@cicerone imposter,
Here's what I found in NY TIMES as of Mid-March:
"Americans spent at the fastest pace in five months in February, pushing up retail sales by 1.1 percent from January. About half the increase reflected higher gasoline prices, but even excluding fuel purchases, retail sales rose 0.6 percent. "
However, if one views the local (micro)-economy in more upscale communities, there could be a distorted view of the economy as a whole. Wherever the OP lives, it might be quite the opposite. In areas located in large pockets of the Midwest, Compton, CA or places like Gary, IN, Detroit, Akron, OH, parts of urban NJ, there's not likely to be a vibrant retail atmosphere. UK on the whole suffers quite a downturn, of course.
None of this seems to be what OP is looking for. She is concerned (based on her past posting history) because her job is not giving her enough work hours on her schedule.