The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Sat 10 Aug, 2013 05:39 pm
@Frank Apisa,
People who live in fantasy land where Florida is the wild west only worst with armed whites roaming around looking for poor innocent black children to killed and as soon as possible it should be turn into a nice version of gun free Chicago or Washington DC where no one is killed as it is gun free by the law!!!!!!!

Such people should spend as must time as possible rooming around both Chicago and Washington DC with special note to the real safe areas that contain mostly blacks with few evil white men.
Frank Apisa
Sat 10 Aug, 2013 06:19 pm
BillRM wrote:

People who live in fantasy land where Florida is the wild west only worst with armed whites roaming around looking for poor innocent black children to killed and as soon as possible it should be turn into a nice version of gun free Chicago or Washington DC where no one is killed as it is gun free by the law!!!!!!!

Such people should spend as must time as possible rooming around both Chicago and Washington DC with special note to the real safe areas that contain mostly blacks with few evil white men.

Get back under control, Bill. You are embarrassing yourself.

Sat 10 Aug, 2013 06:46 pm

You would be doing the human race a favor if you would do that with your children in tow as every bit of the gene pool that is clean up is worthwhile

You would like cicerone impostor and his children to get killed to help clean up "the gene pool"?

You are a sick racist bastard.

Even for you, you have hit a new disgusting low. I'm only sorry that your substantial intellectual limitations prevent you from fully appreciating what an ignorant and revolting human being you truly are.

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Sat 10 Aug, 2013 07:03 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank CI the fool is crying about how so unsafe Florida happen to be and how dare anyone risk visiting the state when there are one hell of a lot of areas in the US that is "gun" free as far as private citizens legally carrying firearm are concern and that do not have a SYG laws that are far far far more dangerous for anyone black white or other colors to visit.

Living in a fantasy world where a man who dare to defend himself after being assaulted turn a state into some picture of the wild west as it is shown in movies not how it ever existed.

Black youths have far far better chance of reaching old age in Florida then in Chicago or our national capital for that matter.

Trayvon met his end by a jury verdict by a man who he attacked legally defending himself not some racial killing.
Sat 10 Aug, 2013 07:10 pm
Frank CI the fool is crying about how so unsafe Florida happen to be and how dare anyone risk visiting the state...

That is hardly an excuse for what you said...

And I'm sick of your fantasy interpretation of the jury verdict in the Zimmerman case, and your continued demonization of an innocent 17 year old kid who had the tragic misfortune of being racially profiled by a psychologically unstable gun-toting vigilante, and your repeatedly racist comments on blacks in general.

Go stick your gun up your ass.

Frank Apisa
Sat 10 Aug, 2013 07:17 pm
BillRM wrote:

Frank CI the fool is crying about how so unsafe Florida happen to be and how dare anyone risk visiting the state when there are one hell of a lot of areas in the US that is "gun" free as far as private citizens legally carrying firearm are concern and that do not have a SYG laws that are far far far more dangerous for anyone black white or other colors to visit.

Living in a fantasy world where a man who dare to defend himself after being assaulted turn a state into some picture of the wild west as it is shown in movies not how it ever existed.

Black youths have far far better chance of reaching old age in Florida then in Chicago or our national capital for that matter.

Trayvon met his end by a jury verdict by a man who he attacked legally defending himself not some racial killing.

Anyone claiming Florida is more unsafe than most other parts of our country is off-base, Bill. I agree with you there completely.

But I think that our country in general is more unsafe than many other industrialized countries.

One of the things that makes our country so unsafe is the kind of thinking you are doing here…in the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case. (And in the “we have a right to our guns” mentality.)

In any case, the Martin/Zimmerman situation is not nearly as simple as you are painting it…and probably the truth of the matter is closer to the position of the people opposing your position.

The judgment of the jury, which you mention so often, is suspect…and much of that verdict was predicated on laws and instructions that headed the verdict in that direction.

George Zimmerman stalked Trayvon Martin. If you cannot acknowledge that…then you are being selectively blind. The incident that ended with Martin dead and Zimmerman acquitted…WAS INITIATED BY GEORGE ZIMMERMAN.

I think you are being disingenuous to suggest that many opinions on this happening would be reversed if the race of the two individuals were reversed.

The notion that Zimmerman was legally defending himself may have some superficial validity considering the laws….and the setting…and the races of the individuals involved.

But to suggest that true JUSTICE was done here is an absurdity of cosmic proportions.
Sat 10 Aug, 2013 07:17 pm

Frank CI the fool is crying about how so unsafe Florida happen to be and how dare anyone risk visiting the state...
firefly wrote:
That is hardly an excuse for what you said...

Go stick your gun up your ass.
Is ALL your advice that good??
That 's very un-sanitary.
0 Replies
Sat 10 Aug, 2013 07:19 pm
@cicerone imposter,
We now live in Silicon Valley, one of the most desirable places to live in the US.


Tom McClintock:

....I’ve been asked to propose a 12-point program to correct all the damage that a generation of liberalism has done to California. I can do it in one. You’ll find it on the Liberty Bell – “Proclaim Liberty throughout the land and unto ALL the inhabitants thereof.” Everything else is commentary.

If that sounds too pat, let me ask you for a show of hands. How many of you have friends or neighbors who have left California in the last several years for the middle of the Nevada or Arizona deserts?

Now let me ask you this question: could any conceivable act of God make this beautiful state a less desirable place for people to live and work and raise their families than the middle of the Nevada Nuclear Test Range?

Only government could do that. And it has.

If you want to know what California CAN be, you need only remember what California once was. A generation ago, California’s highways were the envy of the world. We had one of the finest school systems in the country and the finest university system in the world. Electricity was so cheap that there was serious discussion of abandoning electricity meters. The state water project promised abundant water supplies to complete the greening of California. Affordable housing abounded at all income levels. California really was the Golden State.

The Left tells us that that’s the taxpayers fault for not being willing to spend enough money on government.

Here are the facts. Exactly 40 years ago, when Californians enjoyed an unparalleled quality of life, state government spent $202 for every man, woman and child. Adjusted for inflation, that’s $1,240 in today’s dollars. Today, California government consumes $3,200 for every person in the state – two and a half times more in population-adjusted, inflation-adjusted terms.

Question: is this the fault of the taxpayers for not paying enough taxes or is it the fault of near-criminal mismanagement of California’s ample resources?

The fact is that the only thing that changed was public policy. And the good news is, that’s in our power to change back.

Here’s what happened: In 1974, Jerry Brown, known by his nickname, Moonbeam, brought to state government a radical and retrograde ideology that he called his “era of limits.” It amounted the naïve notion that if we stopped building things, people wouldn’t come. So we stopped building roads; we stopped building dams, we stopped building powerplants, we stopped building homes – and people came anyway.

This new age nonsense was accompanied by a far more sinister development, and that was the unionization and radicalization of California’s public employees. For the first time in our history, public employee unions were handed the power to force every public servant into their ranks to use government to extract from their pay unprecedented funds to fuel the political campaigns of their minions, to strike against the public interest, and in effect, to control both sides of the bargaining table.

The result has been the plundering of this state’s finances until – despite record revenues – despite a continuing and steady increase in the absolute size of government – despite the fact that government today is consuming a larger portion of your earnings than at anytime in its history, we can’t seem to scrape together enough money to build a decent road system or educate our kinds or protect our families from predators.....
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Sat 10 Aug, 2013 07:27 pm
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Sat 10 Aug, 2013 07:35 pm
Trayvon Martin Song (1933 Version):

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Sat 10 Aug, 2013 07:36 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
George Zimmerman stalked Trayvon Martin.
Assuming that to be true, for the sake of argument,
let us reflect on the fact that there is NOTHING rong with doing that.
It is moral, proper, decent and 1OO% lawful.
The police n FBI do it all the time.
So did the private investigators whom I used to hire, years ago.
Thay later proudly attested to doing so in Court, in front of judge n jury.

Frank Apisa wrote:
If you cannot acknowledge that…then you are being selectively blind.
The incident that ended with Martin dead and Zimmerman acquitted…WAS INITIATED BY GEORGE ZIMMERMAN.
He was a very good, civic-minded citizen to spy on suspected burglars,
in defense of his nabors' property.
He shud get a gold medal !

Frank Apisa wrote:
I think you are being disingenuous to suggest that many opinions on this happening
would be reversed if the race of the two individuals were reversed.
U r now telling us, Frank,
that Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, n Obama 'd have said n done
the same thing, if travon were a white, correct ?? Right ??


Sat 10 Aug, 2013 08:01 pm
The whole thing was dog wagging. Russia is too strong at present for the dickhead (Obunga) to try to bomb some innocent Orthodox Christian place like Serbia, so the idea was to create a "War on Racism" sort of like our wars on poverty and drugs and let this George Zimmerman be the scapegoat sort of like the Jews in Nazi Germany.

The basic problem was that Mr. Dickhead was looking at a half dozen or so major scandale a few months ago, starting with Ben Ghazi and the IRS scandals.
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Sat 10 Aug, 2013 08:01 pm
@Frank Apisa,
George Zimmerman stalked Trayvon Martin. If you cannot acknowledge that…

You wish to use the emotional loaded word stalked instead of follow that is fine unless by doing so you are trying to imply that Zimmerman did anything illegal or immoral by tracking him or following him or stalking him in order to be able to allow the police to check him out.

He was not a predator and there is no indication that Zimmerman was planning on assaulting Trayvon or harming him in any way or in any manner as the word stalking imply. Hell he wished the police to check Trayvon out and if he had wished to confront Trayvon himself he could had done so without calling 911 and asking for the cops.

Nor does following someone give the person being follow a license to turn and attacked the person following him.

If Trayvon have any concerns other then being annoyed he could had call 911 himself, or call the house and have a family member come to get him or for that matter just keep walking to his home.

Sat 10 Aug, 2013 08:03 pm
@Frank Apisa,
George Zimmerman stalked Trayvon Martin. If you cannot acknowledge that…

Sorry, Frank, nobody with any brains or talent is gonna acknowledge that ****.

Sat 10 Aug, 2013 08:09 pm
He was not a predator and there is no indication that Zimmerman was planning on assaulting Trayvon or harming him in any way or in any manner...

Given the fact that he wound up shooting and killing Martin, the truth is that you don't know what Zimmerman was planning when he followed him.
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Sat 10 Aug, 2013 08:09 pm
Frank by using the word stalk is trying to imply that Zimmerman did something illegal as in breaking the law as in stalking an old girlfriend.

Following someone to be able to guide the police to that person is not illegal or wrong in anyway no matter what term you used for the action of following someone for that purpose.
Sat 10 Aug, 2013 08:13 pm
You're a broken record.

Empty barrels make the most noise.

Go stick your gun up your ass.

Maybe that will help you to shut up.

0 Replies
Sat 10 Aug, 2013 08:17 pm
@Frank Apisa,
may have some superficial validity considering the laws….and the setting…and the races of the individuals involved.

Sorry the only reason race came into it was for better news stories as there is no indication that Zimmerman gave a **** about Trayvon race that night.

Race did come into it as far as Sharpton and his like forcing a political trial that would never had occur it Trayvon had been white or any other color as it was a clear case of self defense under any of the self defense laws in any state of the union.
Sat 10 Aug, 2013 09:06 pm
The reason race came into this case was because Trayvon Martin's parents felt the failure to make an arrest, and to conduct a full investigation of their son's death, was another instance of the criminal justice system displaying bias in how negligently it regarded the death of an unarmed young black male.

The police wanted to arrest Zimmerman right after the shooting and have him charged with manslaughter--they classified Martin's death as an "unnecessary killing"--and as a violation of the manslaughter statute--and that is how the police report from that night reads. It was the D.A. who declined to bring charges, and that was what outraged Martin's parents. Their child had been shot and killed, inside a private gated community, by someone who had mistaken him for a criminal, as he simply walked home from the store, and they quite rightly suspected racial profiling, and they wanted their son's killer held legally accountable.

My understanding is that Sharpton became involved at the request of Martin's parents because they wanted publicity focused on the case and they wanted Zimmerman arrested. And Sharpton was very successful in organizing the demonstrations that helped to bring that about.

It was an excellent example of the use of social activism to force the government to take an action that they should have taken in the first place.

You want to deny that the teen's race was a factor in why Zimmerman profiled Martin? Go right ahead. You haven't shown much indication of dealing with reality in most of your remarks about this case.

You're pathetically ill-equipped to understand situations of any complexity.

And your own bigotry blinds you even more. You've demonized Trayvon Martin--a middle class high school kid from a good family--by conjuring up virtually every negative racial stereotype that could be applied to an inner city ghetto black male--with absolutely no regard for the truth. So, after you rather heavy handedly smear this teen with your own racist bullshit, you then have the utter gall to claim race isn't involved in this case.
it was a clear case of self defense under any of the self defense laws in any state of the union...

No, in a great many states it would be considered manslaughter because Zimmerman recklessly provoked an encounter by following Martin, and by never identifying himself to Martin, which would more than justify a defensive reaction by a fearful Martin, and that would invalidate a claim of self-defense by Zimmerman. On top of which, Zimmerman used lethal force against his unarmed victim, in response to a single punch, and, in a great many states, that would be regarded as excessive force.

It's bad enough you may stupidly believe your own drivel, stop expecting that anyone else will.

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Sat 10 Aug, 2013 10:54 pm
With the recent mass shootings and the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman incident, the United States Mint has decided to re-issue the Florida state quarter to honor of the state’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law which states that a person may use necessary force to defend themselves if they ever feel threatened. And who better to represent this wacky law than lovable, cartoon legend Beavis (with apologies to Mike Judge), who is depicted as his paranoid alter ego, the Great Cornholio. NRA spokesmen claim this is a fitting tribute to a nation that truly loves its guns and hopefully will put us one step closer to the apocalyptic world of The Road Warrior. Yessirree! Arizona and Florida: leading the country in crazy!



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