The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Thu 14 Nov, 2013 09:25 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

There was however a witness of Trayvon being on top of Zimmerman
pounding away and Zimmerman wounds back that up.
firefly wrote:
No witness clearly saw what was happening.
Was THAT the trial testimony???
I don t remember a witness saying that he saw it happening, but not clearly.
Maybe I missed something or suffer memory failure. Will u be more specific ?


parados wrote:
Willful ignorance on your part David? Or perhaps you are going senile?
No one testified to what you claim.
R u losing your ability to read??
I posted in the negative (q.v.).
I did not "claim" something, as u falsely allege. Read it again.

Thu 14 Nov, 2013 12:39 pm
Was THAT the trial testimony???
I don t remember a witness saying that he saw it happening, but not clearly.
Maybe I missed something or suffer memory failure

You seem to have selective memory for everything about the trial--you fail to remember almost all of the evidence presented by the state at trial.

Because of that, I am of the impression that, throughout this entire thread, you have been commenting on a trial you never actually watched.

The prosecution did raise reasonable doubt about every aspect of Zimmerman's version of events, and the extent of his injuries. Had you watched the trial, you would likely be more familiar with the evidence they presented and the witness testimony which was given.
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 01:02 pm
Why wasn't there a conviction then? If the evidence was strong against Zimmerman why is he still free?

I can tell you why, the jury didn't believe the Prosecution. They didn't by what you call "reasonable doubt", because if they did Zimmerman would be in jail.

You guys are the ones posting sour grapes because you didn't get to put Zimmerman behind bars for what you see as unreasonable events. We are still waiting for the results of the DOJ investigation. With all the problems in the US and the DOJ is spending time and agents to find more dirt on Zimmerman. Talk about a waste of resources. It has been over a year and still no word. If they had found something by now they would have come forward.

No instead since they haven't found anything, they are waiting for Zimmerman to drop out of the news, so they can have their little press release about dropping the charges. We all know it is going to happen.
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 02:06 pm
Why wasn't there a conviction then? If the evidence was strong against Zimmerman why is he still free?

Because, under Florida law, any benefit of doubt regarding self-defense, must be given to the defendant.
I can tell you why, the jury didn't believe the Prosecution.

Does that include the juror who said that Zimmerman got away with murder? Rolling Eyes

At the start of deliberations, at least half the jury voted for either manslaughter or second degree murder--indicating they definitely did believe the prosecution's case.

In addition, the jury was poorly instructed regarding the manslaughter law because both jurors who have spoken out clearly misinterpreted or misunderstood the law. That would have hampered their ability to reach a compromise verdict of manslaughter. The jury was further confused by the judge adding Stand Your Ground language to the charging instructions, when this was not a SYG case.
You guys are the ones posting sour grapes because you didn't get to put Zimmerman behind bars...

It's not "sour grapes" to feel a miscarriage of justice occurred in this case. I'm in agreement with the juror who feels Zimmerman did get away with murder. That juror was the last holdout and she apparently caved to group pressure because everything she has said since indicates she is disturbed about that decision.

And all of Zimmerman's publicized actions, since his acquittal, continue to reveal him as a reckless individual with poor judgment and impulse control, exactly the same factors that led him to create the events that led to the shooting of Trayvon Martin. They reinforce the belief that he should have been convicted of manslaughter.

I do believe that he continues to pose a threat to the safety of others, and probably to himself as well. I think it's only a matter of time before he's arrested again, or winds up harming himself.
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 02:27 pm
I do believe that he continues to pose a threat to the safety of others, and probably to himself as well. I think it's only a matter of time before he's arrested again, or winds up harming himself.

Didn't he recently scare the carp out of his estranged wife and threatened to kill her?

I'm with you, that he will in-deed do something that will land him back in the Courts and someone else will suffer at his hands.
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 02:37 pm
Didn't he recently scare the carp out of his estranged wife and threatened to kill her?

I'm with you, that he will in-deed do something that will land him back in the Courts and someone else will suffer at his hands

If we would just take the words of a soon to be ex-wives who is being replaced by "better" models a hell of a lot of men would be in prison.
0 Replies
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 03:07 pm

In August 1927, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Katherine Ann Porter was among those good liberals protesting the impending execution of Nicolas Sacco and Bartolemeo Vanzetti for the murder of an Italian-American payroll clerk near Boston.

When Porter expressed her desire that the pair be saved, the hard-bitten Communist woman who organized the protest sneered, “Saved? Who wants them saved? What earthly good would they do us alive?”

With the Sacco and Vanzetti case, the Communist International introduced the concept of agitprop — agitation and propaganda — to the American system of justice. As George Zimmerman has learned the hard way, the Soviet Union may have collapsed, but its playbook lives on. “We had to march to even get a trial,” said agitprop maestro Al Sharpton, and right he was.

Although he would protest Zimmerman’s acquittal in the shooting death of seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin, Sharpton did so by rote. From the beginning, he and his allies asked only for an arrest. One can almost hear them say, “Convicted? Who wants Zimmerman convicted? What earthly good would he do us in prison?”

Convicted, Zimmerman might have dispelled the notion that “nothing has changed” in America and that every black mother’s son was a potential Emmett Till. “We can put a black man in the White House,” said Sharpton in full fury, “but we can’t walk a black child through a gated area in Sanford, Florida.” If America had changed, there would be no need for Al Sharpton. An acquittal had its uses.

The Democratic minions, however, were not aware of Sharpton’s game. They wanted Zimmerman convicted. The media had all but promised them his head. And they were shocked to not get it.

To pacify them, Attorney General Eric Holder continues to wave his Damoclean sword. A month ago, Holder told the media that the investigation into George Zimmerman was “ongoing,” government shutdown or no. The Department of Justice, he promised, would release information on the federal case against Zimmerman as soon as possible.

As Holder knows, however, and the media should have, there is even less of a federal case against Zimmerman than there was a state case. Zimmerman was an Obama supporter. He mentored black children. He took an active role in defending a black homeless man. The FBI cleared him of any thoughtcrime in July 2012 after a three-month investigation.

As long as Holder continues to threaten prosecution, however, Zimmerman cannot talk about the case. With Zimmerman silenced, the major media can continue to transform his every traffic stop and divorce squabble into proof of his capacity for evil. More importantly, with Zimmerman silenced, the media’s complicity with the White House in dragging this poor soul into a murder trial goes unmentioned.

The media have much to keep mum about. In one of the more imaginative contortions, CNN, employing its best fake science, interpreted an utterly unintelligible word muttered by Zimmerman on the dispatcher call as “coons.” Zimmerman did not even know the word “coons.” The prosecution settled on “punks.” The public remembered “coons.”

In another unholy bit, NBC surgically removed an intervening dispatcher question from Zimmerman’s call to have him say, ”This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.” Even the Washington Post described this edit as “high editorial malpractice.”

The most pervasive deception, of course, was the media’s relentless depiction of the deeply troubled, six-foot Martin as a cherubic pre-teen. As became clear in the trial, this perfidy confused even the eyewitnesses.

In an hour-long rehash of the case a few weeks back, CNN mercifully dropped the “coons” trope and served up instead a race-based smoothie of half-truths and oversights. Throughout, reporter David Mattingly stuck to the media knitting and assured the audience that Zimmerman might still face federal civil and or criminal charges.

In a similar vein, American writer Upton Sinclair stuck to his narrative on the Sacco and Vanzetti case even after Sacco’s ACLU attorney told him the truth about the pair. “The men were guilty,” Sinclair wrote to a friend, “and [the attorney] told me in every detail how he had framed a set of alibis for them. My wife is absolutely certain that if I tell what I believe, I will be called a traitor to the movement and may not live to finish the book.”

It was bad enough for Sinclair and his fellow travelers to plead for the guilty. It is altogether worse to plead against the innocent. Free George Zimmerman.

Jack Cashill is the author of the new book, If I Had A Son: Race, Guns, and the Railroading of George Zimmerman.

Thu 14 Nov, 2013 04:48 pm
the major media can continue to transform his every traffic stop and divorce squabble into proof of his capacity for evil....

Three traffic stops and having 8 police units respond to his wife's report of his provocatively menacing and aggressive actions, all within a short period of time, while not an indication "of his capacity for evil", certainly does indicate his poor capacity for functioning within the bounds of responsible and lawful behavior.

And lets not forget that his mother-in-law alleges he vandalized and stole property from her home, which he had been living in during the trial, before being asked to vacate it, and that matter may still wind up in civil court. And then there's the bullet-ridden target he left on the wall for his wife to find, when she returned home after giving interviews in which she said she feared what he might do to her...

His lawyer has dumped him, his wife, who had first walked out on him the day before he killed Trayvon Martin, just wants to keep away from him, his friends, who testified for his character at his trial, fear he has gone off the rails, and the Police Chief of Lake Mary, Florida, fears he is a risk to the community.

The media isn't "transforming" anything--they don't have to--people are drawing their own conclusions about what Zimmerman is like, based on his own behavior since his acquittal. And he had an arrest for assault, and a restraining order for domestic violence, even before he killed Martin.

It's fairly easy to connect the dots with him, and to see the picture they paint. And it's not a pretty picture.
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 04:59 pm
You mean the same wife who said she saw a gun, which caused the police to send so many cars, which she never saw and admitted that she never saw it. She lied to the police.

Thu 14 Nov, 2013 05:15 pm
You mean the same wife who said she saw a gun, which caused the police to send so many cars, which she never saw and admitted that she never saw it. She lied to the police.

No, she never lied, she never said she saw a gun, she said he assaulted her father (who did have some evidence of injury) and had made menacing gestures indicating he had a gun, and she feared what he might do. The police responded appropriately--particularly given his past history of having committed a homicide as well as assaults.

And Zimmerman did have a gun, that was admitted to, it was in his car (which the police never searched). Exactly when he put it in the car, and whether he was carrying it when he made those menacing gestures, was not made clear.

And Zimmerman destroyed his wife's iphone, which she alleged contained evidence of how he had been behaving. The police are apparently still trying to have that phone repaired to see if the evidence can be retrieved.

You just can't face the reality of what this man is like.

0 Replies
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 05:22 pm
You mean the same wife who said she saw a gun, which caused the police to send so many cars, which she never saw and admitted that she never saw it. She lied to the police.

I find it highly amusing that Firefly and her group attacked Zimmerman wife on this thread as a liar when she was acting in the role of a loyal wife but now she is the bitter soon to be ex-wife any anti Zimmerman comment of her should be taken at face value.

Thu 14 Nov, 2013 05:37 pm
This is going on longer than the Lola Thread, and she got remarried.
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 05:37 pm
This is going on longer than the Lola Thread, and she got remarried.
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 05:43 pm
I dont get it. If we were talking about our violent culture or fucked up legal system it would make sense, but all this yammering about one guy is the dictionary def of triviality. those practicing are likely practicing avoidance of something, or somethings.
0 Replies
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 05:43 pm
Farmerman please complain to Mr. Holder and the Firefly crowd that is hoping that something bad happen to Zimmerman and continue to try to paint the victim of Trayvon attack in a bad light.
0 Replies
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 05:44 pm
I find it highly amusing that Firefly and her group attacked Zimmerman wife on this thread as a liar when she was acting in the role of a loyal wife but now she is the bitter soon to be ex-wife any anti Zimmerman comment of her should be taken at face value.

I, in no way, condone Shellie Zimmerman's commission of perjury. But, unlike her husband, she takes full responsibility for her actions.

Zimmerman did have a gun with him the day Shellie placed that 911 call to the police--that was verified by the people who accompanied Zimmerman that day.

And there is videotape of Zimmerman destroying his wife's iphone.

And this photo was taken of Shellie's father after Zimmerman allegedly assaulted him.
David Dean, Shellie Zimmerman's father, sustained a cut nose in the altercation.

And the police are in possession of the bullet-ridden target that Zimmerman left on the wall for his wife to find.

So, Shellie Zimmerman's comments are not just being taken "at face value."

And it's George Zimmerman, himself, who continues to paint that very unflattering picture of himself. It's a self portrait.

Thu 14 Nov, 2013 05:52 pm
Zimmerman did have a gun with him the day Shellie placed that 911 call to the police--that was verified by the people who accompanied Zimmerman that day.

And there is videotape of Zimmerman destroying his wife's iphone.

And this photo was taken of Shellie's father after Zimmerman allegedly assaulted him.

David Dean, Shellie Zimmerman's father, sustained a cut nose in the altercation.

And the police are in possession of the bullet-ridden target that Zimmerman left on the wall for his wife to find.

this would be the event that authorities concluded did not contain any criminal acts, correct?
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 05:54 pm
this would be the event that authorities concluded did not contain any criminal acts, correct?

0 Replies
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 06:00 pm
this would be the event that authorities concluded did not contain any criminal acts, correct?

No, the authorities didn't conclude that. Shellie Zimmerman, and her father, declined to press charges, partly because she's on probation and possibly faced being arrested and/or incarcerated because of that, and partly because George Zimmerman had destroyed the iphone evidence of how he had been acting. That effectively prevented the police from doing much.

They are still trying to get that iphone repaired.

And the Police Chief of Lake Mary made his remarks about Zimmerman being a danger to the community after that incident.
Thu 14 Nov, 2013 08:07 pm
Lake Mary police investigators sent what was left of the shattered iPad to a computer expert, Jonathan Jacobs, with the U.S. Secret Service in Tulsa, Okla., in hopes of the video being captured, but in the police report findings, he concluded: "No further examination is possible at this lab due to the severely damaged components."



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