The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Thu 14 Nov, 2013 08:45 pm
So, after permanently silencing the only direct witness who could testify to what happened before he fired his gun that night in the Twin Lakes housing complex, and after destroying evidence of his menacing and aggressive behaviors that led his wife to call 911, George Zimmerman once again evades punishment by destroying incriminating evidence against him.

He may not be so lucky the next time, and there will be a next time...
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 08:53 pm
i have a feeling shellie is lucky that this video can not be recovered, because it was she who was menacing him. she was not even supposed to be there. this woman has a long history now of over reacting, pulling out the camera to video her husband as if he is an evil doer is bad enough, but what did she say as she did it?
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 09:15 pm
i have a feeling shellie is lucky that this video can not be recovered, because it was she who was menacing him. she was not even supposed to be there.

You have been so consistently misinformed/uniformed regarding just about everything in this matter, you are making a fool of yourself. Not that that's unusual for you.

It was George who was not supposed to be there, and he had agreed not to be there in an exchange of e-mails. Shellie and her father had gone to remove her belongings and they wanted to avoid a confrontation with George. But, good old George showed up anyway, unannounced, and he provoked the entire incident.
this woman has a long history now of over reacting, pulling out the camera to video her husband as if he is an evil doer...

Really? When else has she recorded him in that way, or do you just make things up?

The Police Chief considers George to be the menace to the community....

The attempts to justify Zimmerman's behavior, since his acquittal, get more and more ludicrous. According to reports, Mark O'Mara could barely contain his anger toward Zimmerman when he showed up after the incident. Then he dumped him as a client...

O'Mara's a lot smarter than those trying to defend Zimmerman in this thread.

Thu 14 Nov, 2013 09:32 pm
It was George who was not supposed to be there, and he had agreed not to be there in an exchange of e-mails.
it has been awhile but my memory is that she had agreed to come the day before but did not and did not tell him that she was not coming, but then came the next day also without clearing this with him. given that he is the one who lived there that makes her the trespasser, the aggressor. if she was indeed taking things that they had not both agreed where hers as he claimed then she was wrong again.
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 10:34 pm
What happen is normal bullshit that occur far too often when there is a divorce no matter Firefly desire to make it far more then that.

An I agree with you that she is as likely or even more likely to be the one that is the most happy over the video not being able to be recover.

Take note she seems to be the one most unhappy over the break-up and who is constantly saying nasty things about him as he remain silent.
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 11:27 pm
Take note she seems to be the one most unhappy over the break-up
she has been pretty clear that George left her, though we dont have his side of the story because unlike her he is not airing the couples dirty laundry in public. based upon the bitch on wheels act she shows us though I think we have a pretty good idea about what happened.
0 Replies
Fri 15 Nov, 2013 12:09 am
it has been awhile but my memory is that she had agreed to come the day before but did not and did not tell him that she was not coming, but then came the next day also without clearing this with him...

Well, your memory is wrong.

He had agreed not to be there and then showed up unexpectedly.
given that he is the one who lived there that makes her the trespasser, the aggressor...

They had both lived there, in a house owned by her parents, and they were both moving out of it. She wasn't trespassing, she had a right to be there. She just hadn't wanted, or expected, George to show up. And, the kind of aggressive behavior George exhibited, was the reason she hadn't wanted him there at the same time she was there.

And it was George who apparently removed things that were not his from the house--he took over $4000 worth of property belonging to his in-laws according to the police report filed by his mother-in-law--and, in addition, he defaced the interior by leaving some sort of writing on the kitchen cabinets. The police said that is a civil matter, either a landlord/tenant issue, or a civil property matter, and Shellie's mother may pursue it in civil court.

So, in addition to his other sterling qualities, George Zimmerman appears to be a thief.

0 Replies
Fri 15 Nov, 2013 12:13 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

BillRM wrote:

David Firefly and her like live in an alternative reality from this one and no amount of facts or logic or evidence or jury verdict is going to change her reality that a smiling and innocent child was gun down for no reason at all on his way home other then racial hate.

You and David live in an alternate reality, Bill.

I used to feel sorry for both of you because of what you were saying with regard to this particular issue. Now I have come to realize that you actually think what you are saying actually makes sense...and I feel even sorrier for you.
Frank, do u believe that either Bill or I
have found a need to know about your private emotions?
Is your perceived sorrow HELPFUL or significant in some way??
Can I use it somehow??
I will re-iterate my belief that it will be very good for citizens
to follow burglars and to harass them on-the-job and to call 911 on them,
as Zimmy did. I 'd have been too busy and self-centered to bother.
I doubt that I 'd even have noticed; (I don't pay much attention).

U r a better man than I am, Zimmy,
(but your choice of defensive hardware cud use some work).

Bill, have u made good use of the announced sorrow
that Frank has manifested for us ??
I 've been therein remiss. My bad.

0 Replies
Fri 15 Nov, 2013 12:20 am
What happen is normal bullshit that occur far too often when there is a divorce...

You think it's "normal" for people to threaten the use of a gun in a divorce--particularly after they have already killed someone with a gun? Rolling Eyes

Well, since you, like George Zimmerman, have also had a restraining order filed against you, for domestic violence, maybe you do regard his actions as "normal" by your frame of reference.

The Lake Mary Chief of Police certainly doesn't regard George Zimmerman's actions as "normal" for someone going through a divorce. He regards Zimmerman as a danger to the community.

Fri 15 Nov, 2013 12:44 am
the lack of professionalism from The Lake Mary Chief of Police reminds me uncomfortably of the first couple of lawyers Zimmerman had, along with several state of Florida employees. i never realized how bad a swamp Florida is till this case came around.

the email exchange is here

i certainly think it is not proper for chiefs of police to be giving their personal opinion on cases investigating citizens. another thing that bother me is that this guy has this much time on his hands to be dicking around.
Fri 15 Nov, 2013 12:55 am
The Lake Mary Chief of Police reminds me uncomfortably of the first couple of lawyers Zimmerman had...

Yup, Zimmerman's first lawyers dumped him too because they regarded him as such a loose canon.

It's amazing how all these people, who've actually had contact with him, can clearly see what an unstable person Zimmerman is, and how impaired his impulse control and judgment is, but his supporters on this thread can't acknowledge it at all....
I never realized how bad a swamp Florida is...

Don't judge a whole state by the fact that people like BillRM and David live there...Laughing
Fri 15 Nov, 2013 10:58 am

Don't judge a whole state by the fact that people like BillRM and David live there...

Spot on, Firefly. There are individual aberrations in every state, country and ethnic group. By all discriminating accounts Zimmerman appear to be a ticking time bomb ready to explode with further disastrous consequences. He appear to be wound too tightly and filled with deep-rooted anger.
Fri 15 Nov, 2013 11:19 am
LOL well if he is now wound too tight it might be the results of charging the victim of a deadly assault with murder for daring to defend himself.

The poor man had been a victim of not only Trayvon but the news media and the government at both the state and federal level not to mention the thousands of death threats that the government is doing nothing about.

With a president that both I and Zimmerman voted for and supported IDing with the young hoodlum due to the hoodlum having a slightly darker skin color then the victim.

In this matter if there is a racist in this picture he is living in the white house and the head of the DOJ not Zimmerman.
Fri 15 Nov, 2013 11:42 am
LOL well if he is now wound too tight it might be the results of charging the victim of a deadly assault with murder for daring to defend himself.

That totally disregards the obvious fact he was "wound too tight" prior to the killing of Trayvon Martin...

He had been court-ordered to take anger management classes in order to avoid conviction for assaulting a law enforcement officer.

He was fired from a part-time job as a party security person for being "too aggressive",

He had a restraining order issued against him for domestic violence. His fiancée at the time also said he kept threatening suicide.

When he applied for training as a police officer, he was turned down for being an unsuitable applicant.

He was seeing a psychologist, and was on psychiatric medication, at the time he killed Trayvon Martin.

After a bad argument, his wife walked out on him the day before he killed Trayvon Martin.

If Zimmerman is a "victim" of anything, it's his own volatility, his impaired impulse control, and his poor judgment.

And, if he'd stop posing for pictures at gun factories, and stop having run-ins with the police (at least 4 times since his acquittal), and stop menacing his wife, the media would start ignoring him...
Fri 15 Nov, 2013 01:49 pm
you will get no argument out of me, I long ago concluded that this story is about two troubled males meeting one rainy night, with one if them ending up dead.
Fri 15 Nov, 2013 02:24 pm
you will get no argument out of me, I long ago concluded that this story is about two troubled males meeting one rainy night, with one if them ending up dead

Well in my opinion you are half right as Zimmerman an outstanding citizen was attacked by a very trouble young man on a criminal life path for some times before he met up with Zimmerman.
Fri 15 Nov, 2013 02:50 pm
I long ago concluded that this story is about two troubled males meeting one rainy night, with one if them ending up dead.

Except the one that was killed was a barely 17 year old high school junior, with some recent history of school related problems, more reflective of adolescence than anything else, and with no history of being "troubled".

And Zimmerman, the adult who killed him, had a history of legal entanglements, a history of aggressive acts, a history of running up considerable debt, a history of psychological treatment and treatment with psychiatric drugs, as well as a checkered employment history, marital difficulties and accusations that he had sexually abused his cousin. He certainly could be described as "troubled".

And they didn't just happen to meet that rainy night. The troubled, and armed, adult, in disregard of neighborhood watch rules, and police dispatcher advisement, stalked and menaced that teen, who was only walking home, through a dark gated community, because that adult couldn't control his own obsessions or impulses.

Trayon Martin is dead because he was erroneously profiled, and then stalked and confronted, by an unstable armed vigilant, who the detective on the case said had "a little hero complex", and whose impaired judgment created the conditions for a tragedy. This was a totally unnecessary and avoidable death, brought about because Zimmerman didn't have the self control to remain in his car...


All he was doing was walking home from the store, and trying to get there in time to watch a basketball game on TV.
Fri 15 Nov, 2013 03:09 pm
Then poor Zimmerman got hit by the perfect storm of a news media that was willing to put out falsehoods,by finding words in the 911 tape that was not in fact there and editing the tape out to the public for a better story, then people like Sharpton who had been earning his living for a generation or more now by trying to paint a far more racial picture of society then happen to exist now and of course the damn politicians who are not willing to do the hard things to help the black community but are more then willing to throw a mixed race Latin man to the wolves to look good to them.

Oh not to mention the anti-gun crowd who love the idea of selling a picture of a racist white man gunning down a poor black child.

0 Replies
Fri 15 Nov, 2013 03:29 pm
Zimmerman an outstanding citizen...

An outstanding citizen? Laughing What the hell are you smoking? Rolling Eyes

He was court-ordered to take anger management classes in order to avoid conviction for assaulting a law enforcement officer.

He was fired from a part-time job as a party security person for being "too aggressive",

He had a restraining order issued against him for domestic violence.

When he applied for training as a police officer, he was turned down for being an unsuitable applicant.

His cousin has accused him of sexually abusing her.

He engaged in an elaborate deceptive scheme, to conceal his assets and a second passport from the court, which would have allowed him to skip the country and avoid prosecution for the death of Trayvon Martin.

And, since his acquittal on murder charges...

He's had at least 3 traffic stops for disobeying traffic laws...

His menacing behavior toward his wife and father-in-law led to another encounter with the police, and he intentionally destroyed the evidence of his actions, that his wife had recorded on her iphone, by destroying the phone.

His mother-in-law filed a police report accusing him of stealing over $4000 worth of her property from the home he had rented from her, as well as defacing the kitchen cabinets in the home, and this matter may well wind up with a civil action against him.

A liar, a thief, a man with a history of aggressive and unlawful behaviors, even before committing a homicide, and who has continued in that same pattern since his acquittal, is your idea of an "outstanding citizen"?


0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 15 Nov, 2013 03:35 pm
firefly wrote:

I long ago concluded that this story is about two troubled males meeting one rainy night, with one if them ending up dead.

Except the one that was killed was a barely 17 year old high school junior, with some recent history of school related problems, more reflective of adolescence than anything else, and with no history of being "troubled".

And Zimmerman, the adult who killed him, had a history of legal entanglements, a history of aggressive acts, a history of running up considerable debt, a history of psychological treatment and treatment with psychiatric drugs, as well as a checkered employment history, marital difficulties and accusations that he had sexually abused his cousin. He certainly could be described as "troubled".

And they didn't just happen to meet that rainy night. The troubled, and armed, adult, in disregard of neighborhood watch rules, and police dispatcher advisement, stalked and menaced that teen, who was only walking home, through a dark gated community, because that adult couldn't control his own obsessions or impulses.

Trayon Martin is dead because he was erroneously profiled, and then stalked and confronted, by an unstable armed vigilant, who the detective on the case said had "a little hero complex", and whose impaired judgment created the conditions for a tragedy. This was a totally unnecessary and avoidable death, brought about because Zimmerman didn't have the self control to remain in his car...


All he was doing was walking home from the store, and trying to get there in time to watch a basketball game on TV.

Right on, Firefly.

More than likely, you will never get through to these people...but the fact that you refuse to concede to them in any way is super.

I honestly do not have the dedication on this issue to keep firing at them, but I appreciate the fact that you do. I am sure all of the people on this side of that fence are applauding you with every post.

I thank you.

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