find such evident...No reason to think he had a racist bone in his body...

Your contention that there is "no reason to think he had a racist bone in his body" overlooks the fact that Zimmerman's friend, and chief media spokesperson, Frank Taaffe, is an out and out racist. And Zimmerman's brother, who has also been his other main media mouthpiece, has also made racist comments.

If Zimmerman is clearly not a racist, why would he allow racists--like his alleged close friend, and his brother, to be, not only defending him, but speaking for him, in the media.

Have you ever heard Zimmerman denounce the racist comments of either Taaffe or his brother--or try to distance himself from them?

George Zimmerman's Biggest Defender: A Racist With a Criminal Past

In April 2012, two days before George Zimmerman was arrested for the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, he huddled with a fellow neighborhood watch volunteer, Frank Taaffe. According to Taaffe, who disclosed the meeting on Fox News, Zimmerman asked him to share "several talking points" with the media. Taaffe obliged. Indeed, as Zimmerman's legal drama unfolded over the next year and a half, Taaffe emerged as his most visible and outspoken defender. He gave hundreds of interviews to media outlets, ranging from the New York Times to Fox News to CNN, and made near-daily appearances on cable news shows during Zimmerman's trial.

Taaffe used this platform to cast Martin as a drug-addled hoodlum and Zimmerman as a community-minded do-gooder ("the best neighbor you would want to have") who had every reason to suspect the black teen was up to mischief. He also railed against Zimmerman's critics, whom he accused of staging a witch hunt. "It's really sad that he has already been convicted in the public media and has already been sentenced to the gas chamber," he lamented in an interview with NBC's Miami affiliate last year.

Taaffe was hardly the ideal person to be weighing in on a case suffused with racial angst—or commenting on criminal-justice matters, period. A Mother Jones investigation has found that the 56-year-old New York native has a lengthy criminal record that includes charges of domestic violence and burglary, and a history of airing virulently racist views. Just last Sunday, he appeared on The White Voice, a weekly podcast hosted by a man named Joe Adams, who has deep, long-standing ties to white-power groups and has authored a manual called Save The White People Handbook. (Sample quote: "A mutt makes a great pet and a mulatto makes a great slave.")
During a previous White Voice appearance, on July 27, Taaffe argued that whites and blacks have no business mingling. ("They don't want to be with us and we don't want to be with them.") Taaffe also opined that if Zimmerman had racially profiled Martin, he was justified in doing so because "young black males" had burglarized homes in their neighborhood...

Taaffe's private Twitter feed (@pinsones) also reeks of racial animus. In one tweet, he bashed Michael Skolnik, who directs hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons' political operations, saying "how much nigga cock do u suck an one day or maybe u like it pounded up ur hebe ass." In another he wrote, "the only time a black life is validated is when a white person kills them."

And, then, of course, there is Robert Zimmerman, Jr., George's brother, and other chief media spokesperson, who also put forth racial crap via Twitter.
Reporter Says Robert Zimmerman ‘Agreed’ His Tweets About Trayvon Were ‘Racist In Nature’
by Tommy Christopher
June 10th, 2013

In the run-up to George Zimmerman‘s trial for the murder of refreshment-toting teenager Trayvon Martin, the defendant’s brother came under fire for a series of racist tweets comparing the victim with a murder suspect, and positing that people have good reason to think that “blacks might b risky.”

At an otherwise predictable press conference Monday morning, a reporter prefaced a question for Robert Zimmerman, Jr., by saying that she and Zimmerman had “discussed and agreed” that the tweets were “racist in nature.”

“I asked you yesterday, and I’m asking again,” the reporter said. “Do you find that during the trial, when you let out your own Twitters that were, as we discussed and agreed, were racist in nature, aren’t you fueling the fire?”

To be fair, Zimmerman’s tweets weren’t just racist in nature, they were racist in captivity, or in any other setting. In case you missed it, in late March, Zimmerman, Jr. repeatedly tweeted a photo comparison of Trayvon Martin and De’Marquise Elkins, the 17 year-old who has been detained in the murder of a Georgia infant. Both pictures feature the young men flipping the middle finger at the camera, with the caption “A picture speaks a thousand words…Any questions?”

He also posted several tweets that explicitly made the point that “blacks” are worthy of others’ fear, including one that read “Lib media shld ask if what these2 black teens did 2 a woman&baby is the reason ppl think blacks mightB risky,” and another which said “POTUS spoke of his Mom acting like a “typical” white woman when encountering blacks. The fate of Sherry West might B why.”

For several days thereafter, Zimmerman tried to reframe his racist tweets as media criticism (whilebasking in the support of fellow twitterers), before finally issuing an apology of sorts, tweeting “I’m sincerely sorry my tweet offended many – I made a serious error in judgment abt the way it wld convey & understand why it is offensive.”

When pressed about the tweets today, though, Zimmerman denied having agreed they were racist, telling the reporter “I did not discuss, nor agree, to that.”

For what it’s worth, his brother’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, pretty much did. In a March interview with CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, O’Brien pressed O’Mara about the tweets. “I thought what he was saying was, like, here’s one black thug, here’s another black thug,” Soledad said, “one of them being Trayvon Martin, and let’s connect the two of them when actually in real life they’re just connected because they’re both teenage boys and they’re both black.”

O’Mara agreed. “The only real connection we know about is they have black skin, and they have middle fingers,” he said, adding “Not the connection to make in a very, very serious conversation.”

Asked if he was worried about the effects of Robert’s tweets, O’Mara said “Certainly, when a family member from my client says something that comes across as insensitive, if not much, much worse, is going to have an effect, and now we have to deal with it.”

Perhaps because the two chief media spokespeople for Zimmerman have both made racist comments, or voiced racially-biased attitudes, and he made no attempt to silence either of them, or to make it clear he did not share such views, or that they did not speak for him in that regard, it is not at all clear that there is "No reason to think he had a racist bone in his body."

And, let's not forget Zimmerman's mother and her views about blacks...
Witness 9 first made an anonymous call to law enforcement and shortly thereafter met with investigators with the State Attorney’s Office....

“I was afraid that he may have done something because the kid was black,” the witness told investigators. “Because growing up they’ve always made, him and his family have always made statements that they don’t like black people if they don’t act like white people. They like black people if they act white and other than that, they talk a lot of bad things about black people.”

The woman said that Zimmerman’s Peruvian mother was among the more boastfully racist of the clan.

“His mother protested it very loud,” the woman said. During one incident, the woman said that Zimmerman’s mother had come to the witness’s workplace, and during a discussion about President Obama, made it clear how she felt about him and his ethnicity.

“I don’t like Obama,” the woman claimed Zimmerman’s mother stated. “She said, ‘because he is black and I am a racist.’”

“I have a black girl that works right behind me and I’m like, what, are you just, let’s go, and I kind of just swept her in the back,” the woman recalled. “I can’t believe that she stood there so loud and proud and said that she was a racist.”

This is your evidence Zimmerman isn't a racist?
Or actions he had taken in his life such as defending a black homeland man and in fact raising hell that the police did not act to arrested the white son of a police officer who had beaten the homeland man.

Going to black churches to drum up support for justice for this black homeland person.

That whole story appears to be bullshit. But that didn't stop Zimmerman's father from repeating it in the e-book he wrote blasting blacks for being racist. Zimmerman Sr. seems to have as little regard for the truth as his son George.
In the e-book, Zimmerman Sr. repeats the claim, previously made by the Zimmerman family, that George Zimmerman was “in large part” responsible for the arrest of Justin Collison, the son of a Sanford Police lieutenant who was caught on cell phone video in December 2010, punching a black homeless man, Sherman Ware, in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. Zimmerman revives the claim that George Zimmerman “contacted the local NAACP to inquire about what could be done” but was “informed by the NAACP that they lacked any resources whatsoever to assist” and that after that, George and Shellie Zimmerman handed out flyers at local churches calling for Collison’s arrest.

“In large part due to George’s efforts, the young man was ultimately charged with the assault,” Zimmerman writes.

Ware’s sister, Tonnetta Foster, told theGrio in April 2012 that she had never heard of George Zimmerman before the Trayvon Martin shooting. TheGrio also interviewed several black pastors in Sanford, including the pastors of the three of the largest black churches in Sanford, one of which is located four blocks from where the Ware incident took place, and none could recall ever meeting George or Shellie Zimmerman, or seeing them distribute flyers at their churches, or knowing who he was prior to the shooting. Collison was arrested in December 2010 after video of the assault leaked on Youtube, prompting a public outcry. The then Sanford police chief, Brian Tooley, retired early after the Sanford commission voted to relieve him of his duties on the same day Collison surrendered to police...

Asked to respond to the Ware story, Clayton (President of the Sanford NAACP) said of George Zimmerman: “never heard of him before until this incident with Trayvon. Never heard of him, never heard from him.”

So, your "evidence" that Zimmerman isn't a racist, based on that story of the homeless man, just doesn't hold up.

Well, maybe Zimmerman is the only one in his family who isn't a liar or a racist, and maybe he likes a racist friend as his spokesman, but doesn't share his attitudes, anything is possible...but it's also possible that Zimmerman's chief media mouthpieces are reflecting attitudes that might have gone through his mind when he spotted Trayvon Martin that night. And that's why investigating that possibility is hardly "Silliness on top of silliness."
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