The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Fri 22 Nov, 2013 02:39 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
It 'd be interesting to see how thay 'd
handle a personal self defense situation, e.g. a violent mugging,
if a weapon became available.

A socialist-pacifist friend of mine said that he 'd assume a fetal position.

I've had liberals claim that pepper spray and stun guns/tasers are just as unacceptable (in their view) for civilian self defense as a gun is. But they seem to like the idea of little "car alarm" like devices that are carried on one's person and set off in case of attack.

Assuming a fetal position would not do much good against a hungry black bear. Neither would a portable alarm.
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 04:48 am
oralloy wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:
It 'd be interesting to see how thay 'd
handle a personal self defense situation, e.g. a violent mugging,
if a weapon became available.

A socialist-pacifist friend of mine said that he 'd assume a fetal position.

I've had liberals claim that pepper spray and stun guns/tasers
are just as unacceptable (in their view) for civilian self defense as a gun is.
In my vu, those things dont work
and do not deserve our confidence.

I saw a police display of an officer charging another officer
who shot him directly in the face with pepper spray, ineffectively.
The aggressor successfully got to the defender with the spray
and used his fake knife, for demonstrative purposes.

0 Replies
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 05:07 am
The one who needed a gun for self-defense that February night was Trayvon Martin.

He needed it to protect him from an emotionally disturbed, and armed, self-styled vigilante, who, angered by the sight of an unfamiliar black kid in his housing enclave, doing nothing more than walking around talking on a cell phone, became obsessed with the need to hunt this "f---ing punk" down, and who stalked him in the dark until he brought about a confrontation that left that unarmed kid dead.

And that same emotionally disturbed man, who is now charged with additional crimes, has continued to provoke and threaten people with his guns.

Thank goodness, that, as a condition of his current bail, he had to surrender his gun collection and has been ordered to keep away from guns...hopefully that will help to keep people a little safer from George Zimmerman.
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 05:17 am
Why Black Folks Tend to Shout
What to make of a third violent incident involving the man who killed Trayvon Martin

by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Nov 19 2013

Very few black people were shocked by the lamentable return of George Zimmerman to the headlines:

Mr. Zimmerman, 30, was charged with domestic aggravated assault, domestic battery and criminal mischief after he and his girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe, had an argument at their home in Apopka, northwest of Orlando, said Chief Deputy Sheriff Dennis Lemma of Seminole County. Ms. Scheibe told investigators that she had asked Mr. Zimmerman to leave the residence, and that he had begun packing his belongings, including two firearms, before growing agitated and turning violent.

Deputy Lemma said that Mr. Zimmerman had “broken a table and, at one point, pointed a long-barreled shotgun” at Ms. Scheibe, who said he had aimed at her for about a minute. Later in the altercation, the authorities said, Mr. Zimmerman forced Ms. Scheibe, who was uninjured, out of the home before obstructing a doorway with furniture.

“He just pushed me out of my house and locked me out,” Ms. Scheibe told a 911 dispatcher.

Zimmerman has a somewhat different version of events:

In his own 911 call before the deputies entered the home, Mr. Zimmerman said that Ms. Scheibe was pregnant with his child and that he wanted “everyone to know the truth” about Monday’s episode.

“I never pulled a firearm. I never displayed it,” he said. “When I was packing it, I’m sure she saw it. I mean, we keep it next to the bed.”

He also said Ms. Scheibe was responsible for the broken table when she started “smashing stuff, taking stuff that belonged to me, throwing it outside, throwing it out of her room, throwing it all over the house.”

It may well be true that, against all his strivings, trouble stalks George Zimmerman. It may be true that George Zimmerman never pointed a shotgun at his girlfriend's face. That Ms. Scheibe smashed a table, took his stuff, started throwing it and then called 911 on herself. That she was simply being poetic when she said "you pointed your gun in my freaking face and told me get the **** out" and then added "he knows how to do this. He knows how to play this game."

And it may be true that in September when Zimmerman's estranged wife, Shelly Zimmerman, claimed that he had punched her father and threatened them with a gun she was embellishing*. That when she called 911 and said "I'm really afraid. I don't know what he's capable of. I'm really scared," she was suffering some form of hallucination. That Zimmerman had not smashed his wife's iPad. That it was his wife that assaulted him with it. That Shelly's father had challenged Zimmerman to a fight.

And it may well be true that Trayvon Martin was empowered by a heretofore unknown strain of marijuana which confers super strength. That in a fit of Negroid rage, a boy with no criminal history decided to ambush a hapless neighborhood watchman. That the boy told Zimmerman, "You gonna die tonight, ************," punched him, banged his head against the concrete repeatedly and then reached for his gun. That in killing the boy, Zimmerman rid the world of a gun-runner and drug dealer.

And it may well be that George Zimmerman is yet another victim of the nefarious forces of black privilege. That he is helpless against the hordes of hyper-violent blacks, crazed women and the machinations of Eric Holder. That George Zimmerman continuing to live armed is evidence of sane public policy and a polite society.

Only God knows what George Zimmerman did on that rainy night in Sanford. God is not in the habit of talking—because we are not in the habit of listening.
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 07:00 am
firefly wrote:
The one who needed a gun for self-defense that February night was Trayvon Martin.
That makes no sense.
Y not just be pleasant?? That 's what I 'd have done in his place.

firefly wrote:
He needed it to protect him from an emotionally disturbed, and armed, self-styled vigilante, who, angered by the sight of an unfamiliar black kid in his housing enclave, doing nothing more than walking around talking on a cell phone, became obsessed with the need to hunt this "f---ing punk" down, and who stalked him in the dark until he brought about a confrontation that left that unarmed kid dead.
Assuming that 's what happened, its perfectly proper.
There is nothing rong with "stalking him in the dark" as u put it.
That 's not illegal, its not immoral, its not fattening.
Its really a nice thing to do, in terms of protecting your nabors from burglary.
Everything wud have been fine, if travon had been polite.
I believe that he wanted to brag about using his MMA "ground and pound" on a white.

firefly wrote:
And that same emotionally disturbed man, who is now charged with additional crimes,
has continued to provoke and threaten people with his guns.
(I notice that u r quick to judge Zimmy without a trial.)
However innocent or guilty of those matters he may be,
that had nothing to do with the fight that night.
When I was in NY in the middle of the night last summer, someone confronted me.
I was pleasant, in good spirits (of nostalgia) and all was peaceful.

firefly wrote:
Thank goodness, that, as a condition of his current bail,
he had to surrender his gun collection and has been ordered to keep away from guns...
I live in Florida; I don t feel safer.

firefly wrote:
hopefully that will help to keep people a little safer from George Zimmerman.
He is un-lawfully exposed to any vengeful blacks that want to attack him.
That is in violation of his Constitutional rights. It will be dramatic,
if a bunch of vindictive blacks kill a judicially un-armed Zimmy.

Fri 22 Nov, 2013 07:16 am
Very good article, lays it all out in a somewhat ironically satire form.
0 Replies
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 09:08 am
Its really a nice thing to do, in terms of protecting your nabors from burglary.

Except there was no burglary, nor any evidence a burglary was about to take place.

And, instead of "protecting his nabors", he wound up menacingly stalking and killing one of them, who was a guest in his community, because of his impaired judgment and poor impulse control.

And he has continued to display impaired judgment and poor impulse control, particularly when it comes to guns....except now it's against white women, who he has been terrorizing with his threats of gun use.

And now he's the one accused of stealing someone's property--his mother-in-law has alleged he stole $4000+ worth of property from the home he rented from her, in addition to defacing the interior of the home.

And even a Chief of Police considers this man a significant threat to the community.

I don't think "Zimmy" will be up for any good citizen awards in the foreseeable future...

Fri 22 Nov, 2013 09:30 am
oralloy says:
It is really despicable the way you thugs demonize the people that you lynch.

MontereyJack wrote:

you mean like the way you've consistently falsely demonized trayvon. like your bullshit claim he was doing PCP, or that he was going to rob the neighborhood if he wasn't apprehended, both are HYPOTHESES, and stupid ones at that, not supported by any actual facts. But that's what most of your arguments are.

MontereyJack, YOU ARE SIMPLY TERRIFIC! A Voice of sanity attempting to respond to a jackass who is simply too out of it to mentally grasp the essence of your comparison. Your message resonates with many long afterwards.
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 09:37 am
MontereyJack, YOU ARE SIMPLY TERRIFIC! A Voice of sanity attempting to respond to a jackass who is simply too out of it to mentally grasp the essence of your comparison. Your message resonates with many long afterwards.

Very astute and true. You couldn't have said that any better. http://www.triumphrat.net/images/smilies/ThumbsUp.gif
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 12:09 pm
Very astute and true. You couldn't have said that any better.

Coming from someone of your mental statue, I consider it a great compliment.

As regarding the out-of-touch poster, Oralloy, I must say I've never encountered a poster quite like him. Evidence of a diseased mind cannot be overlooked when he says "New born Italian babies should be ground into food for dogs to eat." That was said because Amanda Knox lost her first trial and placed in jail. Later he venomously trashes Amanda's family for wanting justice for their brutally murdered daughter.

Oralloy experiences great difficulty in distinguishing fantasy from reality. MonterreyJack tried to highlight the hypocrisy of the former's statement; unfortunately, the lights are out and no one is at home.
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 12:21 pm
all of this ass kissing and vilification going on brings back not so fond memories of middle school.

does anyone want to talk about the thread topic?
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 12:38 pm
does anyone want to talk about the thread topic?

We are--we seem to be headed for another The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial.

If he keeps getting arrested, this thread could go on forever, without ever having to change its title, and still remain current.
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 01:09 pm
does anyone want to talk about the thread topic?

Posters like hawkeye10 appear adverse to compliments given to others....Oh well, the world consists of many unhappy individuals unable to accept when some among them receive flattering remarks.

Now back to the thread before Hawkeye10 has another conniption.
0 Replies
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 01:20 pm
all of this ass kissing and vilification going on brings back not so fond memories of middle school.

does anyone want to talk about the thread topic?

0 Replies
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 01:38 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
As regarding the out-of-touch poster, Oralloy,

Says the clown who can't point out a single fact that I've ever been wrong about.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
That was said because Amanda Knox lost her first trial and placed in jail.

Your lack of morality and ethics makes you unable to understand why those of us who do have morals and ethics, object to atrocities.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Later he venomously trashes Amanda's family for wanting justice for their brutally murdered daughter.

You mean Kercher's family.

And stop lying. The Kercher scumbags have never shown the slightest interest in justice. All they've ever been interested in is sending innocent people to prison and stealing their money.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Oralloy experiences great difficulty in distinguishing fantasy from reality.

Says the clown who can't point out a single fact that I've ever been wrong about.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
MonterreyJack tried to highlight the hypocrisy of the former's statement;

The reason he failed was because he was wrong on every single one of his attempted facts.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
unfortunately, the lights are out and no one is at home.

Says the clown who can't point out a single fact that I've ever been wrong about.
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 02:02 pm
Your lack of morality and ethics makes you unable to understand why those of us who do have morals and ethics, object to atrocities.

That is what is the new norm. Get your head in the game.
0 Replies
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 05:04 pm
George Zimmerman: I pity the fool
November 21, 2013 10:52 PM
By Tony Norman / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The rage I used to feel toward George Zimmerman for the ease with which he manipulated Florida's incompetent criminal justice system has been replaced by something totally unexpected in recent days -- pity.

The man who convinced a jury that the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was something the victim brought on himself has apparently not had a moment's peace since his acquittal in August.

Since that day he walked out of court, he has been stopped for speeding by police on three separate occasions. He had a violent encounter with Shellie Zimmerman, his soon-to-be ex-wife, and her family. That incident allegedly involved punching her elderly father in the face, breaking the iPad with which she recorded the assault and menacing the family with a gun.

Quick intervention by the same legal team that got him acquitted for murder prevented his wife from filing assault charges, but she still went on a morning television show to voice doubts about her husband's innocence in the Martin killing. Like the juror who came forward to confess that she made a mistake going along with her peers in acquitting Mr. Zimmerman, Shellie Zimmerman insisted that recent events had "[taken] the blinders off" her eyes.

Mr. Zimmerman's post-acquittal tour of the gun manufacturing plant that produced the weapon he used to kill Martin wasn't considered too unseemly a victory lap by the amen corner cheering him on from the bowels of conservative talk radio at the time.

Short of shooting up a shopping mall, Mr. Zimmerman was on track to be the gun lobby's favorite Second Amendment poster boy in perpetuity. Unfortunately for him, the problem with being a symbol of gun-toting braggadocio in America is that it doesn't pay very well.

There wasn't much chance of an unemployed, failed neighborhood watch captain saddled with $2 million in legal bills and a pending civil suit of getting his own slot on Fox News. Still, if he played his cards right, he could've counted on popping up with some regularity on "Hannity" where his commentary on matters of "urban violence" wouldn't have been automatically giggled at.

Now even that opportunity for innocuous bloviating and an easy paycheck may have been lost. Recently, Mr. Zimmerman was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and domestic battery against Samantha Scheibe, his 27-year-old girlfriend whom he moved in with shortly after his acquittal. No, his divorce from Mrs. Zimmerman is not final yet, but thanks for asking.

Part of his angry exchange with Ms. Scheibe was caught on the 911 dispatcher's recording, including her allegation that he stuck a gun in her face even though he thought she was pregnant. It is Ms. Scheibe's contention that he also broke her furniture and shoved her out the front door of her own apartment. When the cops arrived, they found her outside. Initially, Mr. Zimmerman defied police orders to open the door. He called 911 to report that his girlfriend was "going crazy on me" and that the cops were pounding on the door and windows.

When the dispatcher suggested that he talk to the cops on the scene, he confessed he was in no hurry to do so. Knowing that his 911 call would be released to the media within hours, he was more interested in getting his side of the story out. After all, his advocates at Fox News would need fresh talking points now that the glow of his acquittal has worn off.

"He knows how to do it," Ms. Scheibe complained to the dispatcher. "He knows how to play the game." The game she was referring to was the criminal justice game that enabled him to beat the system as shamelessly as O.J. Simpson once did. Later, she would tell an interviewer that he also choked her once, but had never reported it. So much for the right-wing myth about Mr. Zimmerman's reluctance to use violence.

Mr. Zimmerman's call to 911 was not only diabolical, it was an ingenious refutation of everything Ms. Scheibe had told the cops. For being so composed, he was able to walk out of jail on a measly $9,000 bail bond. The judge ordered him to give up his shotgun, two handguns and an AR-15 assault rifle. He was also ordered to wear a monitoring device and to stay away from Ms. Scheibe. He was a free man again, though burdened with suicidal thoughts, according to Ms. Scheibe.

Amateur psychology suggests that all of Mr. Zimmerman's post-acquittal drama may be his way of trying to come clean for killing Martin. He may have wanted to be convicted, but he beat the system with a far-fetched defense and a gullible jury. Even so, there's a tiny part of him that still craves justice. The fact that Florida can't give it to him is what's so damn pitiful.

Romeo Fabulini
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 05:18 pm
It's irrelevant whether you're Attila the Hun or Billy Graham or anybody else, because if you're flat on your back with a nigrah sitting astride you pounding your head into the ground, you've got every right to defend yourself whether you're a saint or sinner..Smile
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 05:47 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
You think Billy Graham was virtuous do you?

He just wanted to avoid manual labour. It's quite understandable of course but it is not virtuous. And Atilla was not as bad as they say.
Fri 22 Nov, 2013 08:48 pm
spendius wrote:
You think Billy Graham was virtuous do you?

He just wanted to avoid manual labour.
It's quite understandable of course but it is not virtuous.
And Atilla was not as bad as they say.
Spendius is straining to make travon look good
(or at least better) than his bestial conduct.

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