I personally think you are having an identity crisis. The question you need to ask yourself is this.... Does it matter what you call yourself? If you find yourself attracted to someone, male or female, you still have the choice to pursue or not pursue that attraction. I make a very concerted attempt not to put a category on any human being because that will limit you to what that definition dictates.
The only label you need to worry about is that which helps you identify with yourself. If you accept that you are attracted to both men and women, then the closes label is bi-sexual. If you are attracted to primarily men and aren't really functional with women, then you may be gay. If the reverse is true, then you are probably heterosexual.
Don't worry about the classification and worry about who you are attracted to. Make sure that whomever it is, they are a good person that makes you happy and worry about their anatomy after that. The only time gender comes into play is in reproduction, and even that isn't a barrier now.
Good luck,