OmSigDAVID wrote:
I gotta look into all this; I feel like a dinosaur.
Me too David, me too.
Parados, I just got off the phone w/ AT&T, and they answered the question for me.
Yes, the router I have for my current PC (only one computer in the household) is good for WIFI.
I got from "Aloha", the CSR what the name of my network is, and she showed me where to find the password on the bottom of my router, which is under the heading of "Wireless Network Key"
David in the terms that simple minded people like us can understand, so far it's been pretty painless.
In dinosaur words....
We haven't set up our Blue Ray yet, we just bought it today at Best Buy. A blue ray is a device on which you can stream movies or shows, and also watch DVD's. It cost I think $79.00
More on what the blue ray can do in a moment.
Apparantly when you set up your blue ray, connecting it to your television, you tell it what the name of your network is (what Aloha told me) and the password (which as I said is on the bottom of the router.)
Then, you can go online and sign up with Netflix, or Hulu, or some other streaming service, and you can watch all the shows and movies you want to like $8 a month.
In addition, the blue ray is already loaded with other apps, like for instance Pandora, which is a music site, so you can listen to music from your TV/blue ray....and a bunch of other apps where you can watch free movies. You can also watch YouTube on your TV also. You can do all this while someone else is on the computer.
If you want to play games, there are other devices you could get other than the blue ray, i.e. an x-box. Since neither one of us is into that, we went with the blue ray. The blue ray will also give us a better picture on the TV, since we have a high def TV.
Aloha was very nice. I explained to her that we were going to try a free trial of Netflix for a week (I see in the banner ad below I can get a free month). If we like it (I'm sure we'll decide yes within a couple of days) we were going to drop the TV portion of our AT&T Uverse account and just keep the internet portion. She said that if we were going we Netflix we would probably want to increase our internet speed. When I hesitated at that (great, we're doing this to cut costs, as well as get rid of commercials) she said she could double our speed for 6 months for free, and after that time is would only be $5.00 a month.
That sounded like a good deal, so I said ok.
We'll see how it works, I'll be reporting back!