heehee - we say doozy all the time at work - as in "That case is a doozy!" - but one person says "doozer" and it drives me mad.
(another word, that one can use)
Yurt (quinn posted it today)!
Mac: I say rambunctious all the time.
Doozy is a favorite, too.
And I love lollapalooza - except, I think it means something"striking" and I usually use it when I make a mistake. I like "whopper", too.
What in the Sam Hill is a "yurt"?
Yurt: a circular domed tent of skins or felt stretched over a collapsible lattice framework and used by pastoral peoples of inner Asia; also : a structure that resembles a yurt usually in size and design
Here's a link to quinn's thread about camping and yurts:
Thanks Mac. Now I have to find out why Quinn used it.
Yurts are a fantabulous thing
I remember what hoi polloi means because of a scene in a very funny movie. Poor, lowly young caddie (hint) is asked to a fancy party at a rich golf club owner's house, and decides to wear a nautical outfit, complete with a captain's hat. He is greeted by his friends with "Ahoy polloi."
[quote]No entry found for ahoy polloi[/quote]
I am enjoying the interaction...in fact, I'm getting motivated to try some of the words.
Does anyone here say "curflooey" or is it "kurflooey"? Anyway, when something goes wrong or is in error, or is "topsy turvy", we say it's curflooey. We say "topsy turvy" a lot, too.
I had a professor (from eastern Europe) who, in his lectures, would often, mockingly, use the word "irregardless." He claimed he heard us say that "Irregardless of the economy, the stock market still went up," for example.
Irregardless of that, I am very happy that the word Y'All seems to be slipping into our commonly used language, irregardless of race or region. Y'all may not be able to say it right yet but, when I talk to people in various parts of the county on the phone, I hear y'all saying it.
Definitely a neglected word.
Not by me see perpetual limerick :-
Twas a cold horrid night on the pond
The wrong time for prisoners to abscond...
For prison uniforms are egregious
It would make them too conspicuous,
Especially when teamed with a blonde!
There was a term in my youth - "Bite Me"
we used it all the time (mid 60's) -
Heard my 15 year old daughter use it the other day,

now I know how my parents felt. Told her it is not an acceptable term..............
It was popular in the 70s too - although I'm sure I never said in front of my parents!
I'm with you mac - the nerve of these kids today, why - I feel like an old fuddy duddy already!
I'm sure your daughter would be happy to agree with you! :wink: