The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Mon 19 Aug, 2013 05:06 pm
The one variable which correlates most perfectly with every sort of urban pathology in America is degree of demoKKKrat infestation.
Mon 19 Aug, 2013 05:11 pm
If they were not dropping people in the **** they would have nothing to save them from.
0 Replies
Mon 19 Aug, 2013 06:38 pm
I am indeed. Heavy dose of sarcasm was used in creating that post

Thanks god...
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Mon 19 Aug, 2013 07:58 pm
Your comment about blacks not being a solid group is belied by the fact that over 90% of blacks voted for President Obama, If that is not a SOLID vote, I do not know what solid means.
Mon 19 Aug, 2013 09:02 pm
I been laughing with how the poor Trayvon crowd would had reacted if Zimmerman the neighborhood crime watcher have been a white female instead of a brown male.

All things being the same in every details but for Zimmerman sexual plumbing.

What would then weight more the reverse racism special protections granted to young black males that are attacking evil whites or the special regard females are held in this society.

Firefly might have a nerves break down as on the one hands there is still an evil gun nut white hurting a cute black "child" and on the other hand an evil male hurting a woman.

When you view the world by irrational standards it could end up biting you in the rear.

Viewing all people no matter the sex or the color of the skin the same it would not matter to me what the sex or race of either Trayvon or Zimmerman.

Zimmerman would have a right to self defense if his life or welfare was put in danger by Trayvon.

Mon 19 Aug, 2013 10:34 pm
Face it, Zimmerman could have been some sort of a female judo artist and killed the idiot bouncing him off the sidewalk and the race hustlers would STILL be trying to persecute her for killing an "innocent child(TM)"...

Mon 19 Aug, 2013 10:44 pm
gungasnake wrote:
Face it, Zimmerman could have been some sort of a female judo artist
and killed the idiot bouncing him off the sidewalk and the race hustlers
would STILL be trying to persecute her for killing an "innocent child(TM)"...

Even if he really WERE a child,
that woud be irrelevant, if he were beating his victim 's head on the street;
i.e., next week if travon 's younger cousin begins murdering someone,
as travon was doing when Zimmy killed him, then killing that child
will be the legally and morally correct thing to do,
regardless of whether or not the child had been watched or FOLLOWED
before he started the murdering process.

No one of any age or race has any duty
to allow a child to kill him.

0 Replies
Mon 19 Aug, 2013 10:51 pm
ronnomel wrote:
Your comment about blacks not being a solid group is belied by the fact that over 90% of blacks voted for President Obama,
If that is not a SOLID vote, I do not know what solid means.
OF COURSE; u turned my post around backward & opposite.

Mon 19 Aug, 2013 11:20 pm
the problem with blacks is that they will always sign on with whom ever is selling the black victim story, and this is true even if they have reached middle or upper class status by personally rejecting the black victim story. blacks tend to be chumps politically. the D's would be a much better party if blacks were not so easy.
0 Replies
Wed 21 Aug, 2013 11:14 am
Hearing deferred in Shellie Zimmerman's perjury case
August 21, 2013

Attorneys for George Zimmerman's wife, Shellie Zimmerman, have deferred a hearing that was supposed to take place Wednesday. Instead, a status conference on her upcoming trial will be held next week.

Shellie Zimmerman is facing perjury charges for lying in court about how much money the couple had during a bond hearing for her husband. Her perjury case was put on hold until after her husband's murder trial.

Those expected to testify at her upcoming trial include George's sister, a court reporter and investigators from the state attorney's office.


This is the court docket for Shellie Zimmerman's case.

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Thu 22 Aug, 2013 02:08 pm
Trayvon Martin Shooting Reenacted In New Ad Calling For End To Stand Your Ground Laws

WASHINGTON -- The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has released a chilling new online ad reenacting the night Travyon Martin was killed, in an effort to stop the controversial Stand Your Ground laws nationwide.

The nonprofit group uses actual audio from the 911 calls that shooter George Zimmerman and a witness made that night in Sanford, Fla. After the sound of a gunshot, people in hoodies are seen lying on the ground, and the names are displayed of the more than 20 states that have Stand Your Ground laws in place.

The group has also launched a website and a petition asking people to urge their state lawmakers to "oppose this immoral legislation.”

"'Stand Your Ground' laws have essentially legalized murder. With this PSA, we hope to add to the nationwide push to repeal these immoral laws," said CSGV Communications Director Ladd Everitt.

The laws allow individuals to use deadly force in cases of self-defense, with no obligation to first attempt to retreat. They gained attention after the fatal shooting of Martin, an unarmed African-American teenager, in Feburary 2012. Zimmerman cited Florida's Stand Your Ground law as justification for killing Martin and authorities initially refused to arrest him. Zimmerman was eventually tried, and last month he was found not guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter.

Stand Your Ground laws have been backed by the National Rifle Association and the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council, which lost some of its corporate backers after its role in pushing Stand Your Ground laws came to light.

Fox News Still Denying Role Of Stand Your Ground In Zimmerman Acquittal
August 20, 2013

Fox News is using an ad opposing Stand Your Ground self-defense laws that reenacted the fatal 2012 shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin to revive the false claim that Florida's Stand Your Ground statute played no role in the acquittal of Martin's shooter, George Zimmerman.

On August 19, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence released an online ad reenacting the night Martin was killed as part of an effort to seek the repeal of Stand Your Ground laws, which are on the books in more than 20 states. Those laws drew controversy after Martin's death, with critics claiming Florida's broad self-defense statute had provided Zimmerman with too much leeway to kill Martin without repercussion. On July 13, a Florida jury found Zimmerman not guilty of murder or manslaughter in Martin's killing. Two days later, a juror told CNN that they felt neither crime applied because Zimmerman had "a right to defend himself" by killing Martin under Stand Your Ground, which should have ended all debate over whether the law played a role in the case.

But while discussing the CSGV ad on the August 20 edition of America Live, guest anchor Shannon Bream said, "Let me also start with the fact that the Stand Your Ground law was not used in the Zimmerman case, but that's what this ad is all about. Does it do a disservice to both sides of this debate if we're starting from a place that's not even factually accurate?"

After radio host Richard Fowler attempted to correct Bream by accurately stating that the Stand Your Ground defense was described in instructions to the jury, Larson falsely responded, "No, it wasn't."

BREAM: Richard, let me also start with the fact that the Stand Your Ground law was not used in the Zimmerman case, but that's what this ad is all about. Does it do a disservice to both sides of this debate if we're starting from a place that's not even factually accurate?

FOWLER: The facts are that the Stand Your Ground law was in the jury instructions and beyond that --

LARSON: No, it wasn't. No it wasn't.

Larson is wrong. The publicly available Zimmerman trial jury instructions -- which were entirely based on Florida's Stand Your Ground self-defense law -- stated: "If George Zimmerman was not engaged in an unlawful activity and was attacked in anyplace where he had a right to be, he had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand his ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he reasonably believed that it was necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony."

The jury instructions are nearly identical in wording to the text of Florida's Stand Your Ground law. According to Dan Gelber, a former Florida state senator and former prosecutor who opposes the law, Stand Your Ground "fundamentally changed the analysis used by juries to assign blame in these cases." The law was also important to the case because it was cited by authorities as a reason for why Zimmerman was not initially arrested after shooting Martin.

Larson claimed later in his appearance that "in the jury instructions there was language that was similar to Stand Your Ground that was inserted on the part of the prosecutors trying to convince a jury, but it wasn't about Stand Your Ground."

This is also inaccurate. In the Zimmerman trial, the judge -- not the prosecution, or defense for that matter -- had the final say on what instructions went to the jury.

The denial of the role of Stand Your Ground has been commonplace on Fox News since Zimmerman's acquittal. In making inaccurate claims about Stand Your Ground on America Live, Bream becomes at least the 17th Fox employee to supply false information about the role of the law on the Zimmerman trial.

Larson also pushed a debunked myth about the prevalence of defensive gun uses in the United States in order to suggest that Stand Your Ground laws are necessary, claiming that a Department of Justice (DOJ) study found that "more than 2 million times a year" guns are used defensively to stop crimes. In fact that figure is based on the debunked research of criminologist Gary Kleck, not a government study. An actual study commissioned by the DOJ's Bureau of Justice Statistics found guns were used defensively roughly 100,000 times per year, a figure less than one-twentieth the size of the one cited by Larson.

While it is difficult to accurately estimate the total number of defensive gun uses, research by the members of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center found that as a ratio, "[g]uns are used to threaten and intimidate far more often than they are used in self defense."
cicerone imposter
Thu 22 Aug, 2013 02:29 pm
I wonder why they stopped here,
"[g]uns are used to threaten and intimidate far more often than they are used in self defense."

Guns are used to kill more accidentally and intentionally then they are used in self defense.

In 2010 there were 358 murders involving rifles. Murders involving the use of handguns in the US that same year totaled 6,009, with another 1,939 murders with the firearm type unreported.

In 2009, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 66.9% of all homicides in the United States were perpetrated using a firearm.[5] Two-thirds of all gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides. In 2010, there were 19,392 firearm-related suicide deaths, and 11,078 firearm-related homicide deaths in the United States.[6]
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Thu 22 Aug, 2013 03:08 pm
The only mention of SYG was in the jury instructions. Why it was brought up is a mystery as neither the Defense or Prosecution brought it up during the trial. This is why people do not consider this case about SYG.

Frank Apisa
Thu 22 Aug, 2013 03:16 pm
Baldimo wrote:

The only mention of SYG was in the jury instructions. Why it was brought up is a mystery as neither the Defense or Prosecution brought it up during the trial. This is why people do not consider this case about SYG.

That may be why some people do not...but they also think the shooting was justified because George Zimmerman was an innocent person doing good deeds for humanity...and Trayvon Martin was a thug intent on disrupting the peace and killing people.

All in the perspective, Baldimo.
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Thu 22 Aug, 2013 03:16 pm
It seems to me other than the trial itself, the Jury instructions are the most important part of the trial, more important than jury selections. (imo) After watching that trial, both sides of attorneys argued over single part of the jury instructions. So if SYG was in the instructions it was because they wanted it in there and the jurors had to use it when determining guilt.
Thu 22 Aug, 2013 03:41 pm
The SYG jury instructions were put in by the judge--neither side had argued for their inclusion.
It seems to me other than the trial itself, the Jury instructions are the most important part of the trial...

That certainly proved to be true in this case. And jurors did rely on the SYG instructions in reaching their verdict.

Fox News is simply not being truthful.
Thu 22 Aug, 2013 03:52 pm
The person was truthful, SYG was never argued during the trial, it was never brought up by either the party, it was the Judge who injected SYG into the jury instructions. So to state that it wasn't in the trial is a truth.
Thu 22 Aug, 2013 04:04 pm
No the person wasn't truthful--go back and read the article on Fox News. She insisted that SYG wasn't even part of the jury instructions. Fox News should be known as Faux News.

SYG was a factor in the Zimmerman verdict--two jurors acknowledged that. It was also a factor in why the D.A. declined to arrest Zimmerman right after the shooting.

It's appropriate for that anti-SYG public service message to use the Zimmerman case.

And Trayvon Martin's parents are committed to getting the SYG laws repealed or changed.
Thu 22 Aug, 2013 04:13 pm
Your right, she deny's that it was part of the jury instructions, that was incorrect. It is still a fact that SYG wasn't used in the trial by either the defense or prosecution.

What does the PSA miss out on? How about the fact that Martin attacked Zimmerman. This is why this PSA is full of ****. They are trying to push the full blame on Zimmerman when we know he wouldn't have shot Martin if Martin hadn't attacked him.

If the jurors were moved by SYG, then blame that on the Judge as it was never brought up during the trial, it wasn't the fault of SYG because it shouldn't have been brought up in the jury instructions. This was tried as a murder/self-defense case. SYG had no standing in that trial.
Thu 22 Aug, 2013 04:16 pm
They are trying to push the full blame on Zimmerman when we know he wouldn't have shot Martin if Martin hadn't attacked him...

"When we know he wouldn't have shot Martin if Martin hadn't attacked him"--you know no such thing, unless you were able to read Zimmerman's mind that night. That's simply what you want to believe, but no one really saw how the altercation started, or whether Zimmerman's gun was apparent to Martin and that provoked what happened.
Watch the PSA again. They are putting the blame on Zimmerman for following Martin...SYG removes the necessity to retreat. It's a very effective ad.
it wasn't the fault of SYG because it shouldn't have been brought up in the jury instructions. This was tried as a murder/self-defense case. SYG had no standing in that trial

So you know more about Florida law than the judge who presided over this case?

What qualifies you to make such an opinion?

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