Paula Dean Fired By Food Network Over Racial Slur

Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 02:13 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Remember when an Indian man got killed in Arizona right after 9/11, because some nut believed he was a Muslim?

That kind of stuff never disappears.

No, unfortunately, it never disappears. And bigots like BillRM help to keep it alive.

We already know that BillRM, the bigot, views Islam and all Muslim-Americans as dangerous. That's why he ranted against allowing a community center/mosque to be built in lower Manhattan--because he feels no Muslim-Americans can be trusted. He said quite clearly he doesn't care about their civil rights...

A sample of bigoted BillRM's thinking....
We will be far stronger and freer people by placing our heads up our read-ends and pretending that one of the major world religions does not have elements of sickness and darkness within it.

In any case, I am all for taking away the freedoms of any group to the degree needed to stop or at least slow down the mass murders of our citizens from that group members.

I could care less if that group danger is base on religion or nationality or any other elements.

The Constitution is not mean to force us to committed mass suicide by not allowing us to be able to response to a clear threat to our survival.

The courts had as a matter of fact had rule time after time in the country history that civil rights in time of national danger is secondary.

Now no one as yet is even talking about using the WW2 Japanese solution of placing our Muslins brothers into non-death camps just not allowing a large Mosque to be build in the heart of a city that had have many mass attacks coming out of Mosques in the area already.

How many more deaths from plots generated inside the area mosques would it take for you to feel that we should control mosques.

And there's more of the same on that thread.

And BillRM didn't say these prejudiced things in the intensely emotional immediate aftermath of 9/11--he made these comments 10 years after 9/11.

When BillRM talks about all Muslims, and all Muslim-Americans that way, and he talks about controlling mosques, and depriving others of their civil liberties, that's scary stuff, and I think he more than qualifies as a full-fledged Islamophobe, and a bigot.

He just can't face his own bigotry. Neither can Paula Deen. Those are the worst kind of bigots, they can't even see their own prejudices.
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 02:18 pm
firefly wrote:

I read the news accounts, considering that there are probably hundreds of former and current employees they came up wuth almost nothing even though they had no intention of getting a fair and balanced reading if the situation.

PUSH/Rainbow was only there for a day or two, and that was very recently, but what they already heard, from the people they spoke to, was enough to convince them a fuller investigation was needed--and they are going back there.

when they come up with some evidence that the restaurants are abnormally hostile workplace restaurants they can wake me....right now the lack of such claims is the most interesting thing.
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Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 02:30 pm
@cicerone imposter,

There are still incidences of blacks who drive luxury cars of being stopped by the police. Racial profiling has been on-going for so long, it's also in their DNA.

Remember when an Indian man got killed in Arizona right after 9/11, because some nut believed he was a Muslim?

That kind of stuff never disappears.

Well, CI, I do agree; the racial situation regarding African Americans tend to be a pattern stemming from racial DNA. Not only in the South are African Americans stopped but here in New York there are random impediments. All minorities, however, are *profiled* (perhaps African Americans just a little more) yet so-called profiling is against the law. In the deep south where a few communities lag behind in basic education, there are many white fringe groups, or discontented angry white youth with a need to vent and African Americans tend to be their target. Lately, especially since 9/11, Muslims are in the forefront when it comes to being targeted. This dark side of our species will always be with us and you're right, my fellow poster, it will linger perpetually.
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 02:33 pm
Jimmy Carter has joined Al Sharpton in supporting PD, which should give the lynch mob some pause for thought.
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 02:39 pm
Jimmy Carter has joined Al Sharpton in supporting PD, which should give the lynch mob some pause for thought.

Nothing will even slow these assholes down in my opinion as they smell the blood of a little old southern white woman.
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 02:45 pm
Let see my step daughters are 50/50 and my step grandkids are 75/25 not bad for a racist to have in his family now is it not...

So the fact that your wife's first husband was black, so their children and grandchildren are racially mixed, is supposed to be proof you're not a bigot? Laughing Laughing Laughing

Would you tell racially derogatory or racially demeaning jokes in front of your step-daughters, or refer to them by the "N-word" when talking to your wife about them? If not, why not? You're saying such things are harmless, they're not bigoted or offensive or harmful, or hurtful, they're just "not PC" according to you.

Since you reject being "PC", do you use racial slurs and tell racially derogatory jokes when in the company of your racially mixed step-daughters? And, if you don't, I'd really like to know why not. How about when you're with others, in all white company, do you use such slurs or tell such jokes? If not, why not?
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 02:46 pm
BillRM wrote:

Jimmy Carter has joined Al Sharpton in supporting PD, which should give the lynch mob some pause for thought.

Nothing will even slow these assholes down in my opinion as they smell the blood of a little old southern white woman.

we see this all the time now......when somebody says something to offend the multi-culturalists we get immediate screams of "get a rope!". deliberation, defense, evidence? who needs it! go right to the hanging so that we dont need to consider the matter any more.
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Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:00 pm
And bigots like BillRM help to keep it alive.

We already know that BillRM, the bigot, views Islam and all Muslim-Americans as dangerous

The not so secret weapon of a PC member slurring anyone who dare to disagree with them.

Of course as who need to be label a bigot you hope to silent people into keeping quiet concerning any opinions that disagree with your.

Please do not forget you and other like posters here had also label me a pedophile, a drunk driver, a rapist beside a racist all for daring to express an opinions that do not match yours.

Oh sorry I forget being an anti Muslims as we can not forget that label you been trying so hard to pin on me.

Not even a skin head and KKK member would likely need to carry so many labels of evil you had been pinning on me.
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Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:06 pm
Would you tell racially derogatory or racially demeaning jokes in front of your step-daughters, or refer to them by the "N-word"

Well as you had label me all possible versions of evil and a racist bigot I would assume that the person you been trying to make me out to be would surely do so.

Oh and a pedophile and a drunk driver and a anti muslin and a rapist and on and on.

In other word the anti christ himself.
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Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:08 pm
Racism Is a Tough Sell: The Real Reason Everyone Dumped Paula Deen
by Daniel Gross
Jun 28, 2013

In business, it’s OK to be a sexist, a felon, or an adulterer. But a racist? Uh-uh—especially if your brand has a national reach.

First came details of a lawsuit in which a former employee alleged racial insensitivity on the part of Deen. Then came her amateurish, tentative apologies on YouTube. A mawkish attempt at self-exculpation in an interview on the Today Show with Matt Lauer didn’t go much better.

Instantly, a bevy of Fortune 500 companies that were more than happy to do business with Deen, have dropped her like a hot (sweet) potato. The sharp and swift fall makes for a concise case study on the impact of reputation on a personal brand.

Deen may have been known to most laypeople as a television chef and cookbook author. But the beauty of today’s world is that you can quickly leverage fame gained in one arena into others. She had a show on the Food Network, restaurants, a line of cookware sold in Walmart, Home Depot, Target, and other stores, cookbooks, an endorsement deal with the pork giant Smithfield. Deen was also able to mine commercial gold out of self-inflicted wounds. Critics had long warned that a diet larded with pork, butter, cream, and sugar could lead to diabetes. Lo and behold, after Deen revealed that she had diabetes, she signed a deal with pharmaceutical firm Novo Nordisk to help promote a diabetes drug.

Within a week, all of it—well, almost all of it—has melted away. Giant corporations that were happy to plaster Deen’s face on their products and stock their goods in their store have run away. Political correctness run amok? No. It illustrates a larger truth. In 2013, no national brand, in any industry, can afford to have an association with a person who expresses racial animus, or who taints a company with the stain of racial animus. It’s just not acceptable. It is OK for endorsers and business partners to be gamblers (Michael Jordan), convicted felons (Martha Stewart), or adulterers (too many to name). The commercial culture will tolerate multiple divorces, trips to rehab, and all sorts of boorish behavior. You can even recommend that people eat really unhealthful diets. But the hint of racism is simply a deal-killer. No questions asked.

Of course, companies will be more likely to stick with an employee, or a business partner, if they are minting money. Over his long career, Rush Limbaugh has suffered astonishingly little blowback for off-color remarks. (It was sexism that got him into the most trouble with advertisers.) But in Deen’s case, her ratings at the Food Network were already slipping. Deen’s show had been running for 11 years (a close approximation of the life expectancy of people who subsist solely on her cuisine), which is an extremely long time. But as The Wall Street Journal reported, Deen’s show was slipping: “Ratings for Ms. Deen’s show “Paula’s Best Dishes” were down 15% in total viewers—and 22% in the 18–49 demographic that advertisers care most about—for the 2012–13 season, compared with last season, according to Nielsen ratings provided by Horizon Media.”

The other companies to jettison Deen were more interested in their image than the bottom line. Every company has official statements, codes of conducts, and principles that bar their employees from using the type of language that Deen allegedly did in the workplace.

Deen didn’t have big exclusive deals with department stores, the way Martha Stewart does. Rather, she put her name on kitchen products that were sold in a wide range of stores. As of this week, they are sold in a narrow range of stores.

Walmart issued a terse statement on Wednesday. “We are ending our relationship with Paula Deen Enterprises and we will not place new orders beyond those already committed.” You can still get her dinnerware and other products at Walmart.com.

On the one hand, Deen was a perfect fit with Walmart, which remains a down-scale, predominantly Southern company. But Walmart has been trying to branch out of its blue-state base for years. With domestic sales stagnating, its only prospect for growth in the U.S. is in markets where it has generally been underrepresented: urban areas, places like Chicago and New York that house large minority populations. Walmart’s culture—low wages, a pathological hostility to unions—has posed a major stumbling to the company as it seeks to break in to diverse areas like New York. So any negative press surrounding race relations is particularly toxic for Walmart.

Target, which cultivates an inclusive, hip image, likewise found the comments attributed to Deen unacceptable. It announced that it won’t order any more Paula Deen cookware and dinnerware products once its existing stocks are sold out. Home Depot, based in Atlanta, the city famously too busy to hate, went a step further—it took the products off its website entirely.

It seems unlikely that Smithfield, the pork giant that had put Deen’s face on hams, would have been the target of boycotts had it continued to do business with the chef. But Smithfield, which recently agreed to be acquired by a Chinese company, has become controversial. It needs friendly treatment in Washington and media as it shoots the rapids. The less public noise surrounding the company, the better. And so it jettisoned her. “Smithfield condemns the use of offensive and discriminatory language and behavior of any kind. Therefore, we are terminating our partnership with Paula Deen,” the company told CNBC on Monday.

On Thursday, QVC took a notably softer stance, announcing it was “taking a pause” from Deen, not just for the sake of the company but for “Paula to concentrate on responding to the allegations against her and on her path forward.” While she’s doing that, QVC will be “phasing out” her products and she won’t be appearing on any TV broadcasts. President and CEO Mike George concluded this wasn’t necessarily a “forever decision” because, after all, “people deserve second chances.”

While companies based in the southern U.S. have been quick to convict and sentence Deen, a Danish company that Deen works with was much more tolerant and forgiving. Novo Nordisk, whose diabetes drug Victoza Deen promotes, at first said it would reserve judgment on Deen “while she takes a more proactive approach to clearing up her comments.” On Thursday it suspended the partnership.

Of course, none of this means that Deen is finished entirely. It just means that she can no longer be a national brand. Defenders of Deen note that she comes from a particular time and place. To condemn her for her language and attitudes is to condemn the huge number of white people who grew up in the segregated South and used the same type of language that their friends and parents did. And it is indeed true that we continue to make concessions to Southerners of a certain age. The fact that Rick Perry had a camp with an offensive name didn’t stop him from becoming governor of Texas. Haley Barbour’s willful blindness to the nastiness of segregation in the 1960s didn’t preclude him from heading the Republican National Committee. And I would love if it some reporter started quizzing elderly Southern officeholders—say, Jefferson Sessions of Alabama—as to whether they’ve ever used racially insensitive language in their lifetimes.

But here’s the deal. Even today, what is acceptable in one part of the country is unacceptable in another. And it is definitely the case that a history of racial insensitivity—especially a recent history of racial insensitivity—can stop you from being a national public figure. So Deen is commercially viable, just not on the national stage. To survive, she’ll have to revert to being a niche figure. You can prosper and remain rich by appealing to a small sliver of America’s vast population. And there is every sign that she’s capable of pulling that off.

Fans, including some African-American ones, are still lining up at her Savannah restaurant. Her next book, co-written with New York Times columnist Melissa Clark and published by Ballantine Books, Paula Deen’s New Testament: 250 Favorite Recipes, All Lightened Up, is already No. 1 on Amazon.com. And in Albany, Georgia, plans to open a Paula Deen museum are moving ahead.


K Mart and Sears announced today that they will no longer sell Paula Deen's products.
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Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:11 pm
I'd really like an answer from you...

Would you tell racially derogatory or racially demeaning jokes in front of your racially mixed step-daughters, or refer to them by the "N-word" when talking to your wife about them? If not, why not? You're saying such things are harmless, they're not bigoted or offensive or harmful, or hurtful, they're just "not PC" according to you.

Since you reject being "PC", do you use racial slurs and tell racially derogatory jokes when in the company of your racially mixed step-daughters? And, if you don't, I'd really like to know why not. How about when you're with others, in all white company, do you use such slurs or tell such jokes? If not, why not?
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:16 pm
So the fact that your wife's first husband was black, so their children and grandchildren are racially mixed, is supposed to be proof you're not a bigot?

Footnote my two very lovely step daughters was both adopted by my wife as infants as sadly she was unable to have bio children.

Strange how they both had taken after my wife each in their own ways to a great degree and I always been very proud that the one girl picked almost a clone of myself to married.

Wonderful family to had married into.
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Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:18 pm
I haven't been following this particular controversy at all because I've simply been too busy.

I think the Supreme Court decision gutting the Voting Rights Act is possibly of far greater significance, yet next to no one in the entire forum is talking about it.
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:23 pm
You're saying such things are harmless,

Would you please reposted any of my posts where I said that the n-word is harmless and should be use in everyday speaking?

It just not so evil or magical that a young woman who said it directed at a man who had just held a loader gun to her head should be punish decades later for doing so even after she apologized for the word.
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:28 pm
Would you please reposted any of my posts where I said that the n-word is harmless and should be use in everyday speaking?

So you would find the N-word inappropriate for an employer to use in a workplace--particularly a workplace with black employees?

And, how would you characterize an employer who did use the N-word in his workplace?

Other than just being "not PC", how else would you describe the N-word?
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:38 pm
So you would find the N-word inappropriate for an employer to use in a workplace--particularly a workplace with black employees?

Over all it is not a good word to used but unlike you I am not for a word police enforcing a ban words list.

I can not judge the relationships between people in every work place in the nation and the n-work now seem to be being used more between blacks then by whites either toward blacks or in conversations between whites.

Would you be for punishing blacks in an all black workplace that use that term between themselves from time to time?

Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:46 pm
What's the purpose of the N-word, used so often in Rap music?

What's the intended message being vocalized?
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:49 pm
Over all it is not a good word to used but unlike you I am not for a word police enforcing a ban words list.

So you wouldn't enforce federal laws if you ran the workplace? You'd allow racial/ethnic/gender/ sexual orientation slurs, and similarly derogatory and demeaning jokes, to be used in a workplace you controlled?

Would you be for punishing blacks in an all black workplace that use that term between themselves from time to time?

I'm in favor of not allowing racial/ethnic/gender/ sexual orientation offensive/derogatory language in the workplace--regardless of who uses it.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:56 pm
That happens, because it makes their miserable lives a little more tolerant to feel superior over blacks - out of total ignorance.

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Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:58 pm
In an attempt to stop the hemorrhaging, Paula Deen has hired Smith & Company, the crisis-management firm run by Judy Smith -- the inspiration for the hit ABC show Scandal -- according to a source familiar with the arrangement. Smith has served as a consultant for a host of high profile clients including Monica Lewinski, Michael Vick, Wesley Snipes and Jill Kelley, the mistress of former CIA director General David Petraeus.

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