Paula Dean Fired By Food Network Over Racial Slur

Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 03:59 pm
wmwcjr wrote:

I haven't been following this particular controversy at all because I've simply been too busy.

I think the Supreme Court decision gutting the Voting Rights Act is possibly of far greater significance, yet next to no one in the entire forum is talking about it.

affirmative action is like abortion, it has been talked to death and has thus become a very boring subject.
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Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 04:04 pm
Miller wrote:

What's the purpose of the N-word, used so often in Rap music?

What's the intended message being vocalized?

no, no, no....only special people get to use the special words. WHAT!, you thought we are all equal?
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 06:00 pm
so I was wrong..Ballentine backed out of doing her book...she should get Amazon to publish it, she will get a better deal with them anyways.
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 06:05 pm
So you wouldn't enforce federal laws if you ran the workplace? You'd allow racial/ethnic/gender/ sexual orientation slurs, and similarly derogatory and demeaning jokes, to be used in a workplace you controlled? I'm in favor of not allowing racial/ethnic/gender/ sexual orientation offensive/derogatory language in the workplace--regardless of who uses it

I think off hand there is a part of the constitution that would ban the outlawing of the mere used of any word in or out of a workplace.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The n word should not be used in normal situations but I am not for taking the right of a group to used that word between themselves and the mere used of that word or any word for that matter is not proof in itself repeat in itself that anyone had set up a hostile work environment.

The government should not be involved in being a word police.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 06:11 pm
That was a multi-book deal she just lost.
Publisher cancels multibook Paula Deen contract
June 28, 2013

Paula Deen's publisher has canceled a deal with her for multiple books, including an upcoming cookbook that was the No. 1 seller on Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.com, following her admission she used a racial slur.

Ballantine Books announced Friday it would not release Paula Deen's New Testament: 250 Favorite Recipes, All Lightened Up, which was scheduled for October and was the first of a five-book deal announced early last year. Interest in it had surged as Deen, who grew up in Albany, Ga., and specializes in Southern comfort food, came under increasing attack for acknowledging she had used the N-word.

Ballantine, an imprint of Random House Inc., said it had decided to cancel the book's publication after "careful consideration." It had no comment beyond what was in its brief statement, spokesman Stuart Applebaum said.

Later Friday, Deen's literary agent, Janis Donnaud, said that the entire deal had been called off.

"I am confident that these books will be published and that we will have a new publisher," said Donnaud, who declined to comment on whether she had heard from other publishers.

The trouble for Deen started when comments she made in a court deposition became public. During the deposition in a discrimination lawsuit filed by an ex-employee, Deen admitted using the N-word in the past but denied using it to describe waiters.

Deen said she's not a racist during a tearful Today show interview but has lost many of her business relationships. Sears Holdings Corp. and J.C. Penney Co. said Friday that they were cutting ties with Deen following similar announcements from Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Target Corp. and Home Depot.

Last week, the Food Network said that it would not renew her contract. She also was dropped by Smithfield Foods, Caesars Entertainment stripped her name from restaurants and drug company Novo Nordisk said it was suspending its work with her.

Publishers have pulled a wide range of books over the years, usually because of plagiarism, fabrications or other issues with the books themselves. Ballantine's decision highlights a problem for Deen even when the product itself has not been challenged and is in high demand.

Some outlets that might have sold her books, such as Target and Wal-Mart, have cut ties with her. Other stores likely would have been reluctant to promote her new book or to invite her for personal appearances.

Because Paula Deen's New Testament was months away from release, no copies had been printed. All purchases had been pre-orders, so refunds aren't necessary.


Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 06:28 pm
My my this is going so far that cook books where there are proven demand for are being stop over the issue of whether the author is PC enough to be an publish author!!!!!!!

Shame shame on Random House Inc.

This is proof beyond question that the whole issue of being PC is a danger to our freedoms.

What others books in the future is the PC movement going to try to stop?

By the way are we going to have a good old Nazis book burning as the release date of the book is in Oct so you would think at least some are in warehouses by now.
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 06:37 pm
BillRM wrote:
as the release date of the book is in Oct so you would think at least some are in warehouses by now.

if you'd read what was posted, you'd realize the books haven't been printed yet

books aren't printed that far ahead anymore. publishing technology has advanced a great deal in the last thirty years.
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 06:43 pm
Here is a few of the comments on Random house facebook page. I guess as soon as she find another publisher I will need to buy her cook book.

Hell a lot of people on my Christmas list is going to be getting her cookbook.

Amazing that we now have companies that do not care about the wishes of their customers or the bottom line of their companies.

Jacob Skeens
As an avid reader and many of your books I might add, I will no longer support your company. It's a sad day when someone is punished for a mistake that happened almost 30 years ago. Since you have decided not to support PD, I will not support you.
Like · · 9 minutes ago
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Nancy Horton Travis
Hypocrites - all of you.
Like · · 10 minutes ago
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Emma Lou Van Atta
Why don't you just get all those companies who have "dumped" her and just tar & feather her..... My Gosh, you'd think we were still living in the 40's, in the SOUTH. Hey, people, we forgive....and let's not be the ones to throw the stones if we have never said something we have regretted.....
Like · · 12 minutes ago
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Janice Vawter
So you dropped Paula Deen; shame on your company; what comes around goes around; and you will get yours. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Like · · 14 minutes ago
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Bev Russell
I am extremely disappointed in your decision to cancel Paul Deen cookbooks. Is it because she is a woman? If this were Gordan Ramsey would he get the same treatment. I don't think so! Please rethink your decision.
Like · · 18 minutes ago
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Ronnie Bowen
Doesn't Amazon publish books? We need to contact them!
Like · · 23 minutes ago near Sumter, SC
Fay Dixon likes this.

Ronnie Bowen

Paula Deen bakeware, cookware, and kitchenware - Paula Deen Store
Shop for Paula Deen Bakeware, cookware, kitchenware, and cook books from the official Paula Deen Store
Like · · Share · 24 minutes ago near Sumter, SC
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Jon Zuilkowski
Seriously? We have lost our country. We have lost our soul.
Like · · 29 minutes ago
Mia Maio likes this.

Sharon York Powell
The big question is, who or what has the money & power to bully all these companies into dumping Paula & why do they hate her so much. Would be interesting to know. It's very puzzling, can they all be such cowards?
Like · · 31 minutes ago
Amanda Rice Ferrell likes this.

Chris Durham
This is a strange decision being Paula Deen has preorders that put her # 1 on the list at Amazon so why would you cancel her now ? http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/books/6/ref=s9_ri_bw_clnk?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-3&pf_rd_r=64691CACE988456BA133&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1479980662&pf_rd_i=6
Like · · 31 minutes ago near Atlanta, GA
Fay Dixon likes this.

Michelle Lemmond Whiteleather
I have heard that companies don't really care about the protest posts on their Facebook pages - however, they do care about Tweets. Anyone who has a Twitter account should tweet their disapproval!
Like · · 34 minutes ago
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Jeff Marc Meeks
See if I buy any books that have your name as publisher Hope you go under now with your PC crap!
Like · · 38 minutes ago
Fay Dixon likes this.

Michelle Lemmond Whiteleather
I was shocked to learn that Random House Inc. - Ballantine Books - has dropped Paula Deen and will not publish her newest book as planned in October. This piling on has to stop! I will never again purchase books, magazines or other publications from Random House Inc.
Like · · 39 minutes ago
Fay Dixon likes this.

Antoine Bernard
Great Job ..... Thanks for taking a stand against racism ! Smile
Like · · 41 minutes ago
Sally O'Malley likes this.

Shelley Medlin Dheming
Wow. What a bunch of losers u are. I hope Paula sues u for all the money u just stole from her.
Like · · 42 minutes ago

Patty Brown-Wagner
Time to dust off the old library card. Rather search the racks and wait on the check out list for a good read than buy a book form your company.
Like · · 46 minutes ago near Camp Hill, PA
Li McKenzie likes this.

Vielka Victoria Holness
Like · · 46 minutes ago near Bronx, NY
Sally O'Malley likes this.

Barbara Roman
Have you removed all homophobic authors from your collection as well? What you've done is shameful.
Like · · 48 minutes ago
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Mack Barrentine
I hope you plan on going back into the history of all of your authors and make sure they have NEVER used some type of racial slur or something else that would be embarrassing. You know, fair is fair. You have the right to not publish Paula's book but we as fan's of her also have the right to not buy any books that are published by your company and associates. I don't care how bad I want a book I will NOT purchase it. You are such a hypocrite!
Like · · 50 minutes ago
Top Comments
8 people like this.

Bernadette Shekleton Agree! Ridiculous over reaction.
Like · Reply · 42 minutes ago

Chris Durham Agree please do hire a whole team of Private Investigators to see who else you should fire right away as they could be much worse than Paula. You would rather cut off your right hand than feed your face?
Like · Reply · 29 minutes ago

Michele Sizzle
Good for you in being responsible to let Paula Deen go!
Like · · 54 minutes ago
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Karie Harris
Wow! What a sad day for your company. I'm sure Paula Deen will find another publisher with more backbone and integrity that will do well selling her cookbooks. You're no Forrest Bondurant. This company will fade.
Like · · about an hour ago
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Allison Hairr Cleveland
As I was about to pre-order Paula Deen's book, I came across an article sharing the decision to cancel the contract with Paula. Given your stance, I would venture to believe that your team did not fully research the situation and jumped on the Paula-hating bandwagon, assuming that she's a racist since she privately used the N-word YEARS ago following a VERY stressful situation in which I'm pretty sure the majority of people would have used some type of negative, judgmental word or phrase. She has done nothing to show that she is a racist; however, she has done something that has proven she's an honest and genuine person by telling the truth. I thank you, Ballantine Books, for saving me money.
Like · · about an hour ago
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Shanna Owen
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 06:44 pm
"Danger to our freedoms?" How is your freedom controlled?
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 06:46 pm
if you'd read what was posted, you'd realize the books haven't been printed yet

books aren't printed that far ahead anymore. publishing technology has advanced a great deal in the last thirty years.

That a shame as not only does it denial the fun of a good old fashion Nazis books burning but any copies that would had escape the flames would had been worth thousands to collectors.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 06:57 pm
@cicerone imposter,
"Danger to our freedoms?" How is your freedom controlled?

Of course your movement is so strong that you can get companies to not only harm their own bottom lines but go against the wishes of their own customers to the point of interfering with their right to buy a damn cook book!!!!!!!!!!!

As I said one hell of a lot of people are going to be getting that book as a Christmas gift from me assuming that the PC movement can not stop her from finding another publisher.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 07:04 pm
"Our movement?" What in the world is that? There is no such thing; not in the US or anyplace else!

Do you understand anything about the "freedom of choice?" Nobody controls what you wish to buy except for what are unlawful in accordance with local, state or federal laws.

For you nincompoops, it's called "capitalism."

Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 07:06 pm

This is the path we seems to be on for some strange reason
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 07:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Do you understand anything about the "freedom of choice?" Nobody controls what you wish to buy except for what are unlawful in accordance with local, state or federal laws.

Of course you do by removing the right to enjoy a cooking show or a cooking book by having companies making decisions not on economic grounds or the desire of their customers but by the fear of seeming to be non-PC.

Many wonderful movie and TV writers and producers and actors have their careers ended and their fans foreclosed from enjoying their works by similar ball less companies in the 1950s and it seems to be happening once more.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 07:21 pm
I'm curious where you think this movement is and what it is doing.

There doesn't seem to have been any public request for Ms. Deen to be removed from the various companies. They've all made business decisions.

Ms. Deen had a failing brand. Her ratings have been dropping for some time on the Food Network. Her now very vocal supporters don't seem to have been watching her.

Her style of cooking has been falling out of favour for a few years.

Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 07:23 pm
I wonder how long this will stay in the news.

It's already fallen out of the top stories list at google.ca

Some other minor news story will catch everyone's eye and poof the Paula Deen story will be history.
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 07:45 pm
There doesn't seem to have been any public request for Ms. Deen to be removed from the various companies. They've all made business decisions.

Business decision of not publishing a cooking book that is already a pre-release number one best seller and who by not publishing it they had outrageous a few hundred thousands of their customers with special note of the ones who had already order it?

Unless the business decision is to go bankruptcy whatever it may be it is not a business decision of any kind.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 07:47 pm
Businesses make decisions based on ethics and reputation; it's not always about money.
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 07:50 pm
Sorry the stopping of the publishing of a best seller is going to be moving the story back up into the news.

Off hand in the history of this nation I can not think of such an event ever happening before.

Can anybody think of a book being stop just before publishing that is already a best seller less alone a cook book due to who the author happen to be?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 07:55 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Businesses make decisions based on ethics and reputation; it's not always about money.

Yes I can see the ethics problems of publishing a cooking book due to the word the author said thirty years before or so.

As far as reputation a book publisher with the reputation of following the PC winds and not producing a book that they had already taken money for is not going to be great.

See the postings on facebook for how their reputation is going with their customers.

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