Quote:Also before the Zimmerman trial he might had gone with a plead deal in order to protect his wife.
This had nothing to do with putting pressure on Zimmerman for a plea deal--a plea deal, in this particular case, would not have have satisfied anyone, and a plea deal was never offered. And Zimmerman's wife was arrested and charged long before his trial. Her trial was simply delayed until his was over.
Shellie Zimmerman was arrested for perjury right after her husband's first bail hearing, when their elaborate scheme to conceal their assets became known, and it was evident she had lied to the judge, while her husband sat in court, "like a potted plant," according to the judge.
Do you actually know
anything about the facts of the Zimmerman case? Do you just shoot your mouth off about this case, in several threads on this site, out of total ignorance? Or are you absolutely incapable of being honest?
It was quite embarrassing for Mark O'Mara to have to go into court and tell the judge that his client lied to him about his assets, and that he had, therefore, unknowingly mislead the court based on the false information Zimmerman gave him. That's when the judge revoked Zimmerman's initial bail, and had him re-arrested, and the judge then set the bail at a much higher amount.
Then there was also the matter of Zimmerman having a second passport, which he had also concealed from the court....
The fact that Zimmerman had concealed assets, plus a second passport, led the judge, quite rightly, to regard him as a possible flight risk--which is why his 2nd bail amount was high, and he was required to wear an electronic ankle monitor.
George Zimmerman and his wife are both known liars.
Because Shellie Zimmerman lied directly to a judge, on a matter that influenced a judge's decision, she could face several years in jail. That is not a minor perjury.
Her trial will serve to remind the public of the questionable character and flawed ethics of both Mr. and Mrs, Zimmerman. They are both brazen liars--people who have no hestitancy about lying to their own lawyer, and lying to the court. Which makes it rather easy to believe George Zimmerman would also lie to the police about the circumstances which led him to shoot an unarmed teen one night....