The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Thu 7 Nov, 2013 04:02 pm
@Frank Apisa,
If u mix vodka with shaving cream,
do u get Absolut blather ?
Thu 7 Nov, 2013 04:06 pm
I'll give George credit for one thing. He figured out a method for the perfect murder. Make sure their arnt any witnesses in vision range who can testify positively and kill the only other witness

This isn't any longer just about the killing of Martin, and that's the point.

Zimmerman has a track record for destroying or concealing evidence.

Beside silencing the only other direct witness to what occurred before he committed a homicide, he concealed evidence of his assets and a second passport from the judge at his bail hearing, which would have facilitated his being able to jump bail and leave the country, and he destroyed the alleged visual evidence of his menacing and aggressive behaviors that were on his wife's cell phone, by smashing the phone, the day she called 911 about his threatening actions.

Since the killing of Martin, Zimmerman has continued to engage in actions that show he actively tries to destroy or conceal evidence, for his own self-interest or to avoid criminal culpability. That's the point now.
Frank Apisa
Thu 7 Nov, 2013 04:09 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

If u mix vodka with shaving cream,
do u get Absolut blather ?

I think they'd call it a Foamy Russian. But Absolut blather works for me.
0 Replies
Thu 7 Nov, 2013 05:10 pm
I don 't have to; its just FUN.

I would not called Trayvon a villain just a young hoodlum that attacked the wrong man.
Thu 7 Nov, 2013 05:40 pm

Frank Apisa wrote:
But, people like Bill and David have to make Trayvon Martin the villain...
and George Zimmerman the person being put upon.

Trayvon made himself the villain. All Bill and David are doing is telling the truth.

"Telling the truth" isn't something you are able to comprehend, Frank.
Thu 7 Nov, 2013 05:45 pm
No criminal charges will be filed against George Zimmerman in a dispute last month with his estranged wife, a police spokesman said Wednesday.

Investigators have decided the argument didn’t rise to a criminal level, Lake Mary, Fla., spokesman Zach Hudson said.


good on someone for deciding to not spend tens of thousands of taxpayers dollars trying to reboot an Iwhatever over a minor domestic event.
Thu 7 Nov, 2013 06:01 pm
"Telling the truth" isn't something you are able to comprehend...

So, face the truth yourself, oralloy--the truth about Zimmerman's actions since the killing of Martin.

Since the killing of Martin, Zimmerman has continued to engage in actions that show he actively tries to destroy or conceal evidence, for his own self-interest or to avoid criminal culpability.

He concealed evidence of his assets and a second passport from the judge at his bail hearing, which would have facilitated his being able to jump bail and leave the country, and he destroyed the alleged visual evidence of his menacing and aggressive behaviors that were on his wife's cell phone, by smashing the phone, the day she called 911 about his threatening actions.

He's been stopped 3 times for traffic violations, twice for speeding, and once for deliberately hiding the license tags on the vehicle he was driving.

After agreeing not to be at the house when his wife would be there to gather her belongings, he showed up, intentionally provoking a confrontation, and acted in such a threatening and aggressive manner that she called 911 because she feared what he might do.

And, prior to that incident, he allegedly placed a bullet-ridden target on the wall of his home, where his wife would find it after returning from New York, where she had given interviews about her fears of what he might do to her, yet another example of his provocation, and his need to intimidate and control, and his use of violence, or threats of violence, to achieve that aim.

The criminal murder case is over. Look at the way Zimmerman's been acting since it ended, including his continued propensity for provoking threatening and aggressive encounters, and what that says about him. He's clearly the provocateur and not "the innocent victim".

There are too many indications that Zimmerman poses a possible threat to others, particularly to his wife. And, given the rather bleak outlook for his own future, and ability to earn a living, it is not difficult to imagine a possible murder/suicide where he would end both their lives.

What's past is past, the important matter now should be to try to prevent future tragedies he might cause, based on the red flags we can already see, if that's at all possible. His "supporters"--like you--should take a look at those red flags--they're waving very clearly.

0 Replies
Thu 7 Nov, 2013 06:23 pm



ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - Police in the Florida city where George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin have backed off a plan to explicitly ban neighborhood watch volunteers from carrying guns while on duty.

Earlier this month, police in Sanford, Florida, announced new rules on how civilian patrols can operate in an attempt to revive the program's reputation.

Sanford was thrust in the national spotlight last year when Zimmerman, a former neighborhood watch captain, gunned down Martin, an unarmed black teenager. Prosecutors accused Zimmerman of chasing down and killing Martin, but a jury acquitted him in July of murder.

Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith, in a phone interview on Wednesday, refused repeated requests to explain the reversal.

"That was the choice of the chief. That was my decision," Smith said. "What my thought is is unimportant."

Smith introduced the new rules and a new handbook for the town's neighborhood watch program at a community meeting on Tuesday.

Last week, his spokesman told Reuters the new rules would explicitly state that residents acting under the authority of neighborhood watch may not carry a firearm or pursue someone they deem suspicious.

The Orlando Sentinel newspaper reported the ban upset gun advocates, but Smith told Reuters he felt no pressure to make the change.

Neighborhood watch consists of residents who volunteer to be the eyes and ears of police in their neighborhoods, and simply report to police any suspicious activity.

"We are strongly suggesting, strongly recommending, strongly urging people not to be armed in the performance of neighborhood watch," Smith said.

Neighborhood watch programs, formally organized in 1972 under the National Sheriffs' Association, began in reaction to the notorious 1964 murder of Catherine Susan "Kitty" Genovese.

Her cries for help during an attack outside her Queens apartment reportedly were ignored by neighbors, one of whom was famously quoted as saying she did not want to get involved.

Today's neighborhood groups often are untrained and unsupervised by police, vary in their dedication to the job, and remain unregistered with either the sheriffs' association or local police agencies.

(Editing by Kevin Gray and Richard Chang)

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Thu 7 Nov, 2013 06:28 pm
No criminal charges will be filed against George Zimmerman in a dispute last month with his estranged wife.

Well, he did destroy evidence that could have been used in charging him...
0 Replies
Thu 7 Nov, 2013 06:32 pm
Pitiful clown still "looking" into the matter after all this time with all the damn FBI agents crawling over the case looking for one case of Zimmerman stating one racial comment in his life.

Holder only have three more years to bring charges.



U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said George Zimmerman of Florida may have been acquitted of murder charges in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, but in the eyes of the federal government, he’s still living in a shadow of suspicion.
Mr. Holder said he’s still not sure if the federal government will pursue civil rights charges against Mr. Zimmerman, Breitbart.com reported.
The shooting occurred in February 2012. And Mr. Zimmerman was found not guilty on all second-degree murder charges, with the jury determining that the shooting was defensive.
But to Mr. Holder, Mr. Zimmerman is far from cleared of any wrongdoing.
“I’m not sure exactly how much longer that will take, but we will get to a point where we are able to make a determination” about a civil rights lawsuit, he said, Breitbart.com reported.
The White House has watched the case closely. President Obama even weighed in at one point, suggesting during one speech that Mr. Zimmerman was guilty of racial profiling and during another public statement that his own son, if he had one, would look like Trayvon.
© Copyright 2013 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/nov/5/eric-holder-we-might-still-charge-george-zimmerman/#ixzz2k0dMiBKg
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Thu 7 Nov, 2013 07:00 pm
Will George Zimmerman kill again?
Sanford : FL : USA
Nov 03, 2013
By Chelsea Hoffman

The man who gunned down 17-year-old Trayvon Martin just can't stay out of the news -- but that's not a surprise at all. George Zimmerman is now being accused of nailing a bullet-riddled target on a wall in his estranged wife's home. Shellie Zimmerman is likely afraid for her life after seeing the very clear threat left behind by the man she married -- even if she did refer to it as a "subliminal" threat. A target full of holes isn't very subliminal at all, nor is it very subtle. So if he's brazen enough to clearly threaten his soon-to-be ex's life, is it in him to kill again?

Once you've killed a person and gotten away with it, it's easy to understand that there are feelings of invincibility that come with that. But there's a fine line between feeling powerful and being downright stupid. Zimmerman must be out of his mind if he thinks he can threaten his wife's life like this and get away with it. Of course, nothing has been done to stop him thus far. Those who rabidly support Zimmerman as some kind of right wing hero likely do not care that he allegedly threatened his wife. Instead, comments have been aimed against the woman, who is likely a victim of abuse.

If nothing is done about this apparent threat, it can easily be speculated that George Zimmerman has it in him to escalate the situation. And if Shellie Zimmerman ends up dead, what happens next? Will he get away with killing a teenage boy and a woman?


Thu 7 Nov, 2013 08:13 pm
this is a hilarious jumping to conclusions. the house belongs to shelli's parents, and she does not live there.

I remember a couple of years back there were political
websites having such targets on pics of the opposition, this is a semi accepted form of speach not a hate crime. but as to who was George speaking to we dont know.
Thu 7 Nov, 2013 08:49 pm
FF your preaching to the choir. And you have already proved multiple times no matter how many times you post facts certain people are just going to deny them or refuse to accept them no matter who states them. Their guns and the right to use them are more important to them than any part of the Constitution except the way they interpret the 2nd amendment. As far as they are concerned congress and the supreme court could flush the Constitution down the toilet as long as the 2nd is left intact.
Thu 7 Nov, 2013 08:55 pm
In this day and age in the U S of A with people like you and others on this site around it is a definite threat if it were to come from one of you.
Thu 7 Nov, 2013 10:39 pm
Sorry but facts are facts and it was not the defenders of Zimmerman and his right of self defense who did such things as edit the hell out of the 911 tape or who over and over again would show a picture of a smiling Trayvon that was many years out of date and not the late teenager who Zimmerman was looking at as Trayvon try to pound his brains out,

An the fact that not only legal experts beforehand but in the end a jury repeat a jury declared that the state have no case against Zimmerman.

Gun and all it was an open and shut case of self defense and justified homicide.
0 Replies
Thu 7 Nov, 2013 10:39 pm
this is a hilarious jumping to conclusions. the house belongs to shelli's parents, and she does not live there.

Her parents weren't living there at the time, Shellie was. The bullet hole ridden target was left for her...by George. She turned it over to the police.

BTW, it is not clear whether the police are still trying to get Shellie's phone repaired so that the videos she took of George, allegedly acting in a menacing and aggressive manner, can be viewed. That is still up in the air.

The domestic dispute matter the police dropped, cited in the article you posted, appears related to the fact that Shellie's mother reported $4000+ worth of property removed/stolen from the home and some damage to the property, all ostensibly done by George. The police aren't going to pursue that as a criminal matter of theft, they see it as a civil matter, either relating to the divorce and diversion of property, or to a landlord/tenant dispute.
Lake Mary cops: We're not charging George Zimmerman with stealing from his mother-in-law
She accused him of stealing a king-sized bed, antique chair and leather furniture.
October 23, 2013
By Rene Stutzman, Orlando Sentinel

Lake Mary police announced Wednesday that they are not going to charge George Zimmerman with stealing a king-sized bed, antique chair and several other pieces of furniture from his mother-in-law's rental house where he lived for several months.

Department spokesman Officer Zach Hudson characterized the matter as "a civil dispute".

Earlier, Hudson described it as a landlord-tenant dispute.

Zimmerman's mother-in-law, Machelle Dean, last month filed a police report, accusing Zimmerman of stealing items from the house where he had lived for several months.

It includes $4,400 worth of items, including $3,000 worth of leather furniture, a pillow-top king-sized bed, an antique chair owned by his estranged wife's grandmother and other items, according to a police report.

She also accused him of defacing the kitchen cabinets by writing on them, the report said.

Police tried to question Zimmerman but he referred questions to his attorney, Mark O'Mara, the report said. At one point, O'Mara said he'd just pay the estimated loss himself "because his client did not need the extra attention," the report said.

However, that never happened.

Zimmerman and his wife, Shellie, had split up Aug. 13 and a few weeks later – on Sept. 9 – had a very public dispute when she called police, complaining that he was threatening her and her father as they tried to move belongings out of the house.

Lake Mary police investigated but made no arrest.

There was no word Wednesday on whether police had made progress in that case. They were considering having another agency try to retrieve video from Shellie Zimmerman's iPad, which George Zimmerman destroyed after she recorded the confrontation...


Thu 7 Nov, 2013 11:40 pm
BillRM wrote:



ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - Police in the Florida city where George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin have backed off a plan to explicitly ban neighborhood watch volunteers from carrying guns while on duty.

Earlier this month, police in Sanford, Florida, announced new rules on how civilian patrols can operate in an attempt to revive the program's reputation.

Sanford was thrust in the national spotlight last year when Zimmerman, a former neighborhood watch captain, gunned down Martin, an unarmed black teenager. Prosecutors accused Zimmerman of chasing down and killing Martin, but a jury acquitted him in July of murder.

Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith, in a phone interview on Wednesday, refused repeated requests to explain the reversal.

"That was the choice of the chief. That was my decision," Smith said. "What my thought is is unimportant."

Smith introduced the new rules and a new handbook for the town's neighborhood watch program at a community meeting on Tuesday.

Last week, his spokesman told Reuters the new rules would explicitly state that residents acting under the authority of neighborhood watch may not carry a firearm or pursue someone they deem suspicious.

The Orlando Sentinel newspaper reported the ban upset gun advocates, but Smith told Reuters he felt no pressure to make the change.

Neighborhood watch consists of residents who volunteer to be the eyes and ears of police in their neighborhoods, and simply report to police any suspicious activity.

"We are strongly suggesting, strongly recommending, strongly urging people not to be armed in the performance of neighborhood watch," Smith said.

Neighborhood watch programs, formally organized in 1972 under the National Sheriffs' Association, began in reaction to the notorious 1964 murder of Catherine Susan "Kitty" Genovese.

Her cries for help during an attack outside her Queens apartment reportedly were ignored by neighbors, one of whom was famously quoted as saying she did not want to get involved.

Today's neighborhood groups often are untrained and unsupervised by police, vary in their dedication to the job, and remain unregistered with either the sheriffs' association or local police agencies.

(Editing by Kevin Gray and Richard Chang)

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Kitty Genovese was un-armed and she was killed in the crime (repeatedly stabbed to death).
Zimmy was armed and consequently, he survived the crime
and the bad guy was killed. That was the DIFFERENCE between them.
The police (armed police?) want future victims to be un-armed.
(Presumably, that does not include police.)

0 Replies
Fri 8 Nov, 2013 12:25 am
BillRM wrote:

I don 't have to; its just FUN.

I would not call Trayvon a villain
just a young hoodlum that attacked the wrong man.
Yeah, but if Zimmy had been so injudicious as to be un-armed,
then he 'd have been the RIGHT man for travon 's attack.

0 Replies
Fri 8 Nov, 2013 12:31 am
firefly wrote:
. . . given the rather bleak outlook for his own future,
and ability to earn a living, it is not difficult to imagine a possible
murder/suicide where he would end both their lives.

What's past is past, the important matter now should be to try to prevent
future tragedies he might cause, based on the red flags we can already see,
if that's at all possible. His "supporters" should take a look at those red
flags--they're waving very clearly.
WHAT do u propose, Firefly??

What do u want to be DONE, in furtherance of your filosofy??

0 Replies
Fri 8 Nov, 2013 01:07 am
RABEL222 wrote:

In this day and age in the U S of A with people like you and others on this site around it is a definite threat if it were to come from one of you.

those who incorporate justice into their lives judge acts independently of their emotional state. I am well aware that you will likely never get there.

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