H2O MAN wrote:
maxdancona wrote:
It seems to me that getting elected by a majority of the American voters twice in a row is some measure of success.
Until you embrace the fact that it was the under informed dumbmasses
that voted for him, making the winner of some special Olympics race.
On the bright side, millions of the people that voted for him the 1st time woke
up, saw him for the inexperienced loser he is and did not vote for him in 2012.
There is hope for this constitutional republic.
While Europeans were looking down on America for having slavery in 1860, I do not see any European nations having (or having had) a head of state that is Black. So, the good news is that the Europeans can get off of their moral high horse, so to speak, at this point in history.
And, as I've said before, in my opinion, American Blacks are mostly Protestants, just of a different hue. So, since Protestants made this country what it is today, I do not see anything incongruous with a Protestant President being elected, Black or White.
In my opinion, there are still deep beliefs (aka, prejudices) that many people use in their voting habits. Note that people do vote for Jewish Mayors, even a Jewish Governor; however, a Jewish President? Try in 500 years or so. The thought sets off alarm bells in many people's minds, in my opinion. That is fine; don't get me wrong, since if anything went "wrong" during the term of a Jewish President, guess how high the level of anti-Semitism would likely go. On second thought, let's wait a thousand years before there is a Jewish President.