Are all Republicans Idiots?

Debra Law
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 01:55 pm
Baldimo wrote:

This is where we will differ on the purpose of our govt and the laws they create. Refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding does not equal baking a birthday cake for a gay person. Do we know if they would refuse to bake them a cake simply because they were gay? No, we know they didn't want to bake a cake for a specific occasion they didn't agree with. So what do they do? Put them out of business via the laws of the land, break them and put them in poverty because of a single event that didn't even cause harm except for feelings... Did the couple end up getting a cake for their wedding from someone who was gay wedding friendly?

I noticed you ignored the story about the Muslim bakers.

Our state and federal governments have vast powers that are used to serve many beneficial purposes. Our government has authority to regulate commerce and to prohibit discrimination in the public marketplace. Regulation is necessary and proper to secure the liberty interests of all individuals in our large and diverse population of people. I am unaware of the purpose you personally assign to the government.

A cake is a cake to a commercial enterprise engaged in making cakes for profit and marketing to them to members of the consuming public. Birthday cakes and wedding cakes, et. al, are sold for profit. It shouldn't matter to the business owner if I'm gay or straight or black or white or anything else when I'm paying for my baked goods.

Christians are not being picked on. Christians are not suffering under persecution. Christians do not have targets on their backs. Are you playing the fallacious victim card when you point to a video? Are you asking, "Why are those sinful gays picking on the Christians and not the Muslims?" What relevance is the video?
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 02:29 pm
@Debra Law,
Our state and federal governments have vast powers that are used to serve many beneficial purposes. Our government has authority to regulate commerce and to prohibit discrimination in the public marketplace. Regulation is necessary and proper to secure the liberty interests of all individuals in our large and diverse population of people. I am unaware of the purpose you personally assign to the government.

I think the govt oversteps it's bounds in the realm of "commerce" and has exploited the purpose of the "commerce clause". We no longer live in a "confined" society where these laws make sense. There is no longer just one baker in town in which to seek a business transaction and I disagree that a cake is just a cake. If that were the case they would have been fine with a cake from the grocery store. When you go to a business like a baker, you are not just getting a cake, you are getting artistic expression and that persons art is the reason for getting the cake. Don't think so? Watch a couple of cooking competition shows and tell me art isn't a major part of the reason people do what they do.

Christians are not being picked on.

I would disagree, they have a target on their backs by the PC crowd.

Christians are not suffering under persecution.

That depends on how you define persecution. Are they being killed in the streets here like they are in other parts of the world? No they are not. Are people attempting to drive them from public view? Yes. Do you not recall the protests directed at Chic-fil-a? How about the CEO of Firefox? All Christians and targeted for their views.

Christians do not have targets on their backs.

See the examples above. Bakers, a CEO and an entire company have been under-fire by the PC left. Even RedRex/Cobbler, an out gay man, has stated that every anti-gay person in the US should be outed and fired from their jobs. Ask him, I'm sure he won't deny it.

Are you playing the fallacious victim card when you point to a video?

I'm not playing a victim of any sort, I don't have any skin in that game. What I'm showing is the limited outrage of the PC left when it comes to different religions. Christian people bad, Muslim people good.

Are you asking, "Why are those sinful gays picking on the Christians and not the Muslims?" What relevance is the video?

Sinful gays? I don't think gays are sinful so you can stop putting words in my mouth. I'm not even a Christian so I'm not sure about your meaning in relation to the subject.

cicerone imposter
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 02:32 pm
I would disagree, they have a target on their backs by the PC crowd.

Provide evidence of such. No retail business asks for the customer's religion. I've never run into such a business in my life, and I'm 81 years old and have shopped all around the world and across the US.
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 02:42 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I did CI, you have to actually read the full post, not just a part of it and react.
cicerone imposter
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 02:51 pm
No. You show me where my statement is wrong.
Debra Law
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 02:52 pm
Baldimo wrote:

You use scary words CI. Insidious... People such as yourself see's such things in everyone who disagrees with you. People such as yourself, Debra and Rex scare me for the future of free speech and free will in this country.

We're engaged in speech right now.

Here's a snippet of free speech from the past: "Jim Crow must go!"

And there were opposing voices in the crowd.

People who think it's a sin for gay people to get married can use their voices or put fingers to their keyboards and broadcast their views in many forums. And others may disagree. You are engaged in free speech right now and don't see any reason for you to be afraid.

I don't know what you mean by free will. If you're against gay marriage, you don't have to enter a gay marriage. How is your free will being curtailed? You can attend services at your church, you can pray, you can worship, you can read your bible, you can believe whatever you want to believe. But, you can't throw virgins into volcanoes to appease your God. You can't do that, but I don't think you have to be afraid for your future.
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 02:59 pm
@cicerone imposter,
How can I prove a senseless statement wrong? I can't even figure out how your comment relates to the subject Debra and I were talking about.
0 Replies
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 03:04 pm
I never understand this argument. Who are the PC people and what do they want to do to Christians? I've said Merry Christmas to people and no one complained, I've also said 'Enjoy the Hollidays' but not because I'm having a war on Christmas. I was raised as a Christian, so what am I missing and who is it that's aiming at my back.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 03:10 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Your statement:
I would disagree, they have a target on their backs by the PC crowd.

My response: Provide evidence of such. No retail business asks for the customer's religion. I've never run into such a business in my life, and I'm 81 years old and have shopped all around the world and across the US.

Who are the "they" and the "PC crowd?"

0 Replies
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 03:15 pm
@Debra Law,
We're engaged in speech right now.

Here's a snippet of free speech from the past: "Jim Crow must go!"

And there were opposing voices in the crowd.

We are now, but the PC forces are being held at bay. Have you seen the crap going down on college campus's? Leftist students are allowed to protest and hold other students up when walking around campus, but if a Conservative voice comes on campus to give a speech, the campus admin will prevent the speech from taking place for fear of violence.

“Given the experiences and security concerns that some other schools have had with Ben Shapiro speaking on their campuses, DePaul cannot agree to allow him to speak on our campus at this time,” the university’s vice president of facilities operations reportedly told YAF in an email last week.

“It’s both pathetic and predictable that the University is happy to grant a veto on speakers to snowflake leftists so long as the leftists threaten violence,” Shapiro said. “This is how free speech dies: when people in power cave to the bullies rather than standing up for basic rights.”

“If DePaul cannot trust its delicate liberal snowflake students and administrators to allow Ben to speak his mind safely and freely, it has utterly failed in its mission to ‘[foster] a community that welcomes open discourse.’ Make no mistake, any security concerns we face on campuses are 100 percent incited by the censorious, intolerant Left,” YAF said.

Free speech can exist everywhere in the US?

People who think it's a sin for gay people to get married can use their voices or put fingers to their keyboards and broadcast their views in many forums.

How long until that isn't possible? Left unchecked, the PC left will outlaw types of speech they don't agree with. I have seen people on this very forum call for such things. It wasn't those on the right who said this, it was those from the left. When you come out with hate speech laws, it isn't very difficult to see all sorts of speech we disagree with labeled as "hate speech".

And others may disagree. You are engaged in free speech right now and don't see any reason for you to be afraid.

It's mostly because the web is anonymous. Not very many people here know who I am. Given their chance, I could see a few people on this site using personal info against people to get them fired from their jobs. We have some really overly emotional people here who I don't think would stop to hurt another if they had the chance.

You can't do that, but I don't think you have to be afraid for your future.

Is that a cheap dig to label me as a virgin? Wow, you sure are on point.

BTW, did you know the punchline to my lawyer joke?
cicerone imposter
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 03:19 pm
We are now, but the PC forces are being held at bay. Have you seen the crap going down on college campus's? Leftist students are allowed to protest and hold other students up when walking around campus, but if a Conservative voice comes on campus to give a speech, the campus admin will prevent the speech from taking place for fear of violence.

We have the freedom of speech in this country, even on college campus'.
Show us where any campus admin prevented free speech from conservatives?
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 03:33 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Jesus Christ CI, don't you read anything? The quotes from the school were right in my post. You are choosing to ignore what is written in order to make some point. Read the damn post. It was Ben Shapiro and Depaul University.

0 Replies
Debra Law
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 04:03 pm
Baldimo wrote:

Our state and federal governments have vast powers that are used to serve many beneficial purposes. Our government has authority to regulate commerce and to prohibit discrimination in the public marketplace. Regulation is necessary and proper to secure the liberty interests of all individuals in our large and diverse population of people. I am unaware of the purpose you personally assign to the government.

I think the govt oversteps it's bounds in the realm of "commerce" and has exploited the purpose of the "commerce clause". We no longer live in a "confined" society where these laws make sense. There is no longer just one baker in town in which to seek a business transaction and I disagree that a cake is just a cake. If that were the case they would have been fine with a cake from the grocery store. When you go to a business like a baker, you are not just getting a cake, you are getting artistic expression and that persons art is the reason for getting the cake. Don't think so? Watch a couple of cooking competition shows and tell me art isn't a major part of the reason people do what they do.

Christians are not being picked on.

I would disagree, they have a target on their backs by the PC crowd.

Christians are not suffering under persecution.

That depends on how you define persecution. Are they being killed in the streets here like they are in other parts of the world? No they are not. Are people attempting to drive them from public view? Yes. Do you not recall the protests directed at Chic-fil-a? How about the CEO of Firefox? All Christians and targeted for their views.

Christians do not have targets on their backs.

See the examples above. Bakers, a CEO and an entire company have been under-fire by the PC left. Even RedRex/Cobbler, an out gay man, has stated that every anti-gay person in the US should be outed and fired from their jobs. Ask him, I'm sure he won't deny it.

Are you playing the fallacious victim card when you point to a video?

I'm not playing a victim of any sort, I don't have any skin in that game. What I'm showing is the limited outrage of the PC left when it comes to different religions. Christian people bad, Muslim people good.

Are you asking, "Why are those sinful gays picking on the Christians and not the Muslims?" What relevance is the video?

Sinful gays? I don't think gays are sinful so you can stop putting words in my mouth. I'm not even a Christian so I'm not sure about your meaning in relation to the subject.

When you argue that a business shouldn't have to serve gays because there are other businesses that will, you are simply looking around with present day eyes at the fruit borne from the diligent work of progressives over many generations. In other words, anti-discrimination laws have been effective.

If we apply your rationale, however, then a racist inn keeper should be allowed to turn away blacks because there presently exist many other inns along the highway that might not discriminate. If we eliminate or chip away at the protections of anti-discrimination laws, then the evils of segregation will arise again.

If you want to work in a private studio and create works of art for a select clientele, you may do so. But when you open a business in the public square and welcome members of the public to enter and buy your goods, you can't discriminate. It doesn't matter if your frosting flowers are prettier than someone else's frosting flowers, you still can't discriminate.

Whining about "political correctness" is just another means of playing the false victim card. If you hold discriminatory viewpoints, you might not be a popular person and people might criticize you. That doesn't mean you're the victim of persecution. See the following:

per·se·cu·tion com·plex
noun: persecution complex; plural noun: persecution complexes; noun: persecution mania; plural noun: persecution manias
an irrational and obsessive feeling or fear that one is the object of collective hostility or ill-treatment on the part of others.

Christians are not being thrown in the arena to be mauled and eaten by hungry lions. Lashing out at others who frown on discrimination and labeling them the "PC left", etc., doesn't change the fact that you are a beneficiary of all the progress our society has made over many generations through the hard work of progressives.

I'm not labeling you or putting words in your mouth. I wanted to know why you linked to an article that discussed a video about Muslims. What relevance does that video have to our discussion? What are you trying to say? You still haven't answered that question.
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 04:56 pm
@Debra Law,
When you argue that a business shouldn't have to serve gays because there are other businesses that will, you are simply looking around with present day eyes at the fruit borne from the diligent work of progressives over many generations. In other words, anti-discrimination laws have been effective.

That is only partially what I said. I also pointed out that they didn't want to make a wedding cake, we don't know if they would make a bday cake for a gay person. To say they didn't make a wedding cake and therefore refused service to a gay person is only part of the story. They refused to make a cake for a gay wedding.

To give all the credit to the "Progressives" is a funny thought. I give the credit to people in general and not the progressive movement. I support gay people, does that make me a progressive?

If we apply your rationale, however, then a racist inn keeper should be allowed to turn away blacks because there presently exist many other inns along the highway that might not discriminate. If we eliminate or chip away at the protections of anti-discrimination laws, then the evils of segregation will arise again.

No, that is your rationale. The evils of segregation will never come back, the popular view has moved too far forward. It is only in the minds of those who want to control the govt that think it would. You like many leftists here at A2K have old thought patterns and never changed. You should try living in modern day society and use modern day thought, not a thought process from over 50 years ago.

If you want to work in a private studio and create works of art for a select clientele, you may do so. But when you open a business in the public square and welcome members of the public to enter and buy your goods, you can't discriminate. It doesn't matter if your frosting flowers are prettier than someone else's frosting flowers, you still can't discriminate.

So now you get to decide who someone can and can't provide a service to? An artist is an artist. Would you object to a baker not wanting to make a cake for a Christian?
It seems some people want to have their cake and eat it as well.

Christians are not being thrown in the arena to be mauled and eaten by hungry lions. Lashing out at others who frown on discrimination and labeling them the "PC left", etc., doesn't change the fact that you are a beneficiary of all the progress our society has made over many generations through the hard work of progressives.

Keep telling yourself that. I don't see anyone but Christian bakers having their busiesses taken from them. I only saw one CEO lose his job because of his personal beliefs and he was a Christian. These are all facts, do you deny them?

If the PC left only did what you claim, that wouldn't be such a bad thing, but they see racism everywhere, they see bigotry everywhere, even when none of it is there. It served it's purpose and has nothing left, why do you think colleges are so big on "safe places" and other such PC nonsense.

I'm not labeling you or putting words in your mouth. I wanted to know why you linked to an article that discussed a video about Muslims. What relevance does that video have to our discussion? What are you trying to say? You still haven't answered that question.

Did you watch the video? I'm guessing you didn't or you would know that this guy went around to Muslim bakers and asked them to make him a cake for his gay wedding. Many of them refused but you won't find gay people going to harass a Muslim baker and force them to do something that is against their faith. Nope. It's the double standard of PCness, it only works against Christians. To the PC left, Muslims are a protected class and aren't held to the same standards as they hold Christians.
reasoning logic
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 05:23 pm
I support gay people, does that make me a progressive?

Yes you are progressive in the idea of not being homophobic. Did you ever think negative of them? I did but I would never have been one to think that they should not have the same rights as me.
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 05:29 pm
@reasoning logic,
Yes you are progressive in the idea of not being homophobic.

See, I don't consider it progressive, I consider it just being an American with common sense. There are a lot of people who are right of center who aren't "homophobic", it is a small minority who have anything against gays. I don't think any of it had anything to do with laws as much as people change as times change.

Did you ever think negative of them?

As far as I know, I have never had a negative view of gay people. I might have held some unpopular views on certain subjects when it comes to gay people but they weren't negative by normal standards. I have 2 mix race children and one of them claims to be bi, he was nervous about telling me, but I didn't care, he is my son.
reasoning logic
Tue 13 Dec, 2016 05:45 pm
I have 2 mix race children and one of them claims to be bi, he was nervous about telling me, but I didn't care, he is my son.

Good for you and him. There will be kids that see things differently than you or I but I have no problem with them as long as they are not hurting other people.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Wed 14 Dec, 2016 02:25 am
Baldimo wrote:

Debra wrote:
When you argue that a business shouldn't have to serve gays because there are other businesses that will, you are simply looking around with present day eyes at the fruit borne from the diligent work of progressives over many generations. In other words, anti-discrimination laws have been effective.

That is only partially what I said. I also pointed out that they didn't want to make a wedding cake, we don't know if they would make a bday cake for a gay person. To say they didn't make a wedding cake and therefore refused service to a gay person is only part of the story. They refused to make a cake for a gay wedding.

To give all the credit to the "Progressives" is a funny thought. I give the credit to people in general and not the progressive movement. I support gay people, does that make me a progressive?

Yes, you are saying some business owners discriminate against gays. That's why we need anti-discrimination laws and continued enforcement of those laws. Your attempt to minimize the harm inflicted upon the victims of discrimination is unavailing. You're not a supporter of gay people; you're a supporter of business owners who discriminate against gay people.

Debra wrote:
If we apply your rationale, however, then a racist inn keeper should be allowed to turn away blacks because there presently exist many other inns along the highway that might not discriminate. If we eliminate or chip away at the protections of anti-discrimination laws, then the evils of segregation will arise again.

Baldimo wrote:
No, that is your rationale. The evils of segregation will never come back, the popular view has moved too far forward. It is only in the minds of those who want to control the govt that think it would. You like many leftists here at A2K have old thought patterns and never changed. You should try living in modern day society and use modern day thought, not a thought process from over 50 years ago.

It is your thought pattern that hasn't changed. You advocate for the right of businesses to discriminate against gays and deny that discrimination causes harm.

Debra wrote:
If you want to work in a private studio and create works of art for a select clientele, you may do so. But when you open a business in the public square and welcome members of the public to enter and buy your goods, you can't discriminate. It doesn't matter if your frosting flowers are prettier than someone else's frosting flowers, you still can't discriminate.

Baldimo wrote:
So now you get to decide who someone can and can't provide a service to? An artist is an artist. Would you object to a baker not wanting to make a cake for a Christian?
It seems some people want to have their cake and eat it as well.

Pay attention: Our elected representatives enacted anti-discrimination laws. I'm not going to continue to repeat what I've already said and what you choose to ignore. You're meandering.

The baker you're referring to did not refuse to make a cake for a Christian. The baker, who was also a Christian, had no problem with baking cakes in the shape of the bible and said she would do so. The baker, however, would not write language she found to be offensive on the cakes. The baker offered to provide the customer with the tools and icing so the customer himself could write whatever he wanted on the cakes. No discrimination against a Christian took place in that matter.

Debra wrote:
Christians are not being thrown in the arena to be mauled and eaten by hungry lions. Lashing out at others who frown on discrimination and labeling them the "PC left", etc., doesn't change the fact that you are a beneficiary of all the progress our society has made over many generations through the hard work of progressives.

Baldimo wrote:
Keep telling yourself that. I don't see anyone but Christian bakers having their busiesses taken from them. I only saw one CEO lose his job because of his personal beliefs and he was a Christian. These are all facts, do you deny them?

If the PC left only did what you claim, that wouldn't be such a bad thing, but they see racism everywhere, they see bigotry everywhere, even when none of it is there. It served it's purpose and has nothing left, why do you think colleges are so big on "safe places" and other such PC nonsense.

I don't think it's necessary to spend very much time addressing your drama queen hysteria. Christian bakers are not having their businesses taken from them. In fact, Melissa (of Sweetcakes by Melissa fame) made a lot of money when a complaint was brought against her for discrimination. She broke the law, but raked in over $350,000 on GoFundMe.

Again, you're playing the false victim card.

Debra wrote:
I'm not labeling you or putting words in your mouth. I wanted to know why you linked to an article that discussed a video about Muslims. What relevance does that video have to our discussion? What are you trying to say? You still haven't answered that question.

Baldimo wrote:
Did you watch the video? I'm guessing you didn't or you would know that this guy went around to Muslim bakers and asked them to make him a cake for his gay wedding. Many of them refused but you won't find gay people going to harass a Muslim baker and force them to do something that is against their faith. Nope. It's the double standard of PCness, it only works against Christians. To the PC left, Muslims are a protected class and aren't held to the same standards as they hold Christians.

Again, you're playing the false victim card and engaged in sophistry. Did the video guy file complaints against the Muslim bakers when they allegedly refused? No, he didn't. He just wanted a video so people like you would wet your panties.

Wed 14 Dec, 2016 05:38 am
@Debra Law,
Excellent argument and summary Deborah. I had to go all the way back and see how this one came about. Excellent. EVery so often, but rarely, someone makes some really compelling arguments.

Baldimo-you got smoked real good.
Fil Albuquerque
Wed 14 Dec, 2016 09:05 am
Not all the politicians just the ones who vote for them.
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