The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Fri 9 Aug, 2013 04:49 am
when you meet him, best make sure it's not dark outside, and by all means, don't wear a hoodie...
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 05:42 am
Strange as not planning on trying to kill the man I have no fear of meeting him under any conditions.

I sure however if I did try to kill him he would not be all that friendly to me no matter what my skin color happen to be.

A far far more honorable man then say Al Sharpson or Jackson or very very sadly the man I voted for President the last two times.

Fri 9 Aug, 2013 05:58 am
and a known liar, billy...
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 06:47 am
and a known liar, billy...

You mean like our president?

0 Replies
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 06:55 am



Ebony Milking Trayvon For All He's Worth

NEW YORK (BHN) - Apparently determined to milk every last dime from the death of Trayvon Martin, the new issue of Ebony Magazine is offering multiple covers honoring the young man.

The covers feature average black fathers and sons with the popular "We are Trayvon" catchphrase emblazoned in large red letters. Articles in the magazine discuss the gross unfairness of the "stand your ground" laws (at least for Trayvons), and how they must be repealed.

In other news at BHN...



Putin Rebukes Obama

MOSCOW (BHN) - The White House is reportedly stinging over Vladimir Putin's televised address Thursday, were the Russian leader challenged President Obama's stated reason for cancelling his visit.

In the address, Putin defended his country's human rights record toward gays, as a video in the background showed a young man wearing makeup apparently working in a government office. Upon closer inspection, the man looks very much like NSA leaker Andrew Snowden.

Obama spokesman Jay Carney called the images "hurtful and mean-spirited."

Vladimir Putin appears to be the best ruler Russia has had since Tsar Peter. Obunga is clearly the worst ruler any major power has had since Nero. Tayvon Martin is clearly a case of dog-wagging (Bork was facing a half dozen major sandals several month ago) similar to SlicKKK KKKlintler's 80-day bombing campaign against Serbia to take Chinagate and the Juanita Broadrick rape allegation off the front covers of US newspaper.
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 07:10 am

This is not offensive to black people? Shocked

I'm offended as that is a completely racist caricature of the Ebony covers. I looked at their website and saw this:


That's on you Gunga.
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 07:13 am
and a known liar, billy...

Let add Firefly to that list..........

Firefly.."Do you trade child porn?"

Full reply of mine "Yes, I trade child porn with Federal judges"

Firefly edit of my reply to "Yes, I trade child porn"

Dishonestly changing a clear sarcastic comment to an outrageous question to an admission of a serous moral and criminal misdeed.

Zimmerman trying to keep some of the donation funds to support his legal defense instead of it going to bail is far less a moral "sin" then our president actions and Firefly actions.

Nor does it compare to the Prosecutor keeping evidence away from his defense lawyers or for that matter bringing charges in the first place when it is clear that this is a case of self defense.

Also it does not have anything to do with his innocent or his rights of self defense.

Fri 9 Aug, 2013 07:35 am
Why do you trade child porn with federal judges?
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 07:50 am
Why do you trade child porn with federal judges?

LOL do you understand the concept of a sarcastic comment?

The charming lady was trying to pin the label of CP trader on me because I was taking the same position as the majority of Federal Judges that the minimum sentence guideline are too harsh in the US for that crime.

So if I should be look at as a possible trader for thinking so, as Firefly was trying to sell at the time, then the 80 percents of the federal judges that have the same opinion should be question about being traders also.......

That was the source of the clear very clear sarcastic comment that she dishonestly edit to completely change the meaning.
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 09:11 am
Well, pardon me for not being quick enough to understand you were being sarcastic.

I have no opinion on whether pornography should be penalized even if it is child pornography because frankly the latter makes me too sick to think about. So, I'll bow out of the whole discussion. I am remembering why I had you on ignore in the first place. It was another thread.
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 09:32 am
LOL I to, do think that CP should be punish just not at the same or even greater level then direct child molesting is being punished.

But my example is not to cover that subject but to show that those who wish to degrade Zimmerman character for misleading the court over his finance situation had a lot of "sins" in their own backgrounds.

Including the Prosecutor in the Zimmerman case, our president that interjected himself in this case and of course one of the main posters here Firefly.
0 Replies
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 09:36 am

Dishonestly changing a clear sarcastic comment to an outrageous question to an admission of a serous moral and criminal misdeed.

Why do you keep bringing up your association with child pornography--and you're the one who keeps bring it up? And you're the one who has continually taken my remarks out of context.

Get real--and get honest. You don't think that the possession and viewing of child pornography is a "serious moral and criminal misdeed." You don't think that children are harmed and sexually exploited, and their privacy is invaded, each time their pornographic images are viewed--and that the demand for this material keeps the child porn business thriving, with more children being sexually abused to provide it.

Your sympathies are entirely with those who get arrested for possession of child pornography, and you continually advocate for more lenient punishments for these offenders, because you don't see child pornography as a serious crime against children. And that is not the view of those federal judges, who object to mandatory minimum sentences, because they do recognize the seriousness of this crime, where you do not. Basically, you see the viewing and trading of child pornography as a victimless crime, and that those who get arrested for it are the ones being victimized. You think they should better encode their computers so the government can't find the child porn, and, in each thread on child porn, you provide helpful tips on how to do that.

This is not dissimilar to your views on date/acquaintance rape, a crime you do your best to deny, where you see the person who is accused or arrested as the victim, rather than the female who has been sexually assaulted. Unless a woman is bloodied, or beaten black and blue, you don't believe her claims of sexual assault. And, it's definitely fine with you to rape an intoxicated woman because, "It's her own damn fault for getting drunk." According to you, "Men don't have to be the guardians of women," but you don't see them as obligated not to violate the rape laws either. With you, it's all about what you can get away with--neither morality nor the law enter into it,

And, there are so many other things about yourself you could talk about, beside continually bringing up child pornography.

Like Zimmerman, you also had an Order of Protection taken out against you for domestic violence--and you didn't even show up in court to defend yourself from the charge. You guys with a history of violence toward women have to stick together, don't you?

And then there was the incident where you were asked to leave a public park because other adults, witnessing you use kittens to attract and engage young children, profiled you as a possible pedophile/child abductor and they took action to get you removed from the park.

And, since you now support, even champion, Zimmerman's use of profiling, you should praise those adults in the park who spotted you using what appeared to the classic "animal lure", which pedophiles and child abductors often use to entice young children and break down their hesitancy about interacting with strangers. On the basis of their profiling, they judged you to be "suspicious" and a potential danger in that park, and they got you out of there. The animal lure is far more disturbing than seeing someone just wearing a hoodie in the rain...

And, it's not surprising you dismiss Zimmerman's lying to the court and his own lawyer about his assets, after he engaged in an elaborate scheme to conceal those assets, as well as concealing his possession of a second passport, because you lie all the time--you've done it in this thread, repeatedly, by posting all sorts of false information about Trayvon Martin, and about me as well.

You and Zimmerman have both revealed enough unsavory crap about yourselves so that no one has to make anything up.

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Fri 9 Aug, 2013 09:58 am
I hope so also. Might make one of my dreams come true.
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Fri 9 Aug, 2013 10:08 am
0 Replies
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 10:35 am
Juan Williams nails it!

Editor's note: The following op-ed is based on a monologue delivered on the July 30, 2013 edition of Fox News Channel's "The Five" and an op-ed that appeared previously in Fox News Opinion.
Race has been the topic over the last couple weeks, but if we're going to do this right, if we're going to have an honest discussion among people who care about the problems inside the black community, we have to be dealing with honest brokers. Unfortunately, a lot of people in the so- called civil rights community are frauds, outright hucksters.
Two of the worst: civil rights activist and MSNBC host Al Sharpton and Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson. Their goal: demonize white people, especially conservatives like Bill O'Reilly, so they don't have to deal with the real problems that continue to plague the black community. Making an older, conservative white guy like O'Reilly a boogie man is easy for these hustlers.
If you truly love people, and want to help those in need, how does it help to go after conservatives, Bill O'Reilly and other white people, rich people?
But do they ever confront the real problems and threats in the minority community? No.
High murder rates? How about that? What about high dropout rates? What about the breakdown of the family?
I bet you think I'm exaggerating. Well, here’s this from Michael Eric Dyson:
“Why is it that when we say we want to have a conversation on race, you want a conversation on blackness? You don't want to have a conversation on race. You don't want to have a conversation on white privilege, unconscious bias. You don't want to talk about the collective world we made as black, brown, red, yellow and white people. You want to lecture black people.
So, Mr. O'Reilly, I'd love to have that conversation about protecting yourself behind white picket fences and Fox News and having digital courage. Come in the streets where you went to Sylvia, and you were surprised that black people don't throw bananas at each other or swing from trees.”
Can you believe that? This is unbelievable on so many levels. But let me just start by saying this: Dyson is making the charge basically that O'Reilly is portraying black people as animals. And, of course, this never happened. This is not true.
In the whole episode (when he visited Sylvia's restaurant), which O'Reilly and I talked about on the radio, was going on about defeating racial stereotypes in this society. But that's not what Michael Eric Dyson wants to do here. He wants to hold up somehow that Bill O'Reilly is a racist and target of the conversation and therefore we should be about, somehow, going after Bill O'Reilly.
Well, who does that help? Let's think about that for a second. If this is a real conversation about helping people, if you truly love people, and want to help those in need, how does it help to go after conservatives, O'Reilly, white people, rich people? Let's go to the people who need help and give them help.
But that's not what Michael Eric Dyson is doing. Oh, no. When you start asking questions like well, are you doing anything to help the schools in the inner-city? No.
What about the carnage on black streets with kids shooting each other? No.
What about, you know, any of the issues attached to family breakdown, 70 percent of children born out of wedlock? What about that? No.
So what we're doing here is a huge distraction. Yes, there's legitimate rage in the black community over the Zimmerman verdict, but the idea that we have to use the power that exists in this country to help people who are in need in the black community, that is an ongoing and longer story and you can't pull away from that by making Bill O'Reilly into your target and somehow beating him up. That's craziness.
So what can we do, what should we do to start helping people who are in need in the African-American community today? I wrote about this in my book, “Enough” and recently in an opinion piece for FoxNews.com.
Here’s the message I would like to see expressed in America today. I think it would be especially powerful if it could come from the black man with the highest level of credibility in black America since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – President Obama.
1. Stay in school and graduate from the highest level of school – but absolutely, no excuses, graduate from high school.
2. Take a job and hold it, no matter what job, no matter if your friends put you down for ‘flipping burgers.’ Use the job to get experience, make contacts with business people, and build a resume.
3. Marry after you have finished your education and while you have a job.
And the final step is important for you and for the future of your family and your community:
4. Don’t have children until you are at least 21-years-old and married.
Imagine if President Obama repeated that message over and over, ignoring the phonies who want to focus only on “systemic” racism as the reason for high rates of poverty, involvement with crime, and incarceration among black men.
Imagine if the president delivered that message despite attempts to intimidate him by civil rights leaders.
Imagine if he decided to deliver that message and by-passed the so-called ‘racial experts’ and academics who prefer to look at America’s troubled racial history – slavery and legal segregation.
The answer is the president could make a difference in millions of lives and build a legacy on par with Dr. King.
Mr. President it is your move.
Juan Williams is a Fox News political analyst. He is the author of several books including "Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America--and What We Can Do About It" and "Muzzled: The Assault on Honest Debate."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/08/08/why-im-calling-out-civil-rights-hustlers-sharpton-and-dyson/#ixzz2bUPmQupV
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 10:43 am
Juan Williams nails it!

He certainly did with this statement...

Yes, there's legitimate rage in the black community over the Zimmerman verdict...
cicerone imposter
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 10:56 am
For most whites, the response is "so what?"
0 Replies
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 11:09 am
If that is all you got out of the article, then I understand why we continue to have issues.
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 11:11 am
I don't see the rest of the article as germane to the topic of this thread.

0 Replies
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 11:26 am
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