The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Sat 23 Nov, 2013 06:10 pm
Also, in terms of Zimmerman's vindictiveness toward women, one of the things his current girlfriend allegedly told a reporter about was particularly disturbing.

The gf said she and Zimmerman had made videos of their "intimate" interactions. And, when she first told Zimmerman she wanted to break up with him, he, quite inappropriately, texted her daughter a still image from one of those videos. Rolling Eyes

And, the day she called 911 was not the first time Zimmerman had thrown her out of her own house.

She seems to have been trying to break-up with him for quite some time, but she couldn't get him to leave her home, she couldn't get him to see a psychiatrist, and she was fearful of him, but didn't know how to deal with the situation. Allegedly that's why she was texting with a reporter, telling him about the situation, for at least 3 weeks before the incident that led to Zimmerman's arrest. She was, allegedly, trying to get help, for both Zimmerman and herself, by doing that.
Sat 23 Nov, 2013 06:37 pm
I often don't capitalize what I was taught to in - when was it - probably 4th grade. I even don't capitalize countries sometimes, which I gather is really stretching the bounds of conformity and I may like the countries as I type. I do capitalize countries and similar hallowed compilations when the whole thread is fairly formal. I do know how.

On Hawkeye, I've agreed with him sometimes over the years or at least get his viewpoint sometimes, but mostly greatly not. Grammar attacking I take as a weakness and a lot of us do it.

On Zimmerman, I see him acting out a play yet to be written.

On his affect - does that change if cameras are on or not? I don't pay enough attention to know that.
0 Replies
Sat 23 Nov, 2013 06:49 pm
Since I wrote my last post I learned a lot, aggh, re his electricity act to his mother. I'm not trying to defend him, I'm trying to understand.
On him claiming father to be more than he was, that is probably what he felt. Not the only one who feels like that on this green or white earth, but probably pertinent.
Sat 23 Nov, 2013 07:55 pm
On him claiming father to be more than he was, that is probably what he felt. Not the only one who feels like that on this green or white earth, but probably pertinent.


Seem like once more the Zimmerman haters are making a mountain out of a mole hill in him using the term judge instead of magistrate for his father position in the legal system of VA.



“Robert J. Zimmerman served as a full-time magistrate from 2000-2006. Please be advised that in Virginia magistrates are judicial officers, but they are not considered "judges" and do not possess trial jurisdiction. More detailed information on the role of the magistrate in Virginia is available on Virginia's Judicial System Website .”

Read more: http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/crime/zimmerman-dad-worked-as-magistrate#ixzz2lWVrpgJ3



In many instances, a citizen's first contact with Virginia’s Judicial System comes through the office of the Magistrate. A principal function of the magistrate is to provide an independent, unbiased review of complaints of criminal conduct brought to the office by law enforcement or the general public. Magistrate duties include issuing various types of processes such as arrest warrants, summonses, bonds, search warrants, subpoenas, and certain civil warrants. Magistrates also conduct bail hearings in instances in which an individual is arrested on a warrant charging him or her with a criminal offense. Magistrates provide services on an around-the-clock basis, conducting hearings in person or through the use of videoconferencing systems.
Sat 23 Nov, 2013 08:02 pm
Sat 23 Nov, 2013 08:09 pm
Snort. I got spelling confused while typing.

Sat 23 Nov, 2013 08:24 pm

You poor baby you.............
0 Replies
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 12:09 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
I hope that he wins the Mega Millions Lottery for a really BIG PRIZE!
That shud cheer him up, don t ya think, Firefly?? Can we agree on that ?

Didn't they just change Mega Millions to make it a whole lot harder to win the top two prize tiers? (Something about expanding the "five white balls" to range from 1 to 75 I think?)

Of course when someone does eventually win, that will probably mean that the jackpot will have already rolled over a gazillion times, leading to a massive payout.
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 12:09 am

But, Zimmerman's Father, purely worked for the Courts right? I can't recall his role but I did read where Zimmerman "claimed" that his Father, was a Judge...

I have a feeling there is a whole lot of hatred for his Father, that he was put down as a looser in life, the mere fact that he has been accused of hitting his Father-In-Law, (male) suggests that and off course from there no respect for anyone, including women... No gender statement here.

Speculation is for lynch mobs.
0 Replies
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 12:45 am
ossobuco wrote:
Snort. I got spelling confused while typing.
U might consider going FONETIC; the Spanish need not concern themselves with spelling.

0 Replies
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 12:54 am


But, Zimmerman's Father, purely worked for the Courts right?
I can't recall his role but I did read where Zimmerman "claimed" that his Father, was a Judge...
His father testified that he was a bailiff.
Zimmy did not contradict his father.

I have a feeling there is a whole lot of hatred for his Father,
What was the source of that "feeling" ?

that he was put down as a looser in life,
the mere fact that he has been accused of hitting his Father-In-Law,
(male) suggests that
Are u in BETTER control
concerning what people accuse U of, than Zimmy is???


Sun 24 Nov, 2013 01:48 am
Osso wrote " Acting out a play yet to be written".. Most serial killers do exactly that, they don't care if they are eventually caught but it all has to be their way, once they get away with something "once"... I like that thinking... Though he is writing it "in my opinion".

Orolloy - Speculation (wrong word) my apology, I wish my time was 24/7 here, but it's not. It mean't I can't recall if he said his Father was a Judge, Firefly confirmed that, he did state that but the record was put straight, he was more of a Justice of Peace a very different role.

Firefly - I agree, if your Father wanted you to be someone better than him, and lets face it, it's probably and possible that his Father went to law school and wanted to be a Judge, then it's probable and possible that he was in-deed put down over and over and again when he was rejected into the Police Department how would that pan out with his Father? The old school way of teaching was never to encourage it was to deflate so you would get mad and make something of yourself to show "them", "him" / "her" ... If you don't have a mind of your own and allow those judgements to affect you.

I can see your stance, on depression over not just not becoming a Police Officer or not becoming a Judge, and appearing to your "Father" as a loser the next best thing is to go out with a bang eventually when ready, and be famous that's the thing isn't it? Being someone.

OmSigDavid, long time no speak. I don't hate my Father, I love him to death, (no punt intended) so there is no source in that regard. I have a passion for Criminal Minds and have read 50 odd books over the years on true crime and for the most part it stems from the childhood. Actually, I can't recall once where it didn't including the likes of Ted Bundy, a will to be someone. Through being put down. Am I in a better control concerning what people accuse me of? Absolutely. I am my own person, I like who I am I don't care what people think of me, accuse me of, in fact I feel sorry for them because if they have to do that, then what is missing in their life.. Nothing bothers me.

To keep Zimmerman under control, they put a tracking device on him. They pull up a live feed of his movements which show Zimmerman going to a gun store ('not so good,' says Moynihan) before moving onto a liquor store ('not great') and then back to the gun store ('I should probably go').

We know about the tracking device and why they put it on him. This is disturbing though, since he has rebelled going into a gun store, then a liquor store, then back to the gun store, bating the police I think. Seriously, you are constantly being accused of things so you do things that make it look like they are right after all. And Hawkeye you say he is not looking for attention?

Kate McKinnon's Schiebe is still in very much in love with Zimmerman, and gushes about what drew her to the reviled man, saying she has a thing for bad boys and loves it 'when a man's features looks like they're being vacuumed right to the center of his face'.

She announces that George wants a shotgun wedding - in that he's getting married to his shotgun.

Morgan's segment finishes with an interview of one person who is especially angered by Zimmermans's continued presence in the media.

Men's Warehouse founder George Zimmer is tired of the first two-thirds of his name being dragged through the mud.

Zimmer says he has to continually correct people that his name is not George Zimmerman, it's 'George Zimmer, man'.

'I don't like the way he's making me look, I guarantee it,' Zimmer said, echoing his famous catchphrase: 'You're going to like the way you look, I guarantee it.'

It sounds to me that the girlfriend is in-secure and sees Zimmer (Smile) as a strength to work with on herself, for herself but what Zimmerman just said?
Zimmer, man.... says a lot in itself.

This information is 14 minutes old.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2512642/SNL-responds-George-Zimmermans-recent-arrest-Piers-Morgan-interview-overworked-Florida-police-chief.html#ixzz2lXyOi6X8
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Sun 24 Nov, 2013 01:57 am
The gf said she and Zimmerman had made videos of their "intimate" interactions. And, when she first told Zimmerman she wanted to break up with him, he, quite inappropriately, texted her daughter a still image from one of those videos

After reading the latest that she likes "bad boys" I have to say that she would have done that just on the bad boy side, without thinking. But what he did in my opinion, is selfish, evil and he's not all together there, can't imagine how old the daughter is but I can see him snigger after getting angry.. He's a loose cannon waiting to explode .........

I'm not so sure Firefly. She would be an attention seeker herself I think and I'm not sure that she is not in-secure I mean this "bad boy thing" at her age. But I do think that even if you are in a relationship that is wrong, that you think is right, when it is your home regardless and you want someone to leave and they don't then you do look for help and in this case, as she has reporters etc, that part could be the case.. It's a bit mixed with her. My thoughts that is.

He's a nutter irrespective and we are going to see something horrid shortly I'm convinced.

Sun 24 Nov, 2013 02:26 am
but what Zimmerman just said?
Zimmer, man.... says a lot in itself.

Stand corrected, two different people...
0 Replies
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 02:30 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
I hope that he wins the Mega Millions Lottery for a really BIG PRIZE!
That shud cheer him up, don t ya think, Firefly?? Can we agree on that ?
oralloy wrote:
Didn't they just change Mega Millions to make it a whole lot harder to win the top two prize tiers?
(Something about expanding the "five white balls" to range from 1 to 75 I think?)
Of course when someone does eventually win,
that will probably mean that the jackpot will have already rolled over
a gazillion times, leading to a massive payout.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 06:17 am
izzythepush wrote:

Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Just to clarify- here in Britain, people only use words like "nigrah" or "nigger"

Just to clarify, here in Britain racists use words like "nigrah" or "nigger."

Thank you for that, Izzy. I was hoping one of the Brits would respond to that bizarre post of Romeo's.
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 06:41 am
It is starting to look as if pretending we are not racists, despite the obvious advantages of the pose, being seen as being very good being the main one, is showing signs of political incoherence. However deplorable.
0 Replies
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 08:40 am
After reading the latest that she likes "bad boys"...

No, FS, Samantha Schiebe never said she likes "bad boys". The article you read that in, referred to a skit in a comedy program on U.S. TV that was broadcast last night. You probably didn't realize that.

The satirical skit mocked Zimmerman, the girlfriend, the police chief, Piers Morgan, etc. It was on the program Saturday Night Live (SNL).
This weekend's "Saturday Night Live" opened with a sketch mocking George Zimmerman and his latest arrest.

In the opening segment, Zimmerman's girlfriend appears on "Piers Morgan Live" and tells the "tiny little fool of news" that she's "a sucker for bad boys and I love it when a man's features look like they're being vacuumed to the center of his face."

"Plus, I'm kinky and he loves to role play in the bedroom," she adds. "We do this one where I pretend I'm a sexy French maid who wanders onto his property, and he's a man who has every right to defend himself."


You can see a video of the skit at this site...

I watched it last night. It gave me a laugh.

The real Samantha Scheibe has very little to say about Zimmerman that is funny.
George Zimmerman has been depressed and lashing out over the past few months, and his girlfriend fears for her life.

That's what Samantha Scheibe and her mother, Hope Mason, have been telling WKMG over the past three weeks, in exclusive interviews posted Wednesday.

The yet-unsubstantiated claims were published just days after Scheibe called 911 from her Florida home to report that Zimmerman was pointing a shotgun in her face and ultimately pushed her outside.

Scheibe said her relationship to Zimmerman started to decay soon after they started dating. The two rekindled an old relationship shortly after Zimmerman's wife, Shellie, filed for divorce in September. By October, Scheibe says she feared Zimmerman and demanded that he seek professional help for his "depression."

"She’s scared is the bottom line," her mother told WKMG.

0 Replies
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 09:50 am
Romeo Fabulini
Sun 24 Nov, 2013 11:16 am

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