Let me be as clear as mud. Ok maybe clearer personally I believe that the Rain Soft brand is overpriced. I cannot say that for every case but years ago we bought an EC4 system water softener, greensand system, p-12 under sink water filter and UV for about $7000.
The facts: We have a well. The water is hard. Minor amounts of iron.
System seemed to work fine for a few years. Annual maintenance ran about $350.00
Is hard water good or bad for health? That depends on what is making the water hard. Some minerals are good others not so. Obviously iron can cause bacteria to form often giving of that rotten egg smell and iron taste. So does sulfur. So you can’t just say hard water is healthier, it may be but that depends.
It will clog, stain, plumbing bathrooms, clothing etc. The house and system had no filter.
All that being said I decided to learn about all this. Why because our casing cracked in our 35 year old well. It got to the point that mud came through the facets. You heard me right 100 percent mud! Now that’s a water issue.
The water level in our area is down 500+ ft. Total cost for a new well about $12000. Not in our budget and drilling companies only accept cash up front. So what to do?
After the initial casing crack the sediment levels went down but dirty water none the less. Self-taught on water issues to solve the problem I needed filters that led me to the water softener issue since that needed to be cleaned up. I learned all about water softeners how they work and why. Also the costs and what I found is the mark up on the system was amazing compared to purchasing yourself. And its easy to self-install. You can check it out on YouTube.
Still no well but with large pleated 4.5 inch by 20 inch filters in 5 micron, 1 micron and .35 micron step down a carbon filter of the same size I have crystal clear water after cleaning out and replacing the resin beads for about $75, getting rid of the green sand system flushing pipes and UV system and flushing all pipes with bleach.
Check online for water system prices delivered to your house. Here is a place to start your price search US Water Systems. I like them but that should not be your only choice but it’s a good place for price comparisons. With that knowledge you can talk to a salesman from any salesman from much stronger position knowledge is power. Learn about the whys and the how of water. Get your own water test kit. A professional model not the cheap ones. If you know what you need want and why you can defend yourself from the sales hype.