Setanta wrote:As usual, you are delusional (there's no "selected militia")
Its ez to check the history of militia, Setanta
(without un-solicited analysis of my mental health).
There were 2 kinds:
first the private militia (i.e., the guys in the naborhood)
who sometimes trained to be effective, in the absence
of any armed force (if the army were not around)
and, on the other hand:
government sponsored, sometimes government equipped,
militia for when the army is not around,
or does
not exist (e.g., the Free French or the Mormon Militia,
or defensively armed merchants, during race riots).
Private militia are simply an armed citizenry,
organized in their own defense.
U simply have been ignorant of this history,
and then u blamed
ME, in your ignorance.
For the record:
I do not suggest that the words "selected militia" appear
in the text of the Constitution; thay do
Setanta wrote:and you indulge your polemic rather than either reality or good sense.
U hurl invective rather than research
the applicable history; there were 2 varieties of militia.
The 2 militia might be brought into military conflict
with one another.
The concept is not hard to comprehend.
When George Mason & George Washington organized
the Fairfax County Militia, thay did
not have the King's permission,
and there already
WAS a Royal Militia, of long standing.
Setanta wrote: Conservatives attempt to introduce religion into government,
that's why they're called the religious right.
Was what I already posted
beyond your ability to grasp ?
I don t feel like posting redundantly.
Thay 'd be conservative in so doing
America were a theocracy; it never was.
The Founders were
not theocrats,
regardless of what anyone
"called" anything.
If someone leans toward theocracy, then that is
from the secular Constitution and is therefore
I think Lincoln remarked something about an ass being an ass,
no matter what anyone
"called" him.
(Was Barry Goldwater guilty of attempting
"to introduce religion into government" ??)
A conservative who turns away from the subject matter
of the conservation (e.g., the Constitution), falls into
de facto apostasy; that is antithetical to conservatism.
Got the idea now ??
Setanta wrote:There really is no point in discussing these things with you,
because you introduce terms which don't appear in the constitution,
and you define terms to suit your polemic.
I see; u have been the victim of
wherein someone
forced u to comment on my post; a scandal.
Call the Mounties; give my regards to Sgt. Preston & King.