The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Sat 17 Aug, 2013 09:11 am
BillRM wrote:

Which is a reason. You claimed the reason doesn't matter but now you seem to think it does.

I claims that?

Sorry, I knew what you was driving at from the first and was wondering when you would come to the point however I never said that it did not matter, you are getting me confused with one of the other posters.

Not sure if it was Oralloy or David but it was not myself.

Sorry to ruin your silly point.

Hawkeye originally claimed it and by your jumping in to defend him one would assume you agreed with him. If you don't agree with him then I am not sure why you entered our conversation. Perhaps you can explain yourself.
Sat 17 Aug, 2013 09:17 am
Glad you're finally agreeing that the group of adults who profiled you as being a pedophile, and had you removed from a public park, were right to be suspicious about you, and to act on their suspicions.

You were using a classic animal lure to engage young children, and break down their resistance about interacting with you, most pedophiles are men, there might have been previous instances of pedophiles in that park, and profiling can be helpful in identifying unsavory types, like you. It's a good thing that those adults spotted you, and protected those children by getting you out of the park.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Aug, 2013 09:22 am
@Frank Apisa,
Franks the man was force to defend himself with deadly force and then to go through a completely unnecessary political trial.

By the opinions of most legal experts the Prosecutor did not even have enough grounds to get a true bill out of a grand jury so did not go that route.

Zimmerman did zero wrong and the events of the night was totally the responsibilities of his attacker.

Then to added insult the prosecutor improperly label him a murderer after a jury found otherwise and the criminal justice system so willing to go after a nut that threaten Nancy Grace online does nothing to all to the nuts who are threatening not only Zimmerman life but his lawyers, and even the children of the jurors.

Zimmerman in my opinion and some others on this website is an outstanding citizen that we would all be better off if there was more of him in society.

Sat 17 Aug, 2013 09:25 am
My position was simple Zimmerman did indeed killed Trayvon and it was a legal killing and in no way a criminal act of any nature as a jury also ruled.

I knew you was trying to play games that a person have to had reasonable fear for his life or serous harm so that fear is part of the self defense requirement but I did not play along.

Just wondering when you would reveal the silly point you had been driving to.

Frank Apisa
Sat 17 Aug, 2013 09:31 am
BillRM wrote:

Franks the man was force to defend himself with deadly force and then to go through a completely unnecessary political trial.

By the opinions of most legal experts the Prosecutor did not even have enough grounds to get a true bill out of a grand jury so did not go that route.

Zimmerman did zero wrong and the events of the night was totally the responsibilities of his attacker.

Then to added insult the prosecutor improperly label him a murderer after a jury found otherwise and the criminal justice system so willing to go after a nut that threaten Nancy Grace online does nothing to all to the nuts who are threatening not only Zimmerman life but his lawyers, and even the children of the jurors.

Zimmerman in my opinion and some others on this website is an outstanding citizen that we would all be better off if there was more of him in society.

But the people defending him and his actions have sunk to a level that is low even for the Internet…which is not that easy to do.

I do not wish anyone bad luck, but people like Bill, Gunga, David, Hawkeye and some of the others really deserve a healthy dose of reality injected into their lives. Their lack of humanity is appalling and dehumanizing. While I would never wish any of them misfortune, I certainly would not lament any life lessons that come their way to teach them how unfair life is…especially under the circumstances that lead Trayvon to his unfortunate death.

Can't do any better than that to get my point across, Bill.

Sat 17 Aug, 2013 09:32 am
I am feelings very good myself for sending a few hundreds dollars check to Zimmerman defense fund.

From the size of him, it looks like George Zimmerman spent most of it stuffing his face with junk food. That's after the deadbeat used the money to pay off his very large credit card bills, with all the charges he had racked up long before this shooting.

And, in another week, Shellie Zimmerman will have to explain in court why she transferred all that money between accounts, to conceal it, and then committed perjury by lying to the judge about the assets she, and her lying and dishonest husband, had available.

The Zimmermans really suckered you in...

0 Replies
Sat 17 Aug, 2013 09:34 am
BillRM wrote:

My position was simple Zimmerman did indeed killed Trayvon and it was a legal killing and in no way a criminal act of any nature as a jury also ruled.

I knew you was trying to play games that a person have to had reasonable fear for his life or serous harm so that fear is part of the self defense requirement but I did not play along.

Just wondering when you would reveal the silly point you had been driving to.

Oh, you were just jumping in with a non sequitur.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Aug, 2013 09:37 am
Zimmerman did zero wrong and the events of the night was totally the responsibilities of his attacker...

Zimmerman in my opinion and some others on this website is an outstanding citizen that we would all be better off if there was more of him in society.

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Sat 17 Aug, 2013 09:46 am
@Frank Apisa,
lack of humanity is appalling and dehumanizing.

Sorry but I feel a very mild regret that due to Trayvon own actions he will never get a chance to change his life around and become a worthwhile citizen but I do not see why anyone need or should have any more humanity then that toward a young man that by all indications was a hoodlum what to be that was a danger to anyone of whatever color who might chance to annoy him in some way or in some manner.

I save most of my human feelings for Zimmerman and his family who was first the victim of a criminal attacked and then a victim of a legal system that bend to public pressure to charge him with murder for defending himself from a criminal attacker.
Sat 17 Aug, 2013 09:55 am
Wish to hell that Trayvon family would sue so the true picture of this smiling "14" years old would come out to everyone not just the people who take the time to do the research on this hoodlum what to be.

Reading distortions and lies, promoted and created on right-wing Web sites, to assassinate the character of a teen who had never been involved with the criminal justice system, or been involved in any anti-social, aggressive, or criminal activity in his community, is not "research"--those are smear tactics, BillRM.

And those smear tactics are used to distract attention from the fact that George Zimmerman, as an adult, did have a background of aggressive behaviors that landed him in court twice, his cousin has accused him of sexually molesting her for ten years, starting when she was 6 years old, a police department had found him an unsuitable applicant, and, at his bail hearing, he revealed how deceptive and dishonest he really is and how little regard he has for the law or the truth.

You have strange ideas about what constitutes an "up-standing citizen" if you think George Zimmerman fits that mold.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Aug, 2013 10:12 am
Sorry but I feel a very mild regret that due to Trayvon own actions he will never get a chance to change his life around and become a worthwhile citizen but I do not see why anyone need or should have any more humanity then that toward a young man that by all indications was a hoodlum what to be that was a danger to anyone of whatever color who might chance to annoy him in some way or in some manner.

Did Trayvon Martin spot, and pursue, Zimmerman that night? Did Martin shoot and kill anyone that night?

Is there any evidence that Martin had ever shown himself to be a "danger to anyone" before that night?

Try getting your head out of your ass long enough to see this middle-class child as a real human being, from a loving and decent family, and find out what he was really like, instead of trying to turn him into your racial stereotype of some inner city "gangsta" with distortions and lies.

A teenage boy in a gray hooded sweatshirt leaves a 7-Eleven’s neon brightness with his purchase of some candy and an iced tea, and heads back into the wet Sunday evening of Feb. 26, back to a residential complex with a forbidding gate and a comforting name.

Trayvon Martin was more than welcome there; he was expected.

With his hood up as the rain came down, Trayvon made his way to one gated community among many, the Retreat at Twin Lakes. Past a dozen storefronts, four of them vacant. Past signs and billboards shouting “Now Leasing!” and “Rent Specials!” His was a tour of a post-bust stretch of Sanford.

For more than two years now, Trayvon’s father, Tracy Martin, a truck driver from Miami, had been dating Brandy Green, a juvenile detention officer in Orlando. She lived at the Retreat with her 14-year-old son, Chad, and it was not uncommon for the Martins to drive up from Miami for overnight visits.

...Trayvon was interested in girls, computer games, sports and the beat of the rap and hip-hop emanating from the ear buds of his smartphone. Sleeping in Miami Dolphins bedsheets, he was all teenage boy, and more.

He called himself “Slimm” on Twitter, and used a handle, @no_limit_nigga, that echoed a song by the rappers Kane & Abel. On Facebook, he expressed interest in airplanes and “South Park”; Bob Marley and LeBron James. On MySpace, he posted snapshots of his young life: admiring an airplane; fishing with his father; displaying a cake decorated with the words “Happy Birthday Tray.”

Easygoing, with a default mood set at “chillin’,” as one schoolmate, Suzannah Charles, put it. The kind of kid who made tiny cakes in an Easy-Bake Oven with his 7-year-old cousin; who spoon-fed a close uncle, Ronald Fulton, who is quadriplegic, when his nurse was unavailable; who was an integral part of a close-knit family — raised properly, family members say, by Mr. Martin and his ex-wife, Sybrina Fulton, who works for Miami-Dade County’s housing agency.

Ms. Green described him as the kind of kid who did not bring attitude into a house, and who knew how to behave respectfully in the homes of others. “He was smooth, quiet,” she said. “He took care of his appearance. He had swag.”

But Trayvon was a teenager, not an angel. In his last year at his high school in north Miami-Dade County, he had received three suspensions — for tardiness, for graffiti and, most recently, for having a baggie with a trace of marijuana in his backpack.

This last suspension, for 10 days, was enough for Trayvon’s father, who stayed on top of him about his whereabouts and middling grades; after all, he wanted to go to college, just like his quiet older brother, Jahvaris Fulton, 21, a student at Florida International University.

Mr. Martin said that he had taken Trayvon with him to Sanford to keep him from hanging around Miami, doing nothing, and to talk some sense into him.

These recent problems, all nonviolent, hardly reflected the essence of Trayvon Martin, his family and friends say. He was kindhearted, even-tempered and very thoughtful. That night, for example, while his father and Ms. Green were out having dinner in Orlando, Trayvon asked Chad, Ms. Green’s son, if he wanted anything from the store.

Skittles, the younger boy said.


Sat 17 Aug, 2013 10:57 am
@Frank Apisa,
I can actually feel a bit of compassion for George Zimmerman. He screwed up big time…and his screw up lead to a tragedy. I could even suppose if he had it to do over again, he would have acted differently and prevented the unnecessary killing of Trayvon Martin.

But the people defending him and his actions have sunk to a level that is low even for the Internet…which is not that easy to do.

I do not wish anyone bad luck, but people like Bill, Gunga, David, Hawkeye and some of the others really deserve a healthy dose of reality injected into their lives. Their lack of humanity is appalling and dehumanizing....
0 Replies
Sat 17 Aug, 2013 11:04 am
What a sad article, firefly. Particularly the last line.
Sat 17 Aug, 2013 11:05 am
firefly wrote:
The issue with Trayvon Martin's death is racial profiling.

At some point, do we get to make up our own crimes like that??

Sat 17 Aug, 2013 11:08 am
@Frank Apisa,
especially under the circumstances that lead Trayvon to his unfortunate death...

Trayvon's death was unfortunate only for Trayvon, it was a stroke of luck for that neighborhood he was infesting.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Aug, 2013 11:58 am
At some point, do we get to make up our own crimes like that??

I guess for example if you see someone acting in a possible criminal manner such as forcing a front door open and that person have a black skin color you should just ignore it.

Otherwise you risk that you and the police officer that you summary to investigate will both be label racists by the news media and the President of the the US when it turn out that the person is the homeowner and an important college professor beside.

So if you see anything worrisome do not repeat do not call 911 if the person involved had a black skin, but it is still ok to do so if the person is white or brown for the moment at least.

We live in a strange world that follow no logic.

0 Replies
Sat 17 Aug, 2013 12:11 pm
What a sad article, firefly. Particularly the last line.

It is sad, revelette. And what's even sadder is the way some posters on this thread are trying to destroy this dead child's reputation and character with all sorts of distortions and lies. To refer to him as, "a walking piece of ****," as both BillRM and gunga have done, is to deny this child any humanity, or worth, or dignity. Those comments have nothing to do with this case--or with the reality of what Trayvon Martin was like--they are nothing but vile expressions of racial hatred on the part of those posters.

This child was not "a hoodlum" or "a thug" or anything close to it. He was a middle-class high school junior, with no history of any anti-social, aggressive, or criminal activities in his community, and he was known for being a kind and thoughtful person. His high school English teacher said, " he majored in cheerfulness."

He was a happy kid, with a loving family. Here he is with his older brother, a college student.

And here he is with his dad.


These pictures of Trayvon were taken 9 days before he was killed....



When all is said and done, Trayvon Martin seems to have been a much nicer, and more decent, person than the posters who are attacking and demeaning him in this thread, he deserves respect where they clearly don't.
cicerone imposter
Sat 17 Aug, 2013 12:19 pm
What this tragedy proved was the racial bigots are still ignorant, loud, and without any humanity. Unfortunately, we have learned how prevalent racial bigotry still remains in this country that's supposed to be the land of equality and opportunity.

The stop and frisk in NYC shows how even government "legal" agencies in the US are bigoted against blacks and Hispanics.

A sad commentary on our country.

Sat 17 Aug, 2013 12:25 pm
@cicerone imposter,
A sad commentary on our country.

Indeed it is, C.I..

And the racist crap that has been posted on this thread, including the dehumanization of a dead black child, is a sad commentary on what has become of A2K.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Aug, 2013 12:26 pm
@cicerone imposter,
we have learned how prevalent racial bigotry still remains in this country

Yes indeed racial bigotry is a large problem in this society..........


The stop and frisk in NYC shows how even government "legal" agencies in the US are bigoted against blacks and Hispanics.

Hispanics such as Zimmerman???

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