The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Fri 23 Aug, 2013 11:10 am
@cicerone imposter,
An innocent child was killed by mentally disturbed adult.

That's about the size of it.

But the Zimmerman cheerleaders can't acknowledge that, or even think about it, because it raises the issue of letting people like that, with similar emotional problems, carry a gun.

And that's why it's particularly provocative for Zimmerman to continue seeking media attention that connects him with guns. And he made sure that when he was stopped for speeding, with a gun in the car, that the cop recognized him and that the story got out. And he just did the same thing by visting that gun factory and posing for a photo he knew would receive publicity. He intentionally provokes, and he causes others to regard him negatively and with anger--he does this to himself, and he's done this repeatedly, it's a pattern of behavior on his part. He's extremely provocative.

Because Zimmerman escaped legal punishment for his reckless actions that led to a totally unnecessary and avoidable death, does not mean that he learned anything about his impaired judgment and impulse control that night. This jackass has said that, if he had to do it over again, he wouldn't change anything he did that night because it was, "God's plan." He doesn't take responsibility for his own behavior, he doesn't learn from his own mistakes, even the fatal ones, and no one should be happy about a photo of a smiling Zimmerman in a gun factory.

Responsible gun owners would not be happy about the thought of this emotionally disturbed man again possessing and showing interest in guns. Which says a lot about the mentality of those posting in this thread who do seem happy about it.
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Fri 23 Aug, 2013 11:19 am
You have absolutely no proof for the following:

Trayvon committed the crime of assault. He attacked the "creepy ass cracker" who was following him. Teens these days can't have people disrespecting them like that, so that "creepy ass cracker" had to be taught a lesson. So he attacked Zimmerman not knowing Zimmerman had a gun and we all know the end result.

It was never proven in court who started the fight. The mere fact that Zimmerman had a bloody nose and a couple of scratches on his head does not prove who started the fight. Nor does the fact that Martin didn't have scratches on him prove that Zimmerman didn't start the fight. Those facts would go to prove that the fight wasn't near as bad as Zimmerman made out, he in fact exaggerated as the lead detective said in court. It could of have been a fight over the gun. Instead of reaching for his cell phone as he claimed, he could have reached for his gun and that could have started the fight. Which would explain how Zimmerman could have shot Trayvon Martin from underneath of him if he already had his gun out. His gun was holstered in the back, there is no way he got it out while Trayvon Martin was holding him down "martial arts style." And if he was able to scoot out from underneath of him, then he wasn't in any danger of life when he shot him.
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 11:41 am
You're right. I agree with you.

But you're wasting your time trying to convince Baldino or any of the other gung-ho Zimmerman cheerleaders of what you are saying.

These people have created their own fiction, including their distorted and racially stereotyped caricatures of Trayvon Martin, which actually are quite different from the defense of Zimmerman presented at his trial. Martin was not only not demonized during the trial, he was mainly presented as only a dead body, and it was never established how the fight started, or who started it.

It is entirely plausible that the fight started because Zimmerman reached for his gun, and that what ensued was a struggle over the gun. In fact, that is the scenario depicted in that anti-SYG PSA message, they show a Zimmerman figure reaching for his gun as he moved toward the figure in the distance.

The only thing that is crystal clear is that no one would have gotten hurt that night if George Zimmerman had only remained in his vehicle and waited for the police to arrive--just as a neighborhood watch volunteer should do. Unfortunately, Zimmerman lacked the judgment and impulse control to be able to do that. The responsibility for a totally needless and avoidable death rests on him.

And George Zimmerman's judgment and impulse control is no better now than it was that night.
cicerone imposter
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 11:53 am
And all those Zimmerman cheerleaders are of the same mindset; no ability at good judgement and no brains. They prefer killing anyone who looks suspicious to them - just because they can have a gun and SYG.
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 11:55 am
izzythepush wrote:

Baldimo wrote:
He saw "a crazy ass cracker"

Is that like a safe cracker?

No. A cracker is more or less a backwoods hick. If they had real hills in their part of Florida, they would likely be called hill billys. The difference being that hill billy is not always derogatory; cracker is. As used by Martin, it's a general purpose term for 'plain white trash'.
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 11:57 am
An ass cracker?
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 12:10 pm
@cicerone imposter,
They prefer killing anyone who looks suspicious to them - just because they can have a gun and SYG.

You are damn right when that suspicious person end up on top of you pounding your head against the sidewalk.

A little detail that you seems to be leaving out all the time for some reason.
0 Replies
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 12:22 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Always forgetting that Martin attacked Zimmerman for following him. Always the poor Martin walking around innocent like minding his own business, right up until the point he saw the "creepy ass cracker" and decided that he needed to be thumped on for following him. Martin was the only person in this whole thing who used racist terms and attacked someone, but it is easier to blame the guy with the gun right?

Teenagers never do anything wrong and are all innocent kids right? How many stories have hit the news lately about teenagers attacking people or killing people? Innocent though right?
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 12:28 pm
Ah, I left out the origin, didn't I? These people, these crackers, used to herd their scrawny cattle to market on foot and using bull whips. They would crack them to keep them little doggys moving along.

Like many expressions, the usage has moved away from the original meaning.
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 12:45 pm
Blah, blah, blah...

You're weaving fantasies again...It was Zimmerman who provoked the entire situation by following Martin. Martin was, in fact, minding his own business.

George Zimmerman's past history certainly suggests he provokes people and actively elicits hostile reactions toward himself, based on his own instigating behaviors. He certainly did that with the judge at his bail hearing...

It's entirely believable and plausible that he instigated and provoked whatever negative response he got from Trayvon Martin--and that Zimmerman deserved that negative response, just as he deserved the reaction he got from the judge.

Truthfully, if that judge could have punched Zimmerman in the nose, I think he would have done that. The judge was furious at Zimmerman, and his wife.

George Zimmerman is quite provocative...that's his behavior pattern. And he's continuing to be provocative. The man never learns, or he's so disturbed he can't control himself.
Frank Apisa
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 12:48 pm
firefly wrote:

Blah, blah, blah...

You're weaving fantasies again...It was Zimmerman who provoked the entire situation by following Martin. Martin was, in fact, minding his own business.

George Zimmerman's past history certainly suggests he provokes people and actively elicits hostile reactions toward himself, based on his own instigating behaviors. He certainly did that with the judge at his bail hearing...

It's entirely believable and plausible that he instigated and provoked whatever negative response he got from Trayvon Martin--and that Zimmerman deserved that negative response, just as he deserved the reaction he got from the judge.

Truthfully, if that judge could have punched Zimmerman in the nose, I think he would have done that. The judge was furious at Zimmerman, and his wife.

George Zimmerman is quite provocative...that's his behavior pattern. And he's continuing to be provocative. The man never learns, or he's so disturbed he can't control himself.

Y0u've pointed all that out dozens of times in this thread, Firefly.

People like Baldimo do not want to get it. It upsets their sense of balance. They want to conceive of Zimmerman as a poor, put upon, hero...and of Martin as a thug and criminal.

None are so blind as those who will not see.

But I admire the fact that you keep at it.
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 01:08 pm
@Frank Apisa,
That's why I see the sort of provocative behaviors he's engaged in since his acquittal, like this latest stunt of visiting a gun factory and posing for a smiling photo, or even his speeding on a highway so he'd get pulled over and could announce his possession of a gun, as very revealing of what this man is like. He's very provocative, and his judgment stinks.

It's pathetic that he still craves the spotlight, considering the only reason he garnered attention in the first place was for needlessly killing an unarmed child.

It's pointless to keep re-hashing the trial. I'm just waiting to see whether this man completely self-destructs, because that's where I think he's heading, and whether his equally dishonest wife will get sent to jail for perjury.
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 01:20 pm
Following someone is provoking a fight? I see your new catch phrase is provoke. Going to beat this one like a dead horse I see.

So you can bring up how Zimmerman has provoked people but once again Martin's shinning past is off limits? Getting kicked out of school several times is the mark of a good kid? Posting your exploits of fighting, taking thug like pictures with a weapon and posting them on the internet?Smoking week at that age, these are all actions of a good kid?

I have guns in my house and my children know better then to even touch my guns, this includes my 16 year old. They don't touch my guns, and they certainly don't take them and post pictures of themselves with the guns. It appears that the Martin Family has a different standard of what is good and what isn't. Why wasn't he grounded for getting kicked out of school for having an empty weed sack on him? Let me guess, he was holding it for someone else? Like the stolen jewelry? It wasn't his, someone else put it there? If he had been my kid, he would have been grounded to the house and not permitted to leave on his own.

Want to know the funny part in all of this? I have never claimed Zimmerman was person of the year. I just know if I was in his same position I would have reacted the same way if I had a weapon. Jump on me and start slamming my head into the ground, and I would have shot as well. It doesn't take that many blows to be knocked out and there was no guarantee that Martin would have stopped when Zimmerman was out. He liked to fight so who knows what would have happened next. How many times have you seen footage of people getting knocked out and the attacker doesn't stop?
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 01:29 pm
If you believe Rachel Jeantel when she testified that Martin said "creepy ass cracker" then you must believe it when she said Martin said, "get off, get off."
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 01:38 pm
Baldimo wrote:

Following someone is provoking a fight? I see your new catch phrase is provoke. Going to beat this one like a dead horse I see.

So you can bring up how Zimmerman has provoked people but once again Martin's shinning past is off limits? Getting kicked out of school several times is the mark of a good kid? Posting your exploits of fighting, taking thug like pictures with a weapon and posting them on the internet?Smoking week at that age, these are all actions of a good kid?

I have guns in my house and my children know better then to even touch my guns, this includes my 16 year old. They don't touch my guns, and they certainly don't take them and post pictures of themselves with the guns. It appears that the Martin Family has a different standard of what is good and what isn't. Why wasn't he grounded for getting kicked out of school for having an empty weed sack on him? Let me guess, he was holding it for someone else? Like the stolen jewelry? It wasn't his, someone else put it there? If he had been my kid, he would have been grounded to the house and not permitted to leave on his own.

Want to know the funny part in all of this? I have never claimed Zimmerman was person of the year. I just know if I was in his same position I would have reacted the same way if I had a weapon. Jump on me and start slamming my head into the ground, and I would have shot as well. It doesn't take that many blows to be knocked out and there was no guarantee that Martin would have stopped when Zimmerman was out. He liked to fight so who knows what would have happened next. How many times have you seen footage of people getting knocked out and the attacker doesn't stop?

So tell us, Baldimo...would you have followed Martin the way Zimmerman did in those same circumstances? Would you have been as suspicious? Would you have actually gotten out of your car to follow him?

In short, would you have provoked an attack by seemingly menacing a young man the way Zimmerman did?
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 01:40 pm
taking thug like pictures with a weapon and posting them on the internet...

Except Trayvon Martin never did that...he never posted pictures of himself holding a weapon.

Blah, blah, blah...

Meanwhile, Martin wasn't doing anything that night to bother anyone, he was walking around, talking on his cell, in a place he had every right to be. It was Zimmerman who began following him, against neighborhood watch rules, and the advice of the police dispatcher, because Zimmerman has lousy judgment and poor impulse control, and he was motivated by his own obsessions rather than by any actual criminal activity on Martin's part. And it was Zimmerman's lousy judgment and poor impulse control that created the circumstances for a totally needless and avoidable death.

And, unfortunately, George Zimmerman still has lousy judgment, and he's still continuing to provoke people, and I doubt that's likely to change. Let's just hope he doesn't wind up killing anyone else, since he doesn't seem to learn from experience.

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Fri 23 Aug, 2013 01:53 pm
@Frank Apisa,
In short, would you have provoked an attack by seemingly menacing a young man the way Zimmerman did?

PROVOKED an attack!!!!!!!

What nonsense maybe you would assault someone following you on the public streets but I question if most non hoodlums would consider such actions a license to launch an attacked on the follower.

Oh Trayvon feel so very menace by Zimmerman he did not call home or call 911 or just keep walking instead he turn an attacked

I love you wishing to grant a license to Trayvon to attacked someone for following him but on the other hand you wish to take away Zimmerman right to defend his very life after being attack.
Fri 23 Aug, 2013 02:02 pm
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Fri 23 Aug, 2013 02:43 pm
Thanks Rog.
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Fri 23 Aug, 2013 03:29 pm
If your opponents, ff, were to admit that they are racial bigots you would have nothing to say to them unless you could show that there is something wrong with racial bigotry. If you tried to do that you would soon find yourself in deep waters hotter than you might like in a serious discussion.

Racial bigotry is felt. As an unmistakeable and indefinable manifestation in the nervous system and seen by some as the Prime Symbol of Time rooted in the landscape. In the blood.

As opposed to the Prime Symbol of Space which is a thought out system involving priesthoods of one sort or another, and evangels, and rooted in intelligence. A system, moreover designed in the interests of the priesthood.

The Media priesthood would obviously be against racial bigotry because the "black spend" is a lucrative target. Hence it takes more nerve to be a racial bigot than it does to support the PC position which the majority pays lip service to as it has been sold to them as the moral high ground without proving that it is so.

If you are using your opponents to make an argument for the neutrals then it might be that your opponents are using you for similar reasons.

The case is a cause celebre precisely because of the opposition of Time and Space. (The blood and the intelligence). Not because a black kid was killed. There are millions of them dead.

Did TM discover GZ was armed before he banged his head on the ground? I assume he did bang his head on the ground from what has been said.

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