The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Thu 18 Jul, 2013 02:58 pm
It is about race because if you are a black man or boy, people assume you are dangerous or suspicious as did Zimmerman.

BULLSHIT the kid was walking slowly in the rain going off the sidewalk onto people properties looking at their homes.

Add to that a history of break ins in that area.

Hell I am middle class and middle age and white and yet when I was working for the US census in 2010 and during daylights hours at that I was ask more then once to justify my present and similar actions to Trayvon in going up to homes and looking around and leaving notes on doors and so on.

There is no reason at all to think that anyone viewing someone of any color behaving as Trayvon did that night would not be concern..

Oh, I was approached even those I had a US census ID pin to my shirt and a bag with the US census markings on it.

Footnote I have zero problems with being challenge and Trayvon have no reason to resented being look at anymore then I did in 2010.
Thu 18 Jul, 2013 03:41 pm
There is no reason at all to think that anyone viewing someone of any color behaving as Trayvon did that night would not be concern..

The detective who was the chief investigator on this case said on the witness stand that he would not have been concerned if he had seen someone behaving that way. He said he would have kept on driving.

I believe that he also said that if Zimmerman was concerned about a person behaving that way he could have gone over to them to ask if they were lost, feeling ill and needing help, etc. There was no reason to assume they were planning any criminal activity.

Trayvon have no reason to resented being look at...

It was Zimmerman who was teeming with resentment--about those "f--king punks"--and he considered Martin one of them, based only on his appearance. Martin was on his way home, he had no reason to feel resentment toward Zimmerman--he had reason to fear him because this strange man was following him for no apparent reason. And it was apprehension that he reported feeling to Rachel Jeantel.

You can't stop racially profiling Martin, just as Zimmerman did. You are assuming he'd easily become violent and aggressive simply because he was a young black male, and all young black males can be dangerous. Meanwhile, it was Zimmerman who was the angry one, and the one who was determined not to let his "suspect" elude the police. Martin was rightly fearful of what this creepy guy was up to, while Zimmerman was irrationally angry at this kid who had done nothing more than meander around on his way back home.

When you're a barely 17 year old black high school kid, walking home in the dark, and a creepy white guy starts following you for no apparent reason, your response is going to be fear. You're not going to hide in any bushes so you can pop out and confront that guy--you'll continue trying to avoid him.

You are choosing to believe the self-serving version of events told by someone who proved himself to be a brazen liar at his bail hearings, and to ignore the testimony of the one witness who was on the phone with Martin, and who knew what he was feeling in response to being stalked by Zimmerman--and it was apprehension, not anger, that Martin was feeling. And, in never identifying himself to Martin, Zimmerman made no effort to allay Martin's fears.

Your own racial profiling of Martin makes you just as blind, and your perceptions just as distorted, and your judgment just as bad, as Zimmerman's was that night.
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Thu 18 Jul, 2013 03:53 pm
BULLSHIT the kid was walking slowly in the rain going off the sidewalk onto people properties looking at their homes.

According to Zimmerman which can be taken with a grain of salt. Moreover, there was no mention of Trayvon Martin going onto people's property. He said looking.

Add to that a history of break ins in that area.

Actually at the time Zimmerman called 911 that night, the burglary suspects (two black males) were already arrested. O'Mara said it during his closing arguments to justify Zimmerman profiling Martin.

Hell I am middle class and middle age and white and yet when I was working for the US census in 2010 and during daylights hours at that I was ask more then once to justify my present and similar actions to Trayvon in going up to homes and looking around and leaving notes on doors and so on

I imagine if Trayvon was stopped in the day light and asked what he was doing walking home, he might not have felt as fearful. But he was stalked in the dark and the rain for nothing other than walking back to the home he was visiting. He belonged in the area at the time.

To deny that blacks have a hard time going to store without the store owners thinking they are there to steal or if a black man has a nice car and people don't assume they are drug dealers or something or pulled over twice as much as whites is to deny the reality that we live in.
Thu 18 Jul, 2013 03:53 pm
revelette wrote:
Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin recognized the wider role their son’s death has had in exposing the justice system’s racial biases:

Is this the intent for the justice system to have for victims? It’s sending a terrible message to other little black and brown boys that, you can’t walk fast, you can’t walk slow. So what do they do? I mean, how do you get home without people assuming that you’re doing something wrong? Trayvon wasn’t doing anything wrong.

Revelette, it is purely 1OO% a racial issue
of who 's ox is gored.

If a conscientious black naborhood watcher who resented burglaries,
wanted to protect his nabors (as noble Zimmy wanted to protect Olivia)
and followed a white dope fiend whom he suspected of casing the place
and he was violently attacked in all ways the same as TM did to Zimmy,
and likewise, the innocent black naborhood watcher shot the white
who was pounding his brain on the street,
then Al Sharpton n his black friends wud be screaming for an acquittal
and pointing out (correctly) that there is nothing un-lawful nor improper
about anyone following anyone else (defense is un-called for)
and racism wud be attributed to the dead white dope fiend
for pounding the black 's head on the street. Do u agree ??

In that scenario (black kills white) I 'd support the black 's right of self defense
and I 'd desire an acquittal.

If the police were satisfied in regard to what actually happened,
then the black shud NOT have been arrested,
but he shud leave in freedom with the blessings of the police.

0 Replies
Thu 18 Jul, 2013 04:04 pm

I imagine if Trayvon was stopped in the day light and asked what he was doing walking home, he might not have felt as fearful. But he was stalked in the dark and the rain for nothing other than walking back to the home he was visiting. He belonged in the area at the time.

To deny that blacks have a hard time going to store without the store owners thinking they are there to steal or if a black man has a nice car and people don't assume they are drug dealers or something or pulled over twice as much as whites is to deny the reality that we live

The only "justice" in this situation is that, probably for the rest of his life, Zimmerman is going to know what it's like to be regarded with suspicion, to be watched, and to have to worry about people following him with malice in their heart and a loaded gun in their waistband. He will know, over and over again, how he made Trayvon Martin feel that night. He'll never be able to stop looking over his shoulder.
Thu 18 Jul, 2013 04:10 pm

This incident occurred for ONE REASON:
decedent 's failure to be CIVIL,
not obsequious, just not violent.

He was having fun, at Zimmy 's expense,
until Zimmy vindicated himself.

0 Replies
Thu 18 Jul, 2013 04:24 pm
According to Zimmerman which can be taken with a grain of salt.

Why as this was before any problem had occur and once more there is zero indication that an army of FBI agents could find that Zimmerman had a racist bone in his body.

Doing such things as spear heading a campaign to clear a black homeless person that he consider to had been falsely arrested and doing so by working with local black churches and having his prom date being a black woman and so on.

Only by considering all non blacks as being racists could you level a racist charge on Zimmerman.

I imagine if Trayvon was stopped in the day light and asked what he was doing walking home, he might not have felt as fearful. But he was stalked in the dark and the rain for nothing other than walking back to the home he was visiting.

So instead of keeping walking to his home after Zimmerman had lost sight of him he was so fearful that he turn and attacked Zimmerman instead?

An he did not call his home to have someone meet him or 911 himself or have his female friend do so but once more turn and attacked Zimmerman.

Actually at the time Zimmerman called 911 that night, the burglary suspects (two black males) were already arrested

An that mean that all the people that might be breaking into homes had been arrested even assuming that Zimmerman knew at the time of the arrests.

To deny that blacks have a hard time going to store without the store owners thinking they are there to steal or if a black man has a nice car and people don't assume they are drug dealers or something or pulled over twice as much as whites is to deny the reality that we live in.

An Zimmerman should had lost his ability to help protected his neighborhood and neighbors and himself when attacked due to the sins of others?
Thu 18 Jul, 2013 04:37 pm
You assume a lot of things that were based on nothing but your own suppositions. It has not been proven that Trayvon Martin turned back and attacked Zimmerman. We don't know what the FBI agents found as they haven't said yet.
Thu 18 Jul, 2013 04:39 pm
firefly wrote:
The only "justice" in this situation is that, probably for the rest of his life, Zimmerman
is going to know what it's like to be regarded with suspicion, to be watched,
Yes; I 'd watch him before congratulating him
and offering my best wishes; have him autograph his book.
A lot of guys n gals will.
He shud get rich, richer, and more rich!!!

firefly wrote:
and to have to worry about people following him with malice in their heart and a loaded gun in their waistband.
Carrying Mexican can be risky;
u might shoot off something important.
(How many guys sharing the same waistband????????)

firefly wrote:
He will know, over and over again, how he made Trayvon Martin feel that night.
An un-quenchable lust
to beat an innocent fellow 's head against the street??

firefly wrote:
He'll never be able to stop looking over his shoulder.
He can get a better gun (hopefully a short, compact .44 revolver)
and work out with it for accuracy. That is what thay r for:
peace of mind. It works pretty well, Firefly. Try it.
(I love fireflies; in NY, we call them Lightning Bugs.)

Thu 18 Jul, 2013 04:50 pm
According to Zimmerman which can be taken with a grain of salt.
BillRM wrote:
Why as this was before any problem had occur and once more there is zero indication that an army of FBI agents
could find that Zimmerman had a racist bone in his body.

Doing such things as spear heading a campaign to clear a black homeless person that he consider to had been falsely arrested and doing so by working with local black churches and having his prom date being a black woman and so on.
Those are cogent evidentiary arguments that u bring out, Bill, bearing upon the issue
of the racism that has been attributed to Zimmy.

What is the source of your information on these points??

0 Replies
Thu 18 Jul, 2013 04:52 pm
Racial Profiling.

I just watched a video from a "white girl".

She stated, that she and so many other white people were bought up to fear black people, to never get involved with black people, to not trust black people, to be racist.

She said, Zimmerman is her. How they were bought up, to feel for the "black" family with meaning but not stand as one. How can you stand as one, when you are Zimmerman.

Off course, she is referring to the racism that she and thousands were bought up with but she is calling for whites to ditch this racism full stop so it becomes black and white, where breaking the law is concerned, balling down to the situation at hand, not the colour of the people.

And, she is calling for peace on racism, because with out it there would be no racist profiling.

But we all know that will never happen.
Thu 18 Jul, 2013 05:03 pm
You assume a lot of things that were based on nothing but your own suppositions. It has not been proven that Trayvon Martin turned back and attacked Zimmerman. We don't know what the FBI agents found as they haven't said yet.

Zimmerman had lost sight of Trayvon so there was nothing at all preventing Trayvon from going home and surely there was nothing to stopped him from calling 911 himself if he was so very very fearful.

Next all the statements in a news media that had been very unfriendly to Zimmerman had stated to date that no information of Zimmerman of being a racist had been found by the FBI investigation.

Here is the man that is claimed to be a racist, actions on behaved of a black homeland man.



O'Mara's allusion had particular resonance in this case because Zimmerman first surfaced publicly in Sanford, Florida, in a case involving a homeless man. As it happened, in December 2010, a police lieutenant's son named Justin Collison sucker-punched a black homeless man named Sherman Ware outside a Sanford bar, with seeming impunity.

Although Ware suffered a concussion, and there was video evidence of Collison's action, no action was taken against Collison for nearly a month. Upset at the lack of media attention, Zimmerman and his wife Shellie printed fliers demanding that the community "hold accountable" officers responsible for any misconduct.

They then drove the fliers around to area churches and passed them out on a Sunday morning. Later, at a public meeting in January 2011, Zimmerman took the floor and said, "I would just like to state that the law is written in black and white. It should not and cannot be enforced in the gray for those that are in the thin blue line."

Thu 18 Jul, 2013 05:08 pm
I'm surprised you have the patience to discourse with some of this stuff ff. It's childish. A mere affectation not unlike when little girls dress up as princesses and start flouncing.

I've played the game myself in pub conversations. Arguing, for example, that road traffic accidents should be left where the vehicles come to rest. Like the chap on the pavement in Midnight Cowboy.

It can be good fun. In the land of freedom that these silly sods inhabit who cares which side of the road anybody drives on? Or whether there is a Fire Brigade.

A psychologist will tell you that those obsessed with freedom must feel the most shackled.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jul, 2013 05:09 pm
She stated, that she and so many other white people were bought up to fear black people, to never get involved with black people, to not trust black people, to be racist.

She said, Zimmerman is her. How they were bought up, to feel for the "black" family with meaning but not stand as one. How can you stand as one, when you are Zimmerman.

Strange picture of Zimmerman that this woman gotten from the news media as Zimmerman was involved with black people enough to take a black girlfriend to his Prom and to had gone out of his way to demand justice for a homeless black man when the local police did not do their job.
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Thu 18 Jul, 2013 06:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
It's what Zimmerman himself did "before" and after those injuries that proves they were minor, and didn't justify killing a kid for them.

If you ever had to absorb half the beating George Zimmerman did, you'd be squealing like a little pig, fool.
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cicerone imposter
Thu 18 Jul, 2013 06:33 pm
See how they like to exaggerate a kid walking across a lawn area of another's property? That kind of thing happens every day in America, and it's not considered a crime by anybody except Zimmerman-backers.

They're ******* loony!
Thu 18 Jul, 2013 06:58 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
But you're not black, so quit acting the fool you are!
Humorous: if I WERE a black,
then (according to C. I.), I shud act the fool that I am
and blacks shud act the fools that thay are, C. I. implies.

0 Replies
Thu 18 Jul, 2013 10:59 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

See how they like to exaggerate a kid walking across a lawn area of another's property? That kind of thing happens every day in America, and it's not considered a crime by anybody except Zimmerman-backers.

They're ******* loony!

the problem is more that he brought the skittles and arizona tea at 6:24 but was still loitering around the housing area at 7:09 whan Zimmerman first called the cops. martin was not going home, and zimmerman had every reason to wonder why not.
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 06:25 am
Oh, please, Zimmerman did not have every reason to wonder why Martin was not going home. Martin had a right to be out at night if he wanted to. Martin was talking to his friend, the calls were on the phone logs until close to the time the confrontation took place. When people talk on the phone outside, many times they wonder around aimlessly looking about.

I already went through yesterday the whole turning back theory, I have no desire to do it again. In fact I am getting tired of arguing the same points with you folks. It reminds me of the Iraq thread of years ago, it can go on and on with both sides of the issue repeating the same things.

Zimmerman was found not guilty. In my view because the prosecution didn't do a good enough job of explaining the case and explaining the jury instructions so that the jurors who disagreed with juror B37 could have held out. I doubt B37 would have ever found Zimmerman guilty but it could have went to a hung jury. I know you and others disagree.
Fri 19 Jul, 2013 06:26 am
the problem is more that he brought the skittles and arizona tea at 6:24 but was still loitering around the housing area at 7:09 whan Zimmerman first called the cops. martin was not going home, and zimmerman had every reason to wonder why not

The problem with your logic is that Zimmerman had no idea how long Martin had been there when he spotted him. And the problem with Zimmerman's logic was that he also thought the kid was "loitering" when he was simply walking around the complex in which he was staying--he wasn't loitering, he wasn't trespassing, he was a guest there. And he wasn't doing anything wrong. The "suspicious" activity was all in Zimmerman's mind.

Do black kids have to account for every step they take on their way home? Is there a certain speed at which they have to walk so they don't arouse the ire and racial profiling instincts of self-styled vigilantes?
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