The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Fri 19 Jul, 2013 04:54 pm
I prefer short barreled .44 caliber revolvers with hollowpointed slugs,
until the advent of better technology. Does anyone know
what ever became of Extreme Shock Ammuntion ? http://extremeshockusa.com/

Yes a gun is fine however if Zimmerman had used a knife to defend himself so the issue of guns and guns laws was not in place he might not had been charge.

Lot of elements was for going after Zimmerman and the anti-gun media was one of the largest of those pressure groups.
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 05:16 pm

Lot of elements was for going after Zimmerman and the anti-gun media was one of the largest of those pressure groups.

One of the biggest take-aways here is just how thoroughly the major media has failed this country....they whipped up the mob and had a big hand in zimmermans abuse, and even by the end of we still where listening to "educated" blacks saying that this case was open and shut against Zimmerman because they had never heard from the media how weak this case was. I don't see how we are going to counter our increasing abuse at the hands of the state when journalism is about dead and the majority of people are overly excitable morons.
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Fri 19 Jul, 2013 05:17 pm
Ive seen pictures of David. Im amazed he can even lift a 44 mag
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 05:26 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
David's solution for everything is with a gun; his penis.

Betcha he's a chicken-little without his firearm.
C. I. really loves those penises!!
He can t get enuf of them; probably has pictures of them on his walls.

I 'll leave him alone to enjoy those.
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 05:30 pm
Team Obunga/Holder apparently not stupid enough to try to do anything about the Zimmerman verdict:

Fri 19 Jul, 2013 05:32 pm
DAVID wrote:
If, having refused to take "no" for an answer,
he proceeds to begin to execute his decision upon her,
then she is within her rights to take out a gun and kill him.
firefly wrote:
You have found the solution to date rape, David.
I have a hunch that u r joking, Firefly.
I 'm not joking.
I once had a girlfriend named Jayne, who told me
that she had once been date raped. She shud have shot the rapist.

firefly wrote:
That would certainly drive home the meaning of "consent"--or,
more accurately, the meaning of lack of consent.
It wud.
Give him the 1 gun salute.

0 Replies
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 05:41 pm
Zimmerman Won’t Be Getting His Gun Back After All

One detail about the end of George Zimmerman's murder trial that particularly galled people (aside from the verdict) was the fact the Sanford Police Department was willing to return the weapon that fired the round that ended Trayvon Martin's life. But as of Thursday that's no longer the case. The FBI has requested the department put a hold on all evidence in the case, including the 9-mm semiautomatic, and the Sanford PD said it was complying. As the Orlando Sentinel and others have pointed out, that's a pretty clear sign the Justice Department is going ahead with a civil rights investigation into Zimmerman. The DOJ has opened a tip line in that investigation, and the evidence from Zimmerman's state case will now stay on hold until the feds are done with it. So as to the question of what's next for George Zimmerman, it looks like we have at least a partial answer.
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 05:45 pm
farmerman wrote:
Ive seen pictures of David.
That seems un-likely.
Where did u find those pictures, farmer ?

farmerman wrote:
Im amazed he can even lift a 44 mag
I 've seen 9 year old girls fire .44 magna, with no complaints,
while large adult men dislike the kick (damn that Isaac Newton!!)
A lot is mental.

My primary defense weapon is a 2 inch .44 special Taurus Model 445 in stainless steel mirror.
I also own a .44 magnum Ruger SuperBlackhawk with a 7.5 inch barrel.
I once loaded it with alternating rounds of .44 special
and .44 magnum: that was quite an interesting sensation, as I touched them off.

0 Replies
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 05:56 pm
I know that the federal government is stopping the return of his gun so I guess we will need to take up a collection to buy him a far better gun and in a few years when he does get his gun back he can sell it for many thousands of dollars to a collector.
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cicerone imposter
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 06:02 pm
Face reality, David, you're the one who's obsessed with your penis/guns. Otherwise, you wouldn't feel "manly" enough. LOL
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 06:04 pm
A man after my own heart.......



Bestselling author Brad Thor is offering to buy George Zimmerman a new gun and all the ammunition he wants after the Justice Department put a hold on releasing the evidence from Zimmerman’s murder trial, thus delaying the return of his handgun.

Brad Thor Offers to Buy George Zimmerman New Gun After Department of Justice Puts Hold on Trial Evidence
Author Brad Thor is offering to buy George Zimmerman a new gun.
Thor made the offer in a series of tweets Friday, then doubled down in a contentious TV interview in Chicago.

“Read this carefully, as I don’t want 2 be misunderstood: SCREW the #DOJ. If they won’t give #Zimmerman his gun back, I’ll buy him a new one,” he tweeted shortly after midnight Friday.

He followed up with a tweet to Zimmerman’s brother Robert Zimmerman Jr.: “Whatever gun he wants + however much ammo, consider it done. I’m buying. Done deal.”

Thor was confronted about his offer Friday morning in an appearance on Chicago morning program “Windy City Live.”

“At what point do we let an American citizen get done with the justice process?” Thor asked. “I mean this is a big deal, this could happen to anybody. If the government can keep hounding you, this guy’s life is ruined at this point. I know we have a dead child here but he was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. Trayvon Martin wasn’t on trial, George Zimmerman was, and he’s not guilty…at what point does he get to recommence his life?”

A show panelist asked whether “it’s really a good idea to give George Zimmerman a gun back?”

“He’s not guilty!” Thor said. “And as a matter of fact don’t you think he needs a gun now more than ever with all the death threats against him?”

Co-host Val Warner questioned why Zimmerman would “even risk going through the same thing again” if he had another gun.

“That’s his decision, Val, it’s not for us to decide if we’re going to curtail his liberty or not, that is his Second Amendment right to possess a firearm, defend himself, defend his family, and it is not up to you, it’s not up to me, to decide what’s right for George Zimmerman. He’s an American citizen, he gets to decide what’s right for him,” Thor said.

Warner said it could be Zimmerman’s decision “after everything is over.”

“When’s it over? How much more does he have to go through?” Thor said. “There’s not a shred of evidence that he is a racist and yet the Department of Justice is freezing everything.”

In an email to TheBlaze Friday afternoon, Thor said he had yet to hear from the Zimmerman family about his offer.

As for what type of gun he’d buy for Zimmerman, Thor said “he’ll need to decide for himself.”

“That’s the beauty of guns,” Thor said.

Read this carefully, as I don't
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cicerone imposter
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 06:11 pm
That doesn't answer the question whether Zimmerman can go and get another gun.
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 06:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
hat doesn't answer the question whether Zimmerman can go and get another gun.

Of course he can as he was clear of all wrong doing by a jury and have the same civil rights as he did before he was charge with the killing of Trayvon,
0 Replies
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 06:21 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
That doesn't answer the question
whether Zimmerman can go and get another gun.
That 's like asking whether he go to Church or opt to stay home, instead.
There is no question that he CAN get a lot of them.

I have recommended to his website that he get some nice, compact
2 inch .44 caliber revolvers (better STOPPING POWER).
Automatics (like his) are not sufficiently reliable.


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Fri 19 Jul, 2013 06:29 pm
@cicerone imposter,
It wasn't meant to answer that question. Zimmerman hasn't lost his right to own a gun because he was found not guilty. What the link which I left is about is that the FBI asked the DOJ to hold the evidence from the Zimmerman trial while they are reviewing or investigating whether to bring a civil rights charge against Zimmerman.
cicerone imposter
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 06:36 pm
That's what I was afraid of.
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 06:36 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Face reality, David, you're the one who's obsessed with your penis/guns.
I bet u specialize in JAPANESE penises.
Don't tell me. I don't wanna know.

Its strange that leftist extremists like C. I.
believe that if a fellow has a large penis,
then he has no interest in defending his life or his other property.

cicerone imposter wrote:
Otherwise, you wouldn't feel "manly" enough. LOL
That is a non-sequitur. U are good with those because
your conclusions seldom follow from your premises; u get a lot of practice.
0 Replies
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 06:44 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
That's what I was afraid of.
U need not fear.
I 'm sure that Zimmy will be merciful with u, C. I.
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Fri 19 Jul, 2013 07:25 pm
Zimmerman Won’t Be Getting His Gun Back After All

Give that one a couple of weeks to shake out. Eric Holder is not a gypsy and he does not have any sort of a dispensation from Christ to steal, and insisting on keeping that gun is basically just theft. George Zimmerman has committed no crime, has done nothing wrong, and is lawfully entitled to that gun.
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 07:41 pm
Eric Holder has used public funds to rouse rabble in this case and there is a very real likelihood that if he DOES go after George Zimmerman with some sort of a bullshit civil rights case, that the US house of representatives could shut the DOJ down altogether. As I noted previously, I seriously doubt this will happen and view what Holder is doing as a last effort to mollify the sort of rabble which he view as his and Bork's voting base.
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