It perplexes me to this day that normal American people who have wives and children and not the equivalent of white picket fences, but actual white picket fences around their houses could indulge in this kind of heinous behavior. I just don’t understand it.
Hi, JTT. Clearly Americans who participates in this type of reprehensible action are not "normal." These divergent Americans march to a different drummer...sometime these Americans are possibly brainwashed as in the Boston Bombing and 9/11, sometime its roots may be traced to religious perversion....there are so many reasons people behave the way they do; however, normal people do not behave abnormally.
As to the German masses' gross anti-Semitism much of that country's hysteria was due to Paul Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany, from 1933 to 1945.....he was known for his zealous orations and visceral homicidal anti-Semitism. There was a special film titled "the Eternal Jew" which compared Jews to diseased rats. Not all Germans were cruel; some hid Jews....risking their lives in the process.
...antiSemitism was government sponsored.