OmSigDAVID wrote:
Must You Wait for the Attacker’s Bullet to Strike Before You Act in Self-Defense?
parados wrote:So then since Zimmerman was the one with the gun you do think Martin was justified in attacking him, correct?
No; certainly not.
Zimmy had as much right to carry a gun
as to carry the Bible or the Wall Street Journal.
He did
NOT attack decedent.
He spoke to decedent; that is not the same thing as attacking.
Are u able to follow my thinking here, Mr. Parados??
parados wrote:Or does your large type not apply to black people?
1. U have
falsely attributed that "large type" to me. I object.
2. I do not begrudge self defense to
and I acknowledge that right in everyone, no matter how low.
In the history of this Republic, the most foul
and abhorrent criminals have been the Rosenbergs;
I even acknowledge their moral right to fight back
as thay were dragged to the electric chair in Sing Sing.
Decedent attacked Zimmy for no reason.
He got what he deserved. The rest of us r safer for it.