The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Thu 29 Aug, 2013 04:08 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You live up to the image of a very sick individual who makes claims not provided during the trial or media. Very sick.

A lot of the information was kept out of the trial but it was indeed reported by the media if not on the first pages.

In fact it is the issue that Zimmerman lawyers are trying to get the prosecutor team punish for not revealing in a timely manner and where a state employee have a mult-millionsdollars civil suit for wrongful firing for revealing the same information to the courts.
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 04:13 pm
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Frank Apisa
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 04:13 pm
BillRM wrote:

I been trying to picture how my teenage friends would have reacted if I had done the type of bragging you people seems to think is normal.

Keep trying. And while you are at it, try picturing it from a teenager of today dealing with peers of today's society.

How I was able to produce high quality streets drugs, how I was able to beat up someone, how I was going to score an illegal handgun and the amount of jewelry I was able to ripped off for that matter.

I am sure there are many young people who would be very, very impressed with the drugs thingy. As for the scoring an illegal handgun and ripping off jewelry...you are way overdoing that schtick. It is humorous to see you do it as often as you do...but it is a bit much.

Off hand do not think any of the above bragging would had raised my standing with my peers.

Well, maybe you used to hang out with creeps and nerds. Or maybe you did not hang out with other people at all...and are just imagining this stuff.

Now I did bragged a lot on my forcing my physics instructor to give me a 100 on the final when it was his statement that no one was able to get a 100 on his final tests. The **** of an instructor try to claimed that a water mark on my paper was a decimal point in the wrong place and try only giving me a 99 on the test.

If you are trying to impress us with your intelligence, Bill...I would suggest you do it without this kind of posting. Write legibly...write with some sense of the language. Then we will be impressed.

Of course there was other groups in the school that bragged about other things such as how they did playing team sports for example.

Did you ever try to talk your English instructor into giving you a 100?

Did he/she laugh out loud if you did?

The nearest bragging about beating someone up even with that group would be how hard someone tackle another player or how fast someone pin a bigger wrestler.

As far as I know there was no hoodlum subgroup where Trayvon would had fitted in.

And I am almost certain that you would not have fitted into the group that Trayvon dealt with either. Except for providing entertainment, that is. So what is your point?
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 04:32 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Well, maybe you used to hang out with creeps and nerds. Or maybe you did not hang out with other people at all...and are just imagining this stuff.

Most of us turn out to be engineers of one type or another. So I guess that mean we was creeps and nerds.....LOL

And I am almost certain that you would not have fitted into the group that Trayvon dealt with either.

I was a big repeat big kid so after grade school where it was no longer cool to gang up on one person I never needed to fight. Maybe if Trayvon could had gotten a few fellow hoodlums together they might had been brave enough to try me as I was no small person such as Zimmerman.

In grade school I remember being attacked by five or so and after finding a place where they could get at me only one at a time more then held my own.

Then there was the time when this little girl talk a boy two grade levels above mine into attacked me for some reason and he ended up like Zimmerman IE under me. Some adult came along and drag me off.

But I was never interest in fighting and it would seems few was willing to take this big nerd on after grade school.

Oh I was such a nerd I taught myself to used a slide rule by the six grade and when I found out that unlike all other games you could play chess in study hall I taught my fellow nerds to play.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 04:36 pm
@Frank Apisa,
BillRM chooses to brag about things like how his first wife got a restraining order against him, because of domestic violence, and he didn't even show up in court to dispute the charges.

So, it's easier for him to identify with Zimmerman than with a middle class black teenager of today--he and George Zimmerman both had restraining orders taken out against them for domestic violence. They are kindred spirits.

And, where Martin's Tweets were harmless private bantering with a peer, BillRM posts his past exploits with real domestic violence problems on a public internet forum, A2K, for everyone to read.

And what are we to think of a man who brags, on an internet forum, that he was asked to leave a public park because other adults, who observed his behavior, profiled him as being a pedophile?

So, if we're to judge others by what they brag about, and we take everything they say as gospel, what does that tell us about BillRM?

0 Replies
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 05:08 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
Well, maybe you used to hang out with creeps and nerds.

So what's wrong with nerds (not that I was one)? Smile
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 05:34 pm
I find is somewhat amusing that the very sub-group of people who gave David the ability to express his silly opinions worldwide is consider both creeps and nerds by him and on the other hand he is upset about the fate of a loser to be.

One of the far too many black young men all too likely to spend large percents of their lifespans behind bars.

But to me there is nothing wrong with the nerd title I know I wore it proudly in college along with my log-log duplex picket slide rule hanging from a belt loop.

The only problem in college at the time was there was almost no women in the engineering program and with a course load of 21 credit hours or so in such fun subjects as Maxwell equations not a lot of time to search for fun outside the engineering program.

Nor did the mind set of the engineering students fit in well with the mood of the time.

When the bulk of the students demanded a shut down of the university for a day due to the shooting deaths of students at Kent State, the engineering students said if you shut down we wished for a refund for that day.

In any case the engineering college was the only one up and running for that day and we did not make any friends over taking that position.
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 07:20 pm
Funny, in college, I knew lots of engineering students who met and dated lots of girls, went to parties, hung out with friends, etc. In fact, I dated many of them. And those guys got great grades to boot and went on to grad school at the top universities in the country.

So you just must have been a loser, BillRM. The kind that girls don't want to bother with, and the kind other men really don't want to hang out with either.

And you must have spent your life not working with or socializing with any middle class or professional class African-Americans--you know, college professors, lawyers, doctors, office managers, social workers, administrative assistants etc. or you'd know that the children of these people--people just like Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon's mother--generally head toward college, just like Trayvon's older brother did, and Trayvon was planning to do, and they don't forsake the comforts, and advantages, of a middle class life to become street "hoodlums". That idea is really laughable.

And those with concerned and involved and loving dads, like Tracy Martin, Trayvon's dad, are very unlikely to become "one of the far too many black young men all too likely to spend large percents of their lifespans behind bars."--they have opportunities available to them, they have good male role models, they have discipline and guidance, they have families that support and value education, they have promising futures, they have a nice life-style, and absolutely no logical reason to turn to crime--which is why Trayvon Martin was never involved in any criminal or anti-social activity in his community. And, while he might have liked to smoke an occasional joint, that's about the only drug he apparently used, and it's one known to mellow people out and make them feel relaxed. He was a nice decent kid. He may not have been an angel, but few 16 year olds are angels. He still was a nice decent kid.

The night he was killed, Trayvon Martin was the house guest of a woman who, I think, is a correction officer in a juvenile detention facility. She has nothing but good things to say about Trayvon, and about how well behaved he was. If Trayvon was any sort of "hoodlum" or "thug" or criminal type, this woman would have seen and recognized that, she wouldn't have wanted him in her home, and she definitely wouldn't have wanted him near her own son, who is about 14 and lives in that home.

It must really unsettle your fantasies, but George Zimmerman profiled the wrong kind of kid that night--and even he knows that now too. The one he decided to stalk wasn't a "punk" or a "hoodlum" or a "thug" or planning to do anything criminal that night--he was just a high school kid returning to where he was staying, and he wanted to get there to watch a basketball game. And he knew his dad and his fiancée would soon be returning home from where they had gone for dinner. And the 14 year old in the home had asked Trayvon to bring him back some Skittles from the 7/11 store...

George Zimmerman made one error in judgment after another that night--he profiled the wrong kid, he followed "a suspect" when he should not have done that, he failed to identify himself, and he likely used lethal force in a situation where it was unnecessary, particularly given his minor injuries, the fact his opponent was an unarmed skinny kid, Zimmerman was a trained fighter, and he knew the police were en route. Zimmerman acted with reckless disregard for Martin's welfare from the moment he began stalking this kid in the dark. His impaired judgment, and poor impulse control, and personal obsessions, kept him from just remaining in his vehicle until the police arrived to check things out. Zimmerman's reckless actions intruded on Trayvon Martin's life, and created the conditions that led to that child's totally needless and avoidable death. Had Zimmerman not bothered or hounded Trayvon Martin, that child would have made it home unharmed, in time to watch that basketball game.

You just can't deal with reality, BillRM. An armed adult stalked an innocent child in the dark, and he wound up killing him. Because Zimmerman escaped legal consequences for his actions does not make anything he did that night right, let alone morally right, nor does it mean that the victim is to blame for his own death, and it certainly does not mean he deserved to die.

Zimmerman profiled the wrong kind of kid. He's got to live with that, and so do you, no matter how delusional your attempts to turn this innocent victim into a cartoon of a ghetto criminal thug.

0 Replies
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 07:27 pm
I am amazed at the stupidity of the anti-intellectualism in this country. I've heard Dennis Miller and others denigrate scientists. There was a New York sociology professor (a woman whose name I won't bother to mention) who labeled studious nonathletic boys as "feminized males" and once publicly declared, "Beware of scientists. They're pencil-necked geeks." These people don't seem to realize how much they owe to such "geeks." Since they dislike scientists so much, they should deprive themselves of the many modern comforts and conveniences that they take for granted and go live in a remote village somewhere in the middle of Africa or in a rain forest somewhere.

This same woman (who passed away last year) positioned herself politically on the left. (I'm not making a political statement here.) Yet there have been great scientists who did far more to promote social reform or social justice than she ever did in her life.

Thanks for your response. Smile
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 07:39 pm
It's wrong to stereotype all scientists as being "geeks"--most aren't.

It's similar to the general stereotyping of any intellectual as being an "egghead".

You're right, it's an expression of anti-intellectualism.

Stereotyping is rarely accurate, and, too often, it's harmful.
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 07:45 pm
A picture of a gun makes one a hoodlum...

You should really tell many of the posters on this forum that continually post pictures of guns.
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 07:50 pm

How I was able to produce high quality streets drugs, how I was able to beat up someone, how I was going to score an illegal handgun and the amount of jewelry I was able to ripped off for that matter.

A picture of a gun is now bragging about scoring an illegal handgun? What planet to you live on Bill?

When did he brag about making high quality street drugs? He posted a few messages about looking for some cough syrup but that isn't bragging about making high quality drugs. Anyone that thinks "lean" is high quality drugs needs their head examined.

When did he brag about the amount of jewelry he ripped off. Being found with jewelry isn't bragging about ripping it off. You can't even prove the jewelry was stolen let alone show Trayvon ever claimed it was stolen.

It seems you feel you can just make stuff up and pretend it is true.
You lie about the jury's findings and now you lie about what Trayvon has actually said.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 07:55 pm
Strangely it never bother me that I was one of those nerds/geeks that went around with a pocket pen protector and a slide rule in a case hanging from my hip.

My folks was wonderful buying me such gifts as a tube VOM and when I was younger a chemistry set and a microscope set and on and on.

In the end it even work out for my love life as I met my wife on a dial up computer network by the name of CIS using a TI99/4a computer with my now wife using a C-64 in Feb, 1985.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 07:59 pm
I picture of a gun laying on a bed with women jewelry when he had been found before with women jewelry in his back pack is not a good sign.....LOL

Or with the same camera phone containing child porn pictures a crime good for a few years in either a federal or state prison all by itself.

None of this along with a hell of a lot of other things indicate that his future was very likely to be a jail cell.

Only short circuit by him picking the wrong person to try to killed or put into an ICU unit.
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 08:01 pm
I appreciate your comments as well. Smile Wink
0 Replies
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 08:11 pm
BillRM wrote:

I picture of a gun laying on a bed with women jewelry when he had been found before with women jewelry in his back pack is not a good sign.....LOL
The picture doesn't show anything was stolen nor is it bragging that it was stolen.


Or with the same camera phone containing child porn pictures a crime good for a few years in either a federal or state prison all by itself.
I would love to see this picture you claim exists that includes a sexual act which is pretty much required to meet the federal law. A picture of a nude person isn't enough to trigger the child porn law.

None of this along with a hell of a lot of other things indicate that his future was very likely to be a jail cell.
It only shows that you have a predilection to make claims without evidence. Pictures don't mean he was bragging as you claim. Pictures don't even make the things in the picture stolen as you claim. You need some evidence which you think you don't need. Hell, if you tried to charge anyone with a crime based on what you have here, you would be in jail yourself.

Thu 29 Aug, 2013 08:25 pm
I would love to see this picture you claim exists that includes a sexual act which is pretty much required to meet the federal law.

Wrong just a naked picture of a female one day less then 18 years old in a sexual posed of any kind that would be sexually arousing.

But keep thinking that it need to be pictures showing sexual acts and have some of those non-child porn picture yourself and we all will get a five years break from your postings.

Child pornography is the visual representation of minors under the age of 18 engaged in sexual activity or the visual representation of minors engaging in lewd or erotic behavior designed to arouse the viewer's sexual interest.

Child pornography may include actual or simulated sexual intercourse involving minors, deviant sexual acts, bestiality, masturbation, sado-masochistic abuse, or the exhibition of genitals in a sexually arousing fashion.
cicerone imposter
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 08:26 pm
He can't see that he's making false accusations created in his own sick mind.

He's similar to Zimmerman; he believes he can identify criminals from second hand information that doesn't even come close to his conclusions.

Only sick minds create suspicion of innocent people. What else can it be?
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 08:30 pm
Where did you see the photos on Trayvon's cell phone? Can you please post links to those pictures? Or are you just relying on hearsay regarding those photos?

You do realize those photos were not admissible as evidence, of any sort, because no one knows who took any of those photos or why Trayvon Martin had them on his phone, or how they got on his phone. Unlike you, people who really care about the truth don't jump to unwarranted conclusions.

Did George Zimmerman know what photos Martin had on his phone when he profiled him, and stalked him?

George Zimmerman's past documented record of illegal aggressive actions seems a lot more revealing of character than whatever a 16 year old has on his cell phone. And Zimmerman's wife had just walked out on him, because of a blow-up, and was staying with her father, and he was also in considerable debt, the night Zimmerman erroneously profiled and recklessly stalked Martin, so Zimmerman's personal world was crumbling....he had considerably more difficulties functioning than a kid who gets a 10 day suspension for having an empty baggie with a trace of pot in it in school. Zimmerman might have been set to erupt that night because things weren't going well for him at all. He certainly didn't have good judgment or adequate impulse control when he started stalking an innocent kid who was just walking around, talking on a cell phone...

0 Replies
Thu 29 Aug, 2013 08:31 pm
@cicerone imposter,
He's similar to Zimmerman; he believes he can identify criminals from second hand information that doesn't even come close to his conclusions.

Such as attacking Zimmerman and trying to killed him or greatly harming him...LOL

I also think that the two teenagers that are charge with beating to death a world war 2 vet and the three teenagers charge with gunning down a foreign tourist to death are likely criminals for the same reason that Trayvon is.

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