Quote:Strange fear in placing a black man in the Whitehouse with their votes and it is not blacks who are becoming a larger percents of the population it is Latins you know the very group that Zimmerman in a member of, that you people did wish to throw under the bus..
Right, and after placing that black man in the White House, people, like you, aren't happy when he reminds you he's black and has suffered the effects of the sort of suspicions and fears that black men generate in our country, and in people like you, and like Zimmerman. You not only feel justified in unfairly smearing Trayvon Martin with your negative stereotypes of young black men--your latest was to claim this middle class kid was a gang member--you then perversely claim the President was admitting to being a "thug" when he shared his experiences and said he could identify with Martin. When all is said and done, even though you voted for him, you're not happy with the fact this President is black, and you're even less happy when he points out that he is.
No one threw Hispanics under the bus by demanding that Zimmerman be held legally answerable for his killing of an unarmed black minor inside a private gated community, where that minor had a right to be, as that child walked home from the store. This is more race-baiting on your part. Zimmerman's Hispanic heritage was totally irrelevant in this case--the issue is whether his victim was racially profiled, and how that might have contributed to his death. Zimmerman, in no way, represents the Hispanic community, but Martin does represent the black community, to the extent he was viewed as a person of "suspicion" mainly on the basis of the color of his skin.
White men are losing ground in this country, as far as controlling the reins of power is concerned. They are losing it to women as well as to minorities. This does pose a threat to them, and the so-called "traditional values" they represent--including the gun culture. Good grief, even homosexual marriages are now legal, who knows what cultural assaults they might face next. Will Spanish become an official language? Will women control Congress? Will "minorities" be controlling the laws that get passed?
You already don't like the influence women have shown in affecting the rape laws, and acceptable workplace behaviors, and you don't like the thought of any other groups imposing their imprint on our legal system or prevailing values, if those differ in any way from those that keep power in the hands of white men, like yourself.
Yup, C.I. is right, your fear is tangible.