The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Wed 14 Aug, 2013 04:37 am
Why Isn't NRA Arguing Trayvon Martin Tragedy Could Have Been Averted if Only He Had a Gun?
byDavid Harris Gershon

Sometimes, silence is much more revealing than those words actually spoken. Such is the case with respect to how the NRA has responded to the George Zimmerman verdict: with virtual silence.

One might expect the NRA to respond to Trayvon Martin's death by calling upon young, black men across this country to arm themselves, since the only way to truly protect oneself from the threat of violence in this country is to own a firearm. To exercise one's Second Amendment right.

After all, that's how it's responded to any number of shootings in which white people have been killed in mass shootings.

Of course, by expect, I mean the opposite, an ironic point made by a Tweet yesterday from Anonymous:

Why isnt the NRA saying the tragedy wouldn’t have happened if Trayvon Martin was armed,& calling on young black men to get themselves guns?

We know the reason why. For when the NRA lobbied hard for the Stand Your Ground law in Florida which allowed Zimmerman to murder a young, black youth, it did so with a vision of white 'victimhood' – and gun sales to white Americans – in mind.

The NRA is so dangerous, in part, because of the racist views held by so many of its members, lobbyists and organizational leaders.

It's this racism that prevented the NRA from responding to Martin's death by encouraging similar victims of violent crime to go out and get a gun.

Because the NRA isn't fighting its warped, Second Amendment fight for 'those' people.

Wed 14 Aug, 2013 04:55 am
That Trayvon was into burglary has been demonstrated beyond any sort of a doubt. The motive isn't totally clear.
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Wed 14 Aug, 2013 05:02 am
Zimmerman stalked Trayvon quite a distance from his car.

Sorry, Monkeyjerk, but that's BULLSHIT.

Several minutes had passed after GZ lost sight of Martin and GZ was walking back to his car. Martin could have been a mile away in that much time or he could easily have walked (unobserved) the three blocks back to the house where he was stying. Instead, he circled back, attacked GZ, and got shot for his trouble. Martins body was found substantially closer to GZ's car than to the house he should have been walking to.

A friend of Martins, asked if any of that surprised him, said "not really".
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Wed 14 Aug, 2013 05:04 am
People who say Martin had the makings of drugs in his possession or was already high remind me very much of President Clinton saying, "That would depend on what the definition of "is" is."
Wed 14 Aug, 2013 05:04 am
These tend to put you to sleep, NOT turn you into a homicidal maniac.

Sorry, Monkeyjerk, but that's MORE BULLSHIT. Several studies which have been posted on the web recently note that effects of lean/purple-drank include paranoia and violent behavior.
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Wed 14 Aug, 2013 05:10 am
People who say Martin had the makings of drugs in his possession or was already high remind me very much of President Clinton saying, "That would depend on what the definition of "is" is."

You might want to try dealing with reality. Martin was a known user of lean/purple-drank and his autopsy showed actual liver damage from it.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Aug, 2013 05:14 am
Why isnt the NRA saying the tragedy wouldn’t have happened if Trayvon Martin was armed,& calling on young black men to get themselves guns?

I am sure that the NRA is in favor of all law abiding citizens no matter what their skin color happen to be to be armed if that their desire.

That surely does not cover Trayvon who by the very fact that he assaulted Zimmerman proved that he was not law abiding to say nothing of illegal drugs found in his blood after his death.

A gun did save an innocent man life that night at the cost of a teenager who was sadly on the wrong path in life.

Trayvon was trying to get a firearm from news stories and if he had have one he might had been able to killed Zimmerman and then instead of one dead criminal we would have had one dead innocent man and a teenager we would had have to locked up for 60 years of so at a cost of 40,000 a year or so.

Wed 14 Aug, 2013 05:17 am
Trayvon was trying to get a firearm from news stories and if he had have one he might had been able to killed Zimmerman and then instead of one dead criminal we would have had one dead innocent man and a teenager we would had have to locked up for 60 years of so at a cost of 40,000 a year or so....

The good news is that a guy who steals wedding rings probably wouldn't have lasted more than a year in prison. Cost would have been more like 40K than like 40K * 60.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Aug, 2013 05:24 am
Wed 14 Aug, 2013 05:29 am

Same basic story as Trayvon Martin, i.e. a walking piece of **** with no reasonable expectation of reaching age 25 succumbs to the law of averages and dies as a logical consequence of his own shitty behavior, and then is made into a hero of the world by propagandists and/or race baiters:


At that time, the Alexanderplatz, the centre of Berlin's nightlife, was part of the territory of Wessel's SA troop. In September 1929, he met Erna Jänicke, an 18-year-old prostitute, in a bar. Soon he moved into her apartment in Große Frankfurter Straße (today Karl-Marx-Allee). The landlady was Elisabeth Salm, whose late husband had been an active Communist. Some sources claim Wessel earned money as her procurer.[6] After a few months, there was a dispute between Salm and Wessel over unpaid rent.[7]

In the evening of 14 January 1930, Wessel answered a knock on his door, and was shot in the face by an assailant who then fled the scene. Wessel lingered in hospital until he died on 23 February. Albrecht Höhler, an active member of the local Communist Party (KPD) branch, was sentenced to six years' imprisonment for the shooting, and was executed by the Gestapo after the Nazi accession to power in 1933.[8]

The KPD, however, denied any knowledge of the attack and said it resulted from a dispute over money between Wessel and his landlady. It is possible that Salm asked her late husband's old comrades to help deal with her recalcitrant tenant.[9] Another version says that Wessel's murderer was a rival for the affections of Jänicke. It is also possible the shooting was revenge by local Communists for Wessel's alleged role in the murder of a 17-year-old Communist, Camillo Ross, earlier in the day.[citation needed]

Posthumous fame[edit source | editbeta]

Wessel was elevated by Goebbels' propaganda apparatus to the status of leading martyr of the Nazi movement. Goebbels himself began the process with his 27 February 1930 account of Wessel's death "Raise High the Flag!"[10] Many of Goebbels's most effective propaganda speeches were made at gravesides, but Wessel received unusual attention among the many unremembered storm troopers.[11]

Joseph Goebbels would have hired Sharpton and Jackson on the spot. It's a fairly safe bet he'd have referred to them as "Black Aryans".
Wed 14 Aug, 2013 05:48 am
I have no problem with law abiding citizens of any skin color being legally armed however sadly in Florida that does not included one in three blacks men who have felony records.

That does not included Trayvon for the reasons already given and who if the news stories are corrected that he was looking for a firearm would had been illegally armed in the near future but for his encounter with Zimmerman.

The criminal class both black and white are already mostly illegally armed in any case.

Now if you are talking about encouraging the black Trayvons of the world being armed and going around looking to killed anyone who annoyed them well the death rate and the imprisoning rate are already sky high for young black males but that would be a wonderful way of increasing that rate even higher.

Oh and such suggestions/threats are a wonderful way to increased the numbers of non-blacks who will decide to be legally armed.
Wed 14 Aug, 2013 06:00 am
Same basic story as Trayvon Martin, i.e. a walking piece of **** with no reasonable expectation of reaching age 25...

How wonderful it must be for young black men to live in a country populated by armed racists who regard them as "a walking piece of ****". Makes you really proud to be an American, doesn't it?


Wed 14 Aug, 2013 06:13 am
0 Replies
Wed 14 Aug, 2013 06:40 am
How wonderful it must be for young black men to live in a country populated by armed racists who regard them as "a walking piece of ****". Makes you really proud to be an American, doesn't it?

Now I do not remember him stating that all young black men are walking pieces of **** but maybe I missed that statement.

But it is you and people like you that are trying to sell the idea that Trayvon stand for all young black men not others here.

Dr. King stated that we should judge people by their character not the color of their skin and as far as Trayvon is concern that what seems to be happening.

You are the one insulting most black men by connecting them with the actions of a hoodlum what to be or a walking piece of ****.

What is even more worrisome is the efforts to encourage other young black men to follow in the footsteps of Trayvon.

So Firefly you wish even a larger percent of young black men to end up dying violence deaths or spending most of their lifetimes behind bars.
Wed 14 Aug, 2013 07:08 am
Dr. King stated that we should judge people by their character not the color of their skin and as far as Trayvon is concern that what seems to be happening.

You are the one insulting most black men by connecting them with the actions of a hoodlum what to be or a walking piece of ****.

George Zimmerman did not judge Trayvon Martin by his character when he spotted him, walking and talking on his cell phone, and called the police to report a "suspicious character"--he racially profiled him on the basis of the color of his skin.

And you've been doing the same thing--only you're far more blatantly racist than Zimmerman. You've stereotyped a 16 year old high school student, with some history of minor problems at school, and absolutely no history of anti-social, or aggressive, or criminal, activities in the community, as a "hoodlum what to be or a walking piece of ****". And you arrived at that racist characterization on the basis of innuendo, distortion, and outright lies about this teen.

You're a semi-literate idiot who seems to take perverse satisfaction in the death of a child you've just described as a "walking piece of ****".

If your warped brain has to resort to vile racist stereotypes to demonize an unarmed child, who was profiled, stalked, and killed, by a psychologically unstable armed adult, you are the real "walking piece of ****".
Wed 14 Aug, 2013 07:34 am
aggressive"--he racially profiled him on the basis of the color of his skin

You have no proof and no evidence of any kind that would indicated that Zimmerman care about Trayvon skin color but keep repeating that groundless charge and you might even get yourself to believed it......

You've stereotyped a 16 year old high school student, with some history of minor problems at school, and absolutely no history of anti-social, or aggressive

Trayvon attacked Zimmerman for the crime of annoying him and try to do great harm to him and that is enough all by itself to judge the gentleman however we do have messages from him dealing with question on how to produce drugs, asking where he could get a firearm, that he love to fight and for you naked pictures of underage females on his cell phone.
An of course women jewelry that he would not explain.

Firefly by the way how come you been all for locking up anyone with legally define child porn but for Trayvon it is a minor offense in your eyes???????

I agree that teens boys having late teens girls naked pictures are minor offenses but you have never agree with me until it involved Trayvon.
Wed 14 Aug, 2013 08:02 am
No I did not run the risks that adults run as a child and children should be protected and not put into dangerous situations without parents or others adult protectors.

Now you're quantifying risk Bill. That's dangerous territory for your stated principles.

And it is not the slightest use to assert that you " did not run the risks that adults run as a child"

Kids are at risk. End of story. They are as entitled as you to protect themselves in the manner you demand and, as a matter of interest, so are felons who have done their time and anybody else who is not under lock and key.

America is a dangerous situation and expecting kids to be under parental or other adult protection until they are 18 is plain silly and demonstrates a very loose grip on reality.

Your own logic, which you can't face up to, is that everybody in the USA should be armed and you cannot show that you are more at risk than any one of them. And you still being here proves that you have not been anywhere near as at risk as many thousands of Americans have been, both killed and injured, many kids included, by privately owned guns, legal or otherwise.

What's the economic benefit to the USA of 300, 000, ooo guns. We know the cost is stupendous. The downside. What's in the credit column?

Unless it is greater than the debit column you might be accused of damaging US interests either deliberately or as dupes of those who are deliberate.

The only upside I can think of is the cost saving of more expensive treatments of middle-aged knuckledraggers than the satisfying sound of "bang bang" caused by the most delicate squeeze on the well-oiled hair trigger and some holes in a target or the savings on anxiety relieving chemicals by having a piece in the bed-side cabinet or snugly tucked in a shoulder holster.

Wed 14 Aug, 2013 08:22 am
Firefly by the way how come you been all for locking up anyone with legally define child porn but for Trayvon it is a minor offense in your eyes???????

You are such a sick pervert, you can't stop mentioning child pornography.

As far as I know, the contents of Martin's cell phone, in terms of photos, have never been made public, nor are they, in any way, related to why he was killed. I don't know what was on the phone, nor do you, nor do I care.

Why would anyone really be interested in what any 16 year old has on his cell phone? Is your prurient interest in children that great that you need to pry into their possible sexual fantasies, and invade their privacy, in any way you can?

How much porn is stored on your computer? Would you care to expose the contents of your own porn collection, and a log of your porn viewing activities to the public?
we do have messages from him dealing with question on how to produce drugs, asking where he could get a firearm, that he love to fight and for you naked pictures of underage females on his cell phone.

Who cares what a 15 or 16 year old Tweets or texts to friends? Kids brag, show off, posture, exaggerate, boast, talk about all sorts of things. That's no indication of the reality of how they actually behave. It's hardly a reflection on their character--it's a reflection of adolescence.

The fact remains Trayvon Martin had absolutely no history of any anti-social, aggressive, or criminal activity in the community.

That's more than can be said of you. Your ex-wife got an Order of Protection against you for domestic violence, and you didn't even defend yourself against the charge. And you were asked to leave a public park because other adults profiled you as behaving like a pedophile.

That's a lot worse than anything Trayvon Martin had on his cell phone or Tweeted to friends.

You are perversely delighting in smearing the character of a dead child in order to distract from the documented anti-social past history of his shooter--a man who twice wound up in court because of his aggression-related behaviors, and who was court-ordered to take anger management classes, and a man who brazenly lied and concealed evidence, of both assets and a second passport, during court proceedings regarding his bail.

As I said, that's a lot worse than anything Trayvon Martin had on his cell phone or Tweeted to friends, and a lot worse than any of his minor school infractions. That's real life actual adult behavior on the part of George Zimmerman--someone who definitely does not qualify as being "law-abiding". I'm not surprised that a police department turned down his application.

Your racist bile, expressed in the guise of demonizing Trayvon Martin, is sickening. You are a semi-literate idiot who is gaining perverse satisfaction from stomping on the grave of a child. You're the real "walking piece of ****." Judging by his parents, and by what little we actually do know about him, Trayvon Martin was a much more decent human being than you will ever be.
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Wed 14 Aug, 2013 09:25 am
What's the economic benefit to the USA of 300, 000, ooo guns. We know the cost is stupendous. The downside. What's in the credit column?

The cost is a lot less then having the speed limit on our highways in the 60s 70s MPH instead say 45 MPH for example in terms of dollars and lives.

Footnote would Trayvon been any less dead if Zimmerman had gutted him with a knife instead of shooting him?

Next for one thing unlike your nation it give the people of the US a counter balance of force if the Federal government get out of control and one of the reasons that the founders did not wish the military force to only be available at the Federal level.

The founders did not trust the very government they was calling into being and an armed citizenry was one of the many safeguards that was but into place.

Second footnote having an armed citizenry can be a life saver when government break down in an area for whatever reason such as south florida in 1992 or south California in the late 1880s. Just two examples in US history.

An during 1992 my area "crime watch" carry shotguns not 9 mm.
Wed 14 Aug, 2013 09:48 am
The founders did not trust the very government they was calling into being and an armed citizenry was one of the many safeguards that was but into place.

Those Founders also kept people who were Trayvon Martin's color as slaves, bought and sold them as livesock, and did not afford them the full rights of citizens. Do you really think they wanted to see blacks as part of that "well armed citizenry"?

Do you think most white men, in this country now, really want to see blacks as "a well armed citizenry"?
Footnote would Trayvon been any less dead if Zimmerman had gutted him with a knife instead of shooting him?

He might still be alive if Zimmerman hadn't brought a gun to fist fight--or if he was equally armed. Trayvon Martin needed a gun more than George Zimmerman did--Zimmerman wasn't the one who had a creepy stranger stalking him in the dark, for no apparent reason. For all Martin knew, Zimmerman, who never identified himself, could have been a serial killer. And, as it turned out, Zimmerman is a killer.


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