I'm sure this isn't a revelation to you, but perhaps you should see your doctor?! Oh you have seen him/her? If so, what was their diagnosis?
AFIB and/or atrial flutters can be benign ... but until you see medical professional (or a few) and go through the process, you won't get the sort of help you need for a definitive diagnosis and a working solution.
For example, in my own circumstances, I've had reflux for 15 yrs. I was lucky to have had either Nexium and then, later on, Omeprazole relieved me of the pain and discomfort.
However, in the case of my increasing symptoms of arrhythmia, it took several visits to a few different Cardiologists to get at the problems I have. in my case, the reflux was not connected to my cardiology issues.
I wish you the best of luck.