oralloy wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:Has the shotgunner been arrested?
Last I heard, no. The county prosecutor is saying he needs more evidence
before he will sign off on an arrest warrant.
(This seems to be making some protesters unhappy.)
OmSigDAVID wrote:Do u have a name?
Yes. The dead girl's name: Renisha McBride
The shooter has not been named to the public.
OmSigDAVID wrote:When did this happen ?
A week or two ago maybe? I haven't been paying enough attention
to note the exact date.
OmSigDAVID wrote:The travesty against Zimmy (his prosecution)
resulted from the necessary difference in races.
Does this new case have the necessary racial differences ??
OmSigDAVID wrote:If the parties r of the same race (either) Sharpton will take no interest.
I have not heard of his involvement, but I suspect he's interested.
National Public Radio did a brief segment on the incident a couple days ago (MP3 audio):
Thank u very much, Oralloy; that was most helpful indeed.
I 'm pretty sure that we will hear more of this.
Its very interesting. Among the possibilities was that the banger
was part of a male effort to break into the house; diversionary.
I wonder whether that State has
Castle Doctrine legislation ?
I 'd have been slow to shoot a female (but this was accidental).
The most severe charge of which the home owner shud be considered
is criminally negligent homicide. B4 u touch off a round,
u need to
KNOW what the hell u r doing; obvious.
We all know the most elementary principle of safe gun handling
(which shud be taught in every Kindergarten in America, and on up in grade)
is do not let the muzzle of your gun cover anything that u do not wish to destroy
(and know what is BEHIND it), but it is vicariously alarming to consider
this poor fellow possibly still half asleep when he is awakened
by what turns into a possible emergency.
Coud the home owner
SEE thru the door (glass door, or screen door) ??
or was it a wooden door thru which he accidentally shot ?
Did the home owner
see the decedent b4 his gun went off?
Its e z for me to put myself into the position of the banger
inasmuch as I have done that at least 2ice, that I remember:
1ce when I was told that the occupants of a designated house
cud tell me where to look for my lost dog and no one answered the door
and 2nd-ly when I tried to get a nabor to move his car out of the way
of my driveway. Knocking on someone 's door shud not, by itself,
become the occasion for getting shot (regardless of race).
Oralloy, I wonder if u 'd consider dedicating a new thread
to discussion of this recent event, inasmuch as this thread
is already dedicated to Zimmy 's prosecution ?