The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Sun 28 Jul, 2013 06:31 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You know nothing!@ When I was a kid, I fought all the time - because kids picked on me for wearing eyeglasses. I learned early that if you fought those kids, they left you alone.

At 17 years did you ever attacked an adult that had in some manner annoyed you?

His actions not his skin color cry out hoodlum very loudly indeed.
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Sun 28 Jul, 2013 06:35 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You jump to conclusions through your own ignorance. Sadly, you're an IDIOT!

Was you ever found with a fair amount of women jewelry and could or would not explain where they came from?

Once more his actions cry out hoodlum not his skin color.
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 07:26 pm
I don't know anything about the whole thing with Trayvon Martin's unexplained jewelry and I could care less as it does not amount to a hill of beans considering Zimmerman had no idea Trayvon Martin had a bed full of women's jewelry when he profiled and stalked him because he looked "suspicious".
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 07:38 pm
hill of beans considering Zimmerman had no idea Trayvon Martin had a bed full of women's jewelry when he profiled and stalked him because he looked "suspicious".

LOL so it does not matter if Zimmerman was right concerning this hoodlum?

Well I agree with you all that does matter is that Trayvon try to killed Zimmerman and Zimmerman exercise his rights of self defense.

Oh and the jury happen to share my opinion.

Footnote it would indeed matter if it ever came to a civil jury however.

Love to see the dirt flooding out on Saint Trayvon.
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 07:56 pm
Saint Tranyvon however was a pot smoker...

Do you know how many high school students experiment with pot? And drinking...And cigarettes...Do you consider them all "hoodlums"?
that love to fight by his own words..

That doesn't mean he was aggressive. He may have liked boxing. He may have liked fighting as sport. He loved playing football. He loved riding bikes. He liked aviation and talked about becoming a pilot only a few days before his death--he went to an aviation summer program where he trained on a flight simulator. He enjoyed life. He wasn't an angry kid. There is no evidence he walked around picking fights or starting fights.

Zimmerman took fight lessons at a gym, several times a week, for a year. So that must mean he loved to fight too. And he's the one who had a restraining order issued against him, for domestic violence, and who was arrested for assaulting a law enforcement officer, and who was court-ordered to take anger management classes.
was found with women jewelry he would not explain...

He said it belonged to someone else--and he may have been keeping it for someone else. From what I read it was mainly silver rings, band rings, like wedding rings, and little stud earrings. That doesn't sound like stolen "loot"--it's all too similar in type. Sounds more like something someone picked up/bought at a pawn shop. And there is no evidence it was stolen. There is definitely no evidence he burgled it from somewhere.
and have pictures of..a gun in his cell phone

Wow, pictures of a gun. Do you know how many pictures of guns you've posted on this site? Do you know how much talking you've done about guns on various threads? Maybe he shared your interest in guns. Maybe he shared Zimmerman's interest in guns. Do you think there's something the matter with someone who is interested in guns. The whole state of Florida sounds gun crazy. Laughing
plus nude pictures of underage females...

A 16 year old who likes pictures of naked females--how unusual. Rolling Eyes

Zimmerman's cousin has accused him of sexually molesting her for 10 years, starting when she was 6. That sounds a lot more serious, and aggressive, than a 16 year old's pictures of naked females on his cell phone.

Meanwhile, you've never seen of these alleged pictures.

I put very little stock in what 16 year olds have on their cell phones, or the nonsense they generally post in their Tweets or Facebook pages. Kids that age boast, brag, exaggerate, go through identity phases, try to impress their peers, and say things for all kinds of reasons--they are adolescents, they play around in all kinds of ways.

I'm sure Trayvon wasn't a saint. He also wasn't a hoodlum or a thug. He was a high school student. He wasn't a violent or aggressive kid, he didn't get in serious trouble, he didn't have run-ins with the law--like Zimmerman. He also had a loving, and supportive, and decent, hard-working family, who instilled values in him, and who kept a watchful eye on him. He had the same sort of interests as most boys his age, and he had dreams about his future. And he deserved to have that future.

The attempts to demonize this kid, and turn him into some caricature of a ghetto thug are absurd and shameful. It's an attempt to whitewash Zimmerman by making his "suspicions" seem reasonable, and his victim unsympathetic, and deserving of a death sentence. Zimmerman made a tragic error in judgment that night and wound up killing an innocent kid. Martin was not to blame for his own death. He was the victim of Zimmerman's poor judgment, impulsivity, and obsessions. He was the victim of a man with a loaded gun, and anger about "f---king punks", who stalked him in the dark because he didn't want him to get away. And he was a child--a child who was entitled to get home undisturbed that night so he could watch a basketball game on TV.

If you can't defend Zimmerman without unjustifiably demonizing and distorting Trayvon Martin, on the basis of no real evidence, then Zimmerman's actions really aren't defensible.


LOL so it does not matter if Zimmerman was right concerning this hoodlum?

Would it matter to you if Zimmerman was wrong about this kid?

Zimmerman was wrong--this kid wasn't planning anything criminal, he was returning home from the store, and his only plans were to watch an NBA basketball game. And the police never disputed that.
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 08:07 pm
No Martin's past would not matter in a civil court because in order for Trayvon Martin's past to be relevant Zimmerman would have had to known of Trayvon Martin's past to take into consideration when he thought Martin was acting suspicious. Since he (Zimmerman) didn't know Martin before that night, Martin's past is irrelevant. He would then be left with nothing more than "I thought he looked suspicious because he was walking in the rain and looking about.." to explain why he profiled Trayvon Martin that night.
cicerone imposter
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 08:07 pm
This is what most racial bigots fail to understand; not only their past, but their contemporary living conditions in this country.

Sun 28 Jul, 2013 08:12 pm
@cicerone imposter,
his is what most racial bigots fail to understand; not only their past, but their contemporary living conditions in this country.

You mean like 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500?
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 08:15 pm
Obama in a hoodie, walking around that housing complex, would have aroused similar suspicions in Zimmerman. And you would be calling him "a hoodlum".

Why do you think he said, "35 years ago, I could have been Trayvon Martin"?
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Sun 28 Jul, 2013 08:18 pm
No Martin's past would not matter in a civil court because in order for Trayvon Martin's past to be relevant Zimmerman

Sorry it would all come out in a civil sue every little detail would come out. Both Zimmerman character and Trayvon character would be in issue so the jury can better decide who was the most likely to had attacked whom for one thing.

Zimmerman lawyers can also ask any question they care about under oath of the Trayvon family and it would not be under seal.

Please please Trayvon family file a civil suit............
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 08:29 pm
It might all come out, but so what? What difference would it make in deciding whether Zimmerman used race as a factor when profiling Trayvon Martin? Or in a wrongful death suit? Your arguments sound like the old rape arguments. Even if Martin robbed a bank the night before, Zimmerman wouldn't have known that when he profiled him, so it don't matter.

Sun 28 Jul, 2013 08:34 pm
Both Zimmerman character and Trayvon character would be in issue so the jury can better decide who was the most likely to had attacked whom for one thing.

Then you'd better stop denying Zimmerman's documented history of aggressive--and illegal--past behaviors, as well as the well documented lying about assets that he and his wife engaged in, to deliberately mislead the court and his own lawyer, at his bail hearing. Zimmerman's "character" is very questionable--as is his credibility.

Trayvon Martin was a high school student--a kid--with no history of violence, criminal activity, or unprovoked attacks on anyone. And the police agree he was not doing anything criminal or "suspicious" the night he was killed. He did absolutely nothing to justify an adult man, with a loaded gun, and feelings of anger, stalking him in the dark that night.

You're kidding yourself if you think Zimmerman's "character" speaks well of him--unless you admire brazen liars with a history of hitting women, and law enforcement officers, and accusations that they sexually molested a female cousin for ten years, starting when she was 6 years old.

Then there is the matter of Zimmerman's being fired as a part-time party security person because he was "too aggressive," and a co-worker at another job writing to management to complaint about Zimmerman "bullying" him...

The amount of denial you engage in regarding Zimmerman's "character", and his aggressive tendencies, is incredible. Perhaps you should stop weaving fantasies about Trayvon Martin, and spend more time considering the facts about Zimmerman.

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Sun 28 Jul, 2013 09:01 pm
Zimmerman used race as a factor when profiling Trayvon Martin?

An since when is it illegal for a private citizen on a public street to factor in race when deciding to call the police to check someone out? With special note if the recent local break-ins had been reported to had been done by black youths.

Not that anyone would have a damn chance in this or anyone else world to prove that he gave a damn about Trayvon race.

Police investigators had come to the public conclusion in fact that race was not a factor in Zimmerman calling 911.

The attacker was Trayvon and he was the one to do the first illegal and only illegal act.

Zimmerman was the victim not Trayvon of an assault..
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 09:16 pm
Asshole, it was what Zimmerman did after he called the police that was wrong.

He should have done nothing that night beside calling the police. He should have either stayed in his car and waited for the police, or just continued driving to Target. There was no crime taking place, nothing urgent was going on, and there was nothing that required, or needed, Zimmerman's intervention. His "crime watch" should have ended with his phone call to the police.

Can't you understand that?

He wound up killing an innocent kid because of the situation he created and provoked--Zimmerman was responsible for all of it. He went after Martin, and pursued him, because he couldn't control his own obsessions. Martin wasn't doing anything wrong. That's why there is every reason to believe Zimmerman will be found guilty in a wrongful death civil suit.

And you want to see a gun put back in this man's hands? The hands of a man with poor judgment and poor impulse control, a history of aggressive behaviors, and one totally needless and avoidable death already under his belt?

If Zimmerman is your idea of a responsible gun owner, you shouldn't be carrying a gun either.

0 Replies
Mon 29 Jul, 2013 06:21 am
That was the short cut interpretation of her interview.


On other matters, I still don't know if Zimmerman is a racist, I don't know what is in his heart. I think he was way off base from the Neighborhood Watch protocol/instructions. I think he profiled and that Trayvon was black and wore a hoodie was part of that, and that he probably was rather fixated on blacks showing up in the gated neighborhood as being up to no good. I take him for a wannabe cop, and an impulsive and aggressive one. I doubt that Trayvon attacked him as such, and think he punched him in self defense. None of us saw the scenario as it happened.

(edit) I think George Zimmerman's actions as a whole sequence caused Trayvon Martin's death.
Mon 29 Jul, 2013 06:37 am
I doubt that Trayvon attacked him as such, and think he punched him in self defense. None of us saw the scenario as it happened.

Yes we do not know for sure the started of the matter however there was not a mark on Trayvon body other then the gun shot wound to indicate that Zimmerman told the first actions in any physical attack.

An that is not true of Zimmerman body and second after Trayvon knocked Zimmerman down in "self defense" he could had broken off the attacked and let the scene once more instead of getting on top of him and begin beating the **** out of him.

Second he did not even mention race in the 911 call until ask about Trayvon race by the 911 operator so I would guess we should consider the 911 operator a racist not Zimmerman.

Like the Duke white on black gang rape case that never happen this is a made up media and civil right so call leadership case created out of nothing at all.

Zimmerman who is about as white as Obama and have zero history of being a racist was turn into a white man who was a racist and killer of a poor black "child" by the news media for a far better story, just as those young men at Duke was turn into rapists by the same forces.

Oh in the Duke case the hooker/dancer was turn into a poor college student by the media just doing whatever she needed to do to go to college and in the end she ended up being a murderer of a boyfriend and the attacker of another boyfriend beside setting her apartment building on fire.
Mon 29 Jul, 2013 07:02 am
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Mon 29 Jul, 2013 07:10 am
An you jokers had turn Zimmerman into a racist with less then zero evidence.

Perhaps you can accuse me of something I have actually done.
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Mon 29 Jul, 2013 07:35 am
Police photo taken the night of the shooting...

Mon 29 Jul, 2013 07:55 am
That picture on the left is not from the night of the shooting.
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