Sat 22 Jun, 2013 03:56 am
-A glass of port, a book open in you hand. Time rolls back as you read.
I think ROLL BACK can be interpreted in two ways:
1. Time passes while you are reading.
2. Your mind cast back to ancient times when the book was written or against which the events in the book happen.
Do you agree?
To begin with, i suspect that the original read: " . . . an open book in your hand . . . "
More context might help, but i suspect the author means that one is taken to another time and place. Whether or not it ought to be described as ancient is another matter. It could just refer to a few generations ago, or a century, neither of which would be ancient.
EDIT: By the way, "rolls back" implies a vicarious trip into the past, it does not imply the passage of time while one reads.
Thank you, Setan. It should be YOUR, my typo~
You need to work on that, you know . . . it's Satan, not Setan . . .
I hear that stuff is really nasty . . . i've never tried it though. I suspect that my feeble wheeze of humor there will have slipped past our friend's attention, though.
Setanta wrote:
I hear that stuff is really nasty . .
It's wheat gluten marinated in soy sauce, MSG and probably other things. My wife is vegetarian, and I once bought her a can of marinated gluten stuff called "Mock Duck" by Granose - it was vile! They still market it, and I understand that this type of product is popular in Asia.
Quote: it's Satan, not Setan . . .
He likely meant the former - a disguised typo.