@cicerone imposter,
Quote:An innocent child was killed by mentally disturbed adult.
That's about the size of it.
But the Zimmerman cheerleaders can't acknowledge that, or even think about it, because it raises the issue of letting people like that, with similar emotional problems, carry a gun.
And that's why it's particularly provocative for Zimmerman to continue seeking media attention that connects him with guns. And he made sure that when he was stopped for speeding, with a gun in the car, that the cop recognized him and that the story got out. And he just did the same thing by visting that gun factory and posing for a photo he knew would receive publicity. He intentionally provokes, and he causes others to regard him negatively and with anger--he does this to himself, and he's done this repeatedly, it's a pattern of behavior on his part. He's extremely provocative.
Because Zimmerman escaped legal punishment for his reckless actions that led to a totally unnecessary and avoidable death, does not mean that he learned anything about his impaired judgment and impulse control that night. This jackass has said that, if he had to do it over again, he wouldn't change anything he did that night because it was, "God's plan." He doesn't take responsibility for his own behavior, he doesn't learn from his own mistakes, even the fatal ones, and no one should be happy about a photo of a smiling Zimmerman in a gun factory.
Responsible gun owners would not be happy about the thought of this emotionally disturbed man again possessing and showing interest in guns. Which says a lot about the mentality of those posting in this thread who do seem happy about it.