Explosions at Boston Marathon - A2K Runners, Check In Please

Reply Tue 23 Apr, 2013 06:52 pm
It's cool Osso, been here to long now to be chased off Wink

Merely, ensuring that with respect for those in Boston and/or family there that I am not participating in replying on the comments I made, on this thread.. Happy to elsewhere though the other one linked is a bit of a war zone from the look of it...

Thanks for your comment, as it was a genuine thought..

Reply Tue 23 Apr, 2013 07:00 pm
You are on the main thread and surely welcome.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Apr, 2013 07:34 pm
Where ever you go with that reply to me, link me Smile

I'd like to answer you as well as add some further "investigations" now being carried out.....

I also think Joe Nation - what a blessing your knee wasn't capable of allowing you to do that run..... (Something works in mysterious ways)

If I may....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Apr, 2013 09:10 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Please, a little more humility would be in order, folks.


Killing children is the all-American way

Finian Cunningham

Madeleine Albright, the American ambassador the United Nations, was asked on nationwide television in 1996 if the death of half a million Iraqi children from US war and sanctions on that country was a price worth paying. Albright replied: “This is a very hard choice, but the price - we think is worth it.”

That was before the so-called Second Persian Gulf War that began in 2003 with American air force “shock and awe”, followed by nearly nine years of illegal military occupation - an occupation that included the use of nuclear munitions and white phosphorus on the civilian populations in Fallujah and elsewhere, and involved countless massacres of families and children by US helicopter gunships and troopers.

Since Albright’s infamous admission, the death toll of Iraqi children from American military crimes can be safely assumed to run into multiples of what she candidly thought was a price worth paying more than 16 years ago.

Earlier this week when President Barack Obama was offering condolences to the families of the 20 children shot dead in an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, he said: “Whatever portion of sadness that can share with you to ease your heavy load, we will gladly bear it. Newtown, you are not alone.”

Indeed, Newtown is not alone. Children are slaughtered every week by Americans all over the world on the watch of Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama and his White House predecessors.

One study by James Lucas in 2007 put the death toll of civilians from American wars and sponsored conflicts in 37 countries since the Second World War at up to 30 million lives. The proportion of that figure corresponding to child deaths is not known but if the casualty rate of Iraq is anything to go by we can estimate that the number of children killed by American militarism and covert wars since WWII is easily in the order of 20 million - that is, a million times the carnage last week in Connecticut.

The countries where these American-inflicted deaths occurred include: Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Angola, Congo, Afghanistan, Pakistan, El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua. They also include Iran during the American-backed Iraq war of 1980-88. Every continent on Earth has felt the American hand of death.

But note the figure of 20 million child deaths from American militarism is bound to be a serious underestimate of the actual total. In the last five years, the world has seen an escalation of child mortality from the carcinogenic legacy of depleted uranium and suspected use of other nuclear weapons in Iraq. The above figures do not include the latest killings from American assassination drones in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and other suspected war theatres, such as Mali in West Africa. Nor do the figures include overt and covert American military action in Libya last year and currently in Syria - nor the ongoing imposition of crippling sanctions against Iran where an untold number of sick children are dying from lack of medicines due to Washington’s import blockade.

As people across the United States watch in grief the procession of funerals this week for 20 tiny children in Connecticut, there is a sense of profound disbelief that such a horror could be carried out in their society. The young man, Adam Lanza, who went on a murderous rampage with high-powered assault weapons, was mentally ill. He reportedly shot his own mother four times in the head in their home before driving to the nearby elementary school to kill six and seven-year olds along with six female members of staff, before taking his own life.

Lanza’s mental disorder is part of the awful picture to this mass murder. So too is the easy availability of explosive lethal weaponry in America, which represents five per cent of the world’s population but possesses up to 50 per cent of all global civilian firearms.

We should also look at the malign influence and prevalence of violent entertainment and video games that teach children how to kill and to view killing others as a fun “challenging” sport. Even in the sickening aftermath of the Newtown shootings, some internet sites were inviting customers to try out the video killing game said to have been frequently played by Adam Lanza before he took his own life and those of 27 others last Friday morning.

But more than this, Americans need to look at how their society has increasingly become a psychopathic culture of death over many decades. Americans need to realize how their hallowed capitalist ideology of the putative American Dream is in practice nothing but the destruction of communities and millions of individuals on the altar of elite profit-making. Think about the glib, common parlance used to describe the process of human destruction. Investors “make a killing”; workforces are “liquidated”; society is facing a “fiscal cliff”.

Death on an industrial scale is sanctified through genocidal economic policies that enrich an oligarchy of financiers and warmongers belonging to the financial-military-congressional complex.

If human life can be violated and cheapened on such a vast, systematic scale, both in America and around the world, then the loss of 20 children in Newtown is, to be honest, a price that is negligible, if not worth it.

America has become a killing machine, driven by an ideology in which human life is but a worthless commodity that can be exploited and discarded. The discarding of human life is seen most graphically in foreign countries where American elite interests want oil or some other commercial or geopolitical gain. But increasingly this killing machine is turning in on itself, destroying its own society, families and individuals.

Obama added in his eulogy for the deaths in Newtown, Connecticut: “We cannot tolerate this any more… we will have to change.”

This is from the man who orders drone kill lists in Afghanistan and Pakistan every week that involve the “collateral damage” of children being ripped to pieces. This is from the man who is killing children in Iran by tightening economic strangleholds. This is from the man who immediately agreed to millions of dollars worth of more weaponry to the Israeli state fresh from its mass murder of innocents in Gaza. This is from the man supporting militants in Syria who are targeting schools and hospitals with car bombs.

Through the pain and suffering of the latest mass shooting in the US, maybe ordinary Americans are beginning to realize just how big a change is really needed in their country.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Apr, 2013 12:38 pm
I've been at work each day except Tuesday (we were evacuted on Monday) and of course on Friday. Both days I worked from home as I have pretty full access via computer. We are on Huntington Street so I could enter my building. They did open up Bolyston street but I can't bring myself to walk down there. I have a bit of curiousity but also dread.

I think I'll wait until next week. Supposed to be all cleaned up other than some repairs like broken windows and a bit of a whole in one part of the side walk. Almost seems strange now (I can view Boylston Street as I cross Dartmouth)(I have/had a view of the medical tent area ) - now I can see traffic going down Boylston again.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Apr, 2013 12:40 pm
thanks it was difficult to get through the crap on here so I almost vanished completely from this thread.

I needed to get away from work for a few minutes so I ventured here again and found some normal posting to respond to.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Apr, 2013 12:43 pm
George wrote:
Update on my neighbor:

I just talked with Maureen, his mother. Marc has lost one leg and the
other was broken in several places. They put metal bracing in it to hold
things together. He has first-degree burns on his face and second- and
third-degree burns on his back. There is shrapnel in his heart and lungs.

Maureen says he has a long road to go, but he is going to make it. A top
prosthetic outfit is going to fit him out without charge.

Below is a picture of Marc with his son.


Is there a donation site for Marc? Feel free to message me if you like, of course.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Apr, 2013 06:36 am
Here's the one his cousin set up.

Just remove the asterisks.

Please, everyone, do not take this as an appeal on my part.
I am responding to the question.
Of course, Marc, his family and his friends would be grateful.

Marc is awake!

Daily Mail article
Reply Thu 25 Apr, 2013 04:05 pm
So sad to read that and see those photos.............

I'm glad he is awake....
Reply Fri 26 Apr, 2013 06:38 am
I am thinking of Marc and his family right now. Thank you for the article - what a wonderful person. He does think of others first - just imagine you just wake up from this horrible situation and you say you are sorry. My best wishes to his recovery.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Apr, 2013 10:24 am

I'm glad he is awake....

I'm glad that Bomber #2 was finally taken from Beth Israel-Deaconess hospital at 3 am and is now in a Federal Prison Hospital.
Reply Fri 26 Apr, 2013 10:32 am
Miller wrote:


I'm glad he is awake....

I'm glad that Bomber #2 was finally taken from Beth Israel-Deaconess hospital at 3 am and is now in a Federal Prison Hospital.

Why at 3am? Perhaps to prevent sleep? How does our sadism further justice?
Reply Fri 26 Apr, 2013 10:36 am
3 AM? Probably because that's the most quiet time in most hospitals in the USA.
Reply Fri 26 Apr, 2013 10:37 am
How does our sadism further justice

Don't know.
Reply Fri 26 Apr, 2013 10:40 am
You should begin to think about it. I've always had this feeling that health care workers cared.
Reply Fri 26 Apr, 2013 10:59 am
JTT wrote:

You should begin to think about it. I've always had this feeling that health care workers cared.

This was the doing of the police. The problem is that it reminds me of what we did at a certain prison in Iraq.
Reply Fri 26 Apr, 2013 11:04 am
yes my brother works at that hospital --- this bombing and caring for the victims has really been hard for him (my brother). He was glad when the bomber was moved.
Reply Fri 26 Apr, 2013 11:09 am
The problem is that it reminds me of what we did at a certain prison in Iraq.

Not only there, Hawk. Haven't you heard about Greystone?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Apr, 2013 11:19 am

The Full Power Of Vice President Dick Cheney Is Only Now Becoming Clear
Michael Kelley | Apr. 25, 2013, 11:20 AM

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-power-of-dick-cheney-in-dirty-wars-2013-4#ixzz2Rafq9nlS


Dirty Wars: The World Is A Battlefield by Jeremy Scahill

Book reviews


Spec Ops Perspective April 23, 2013
By Brandon Webb
Format:HardcoverFull disclosure: I've become friends with Jeremy prior to this book coming out. I'm a fellow writer but also served over a decade in the Special Operations community. I'm not another journalist or writer opining about something I don't know about, and I don't give fluff reviews just because a friend writes a book. My full in-depth review will come soon on SOFREP.

While I found Blackwater admittedly somewhat biased (a great read none-the-less), Dirty Wars is incredibly researched, and critical across the political divide.

Dirty Wars is chock full of incredible and insightful information that will leave most readers uncomfortably informed. I imagine reading this book will be kind of like the first Matrix movie where one of the characters comes to know what reality "is" but chooses to plug back into delusion because reality is too uncomfortable to deal with. This is the situation in America right now, and best we admit we have serious issues that require serious solutions.

Great work Jeremy.

Brandon, Former Navy SEAL and Editor of SOFREP


Vile, Filthy, Bloody, Dirty Wars April 23, 2013
By David Swanson
Format:HardcoverJeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army, has a new book that should be required reading for Congress members, journalists, war supporters, war opponents, Americans, non-Americans -- really, pretty much everybody. The new book is called Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield.

Of course, Scahill is not suggesting that the world should be a battlefield. He's reporting on how the Bush and Obama White Houses have defined and treated it as such.

The phrase "dirty wars" is a little less clear in meaning. Scahill is a reporter whose chronological narrative is gripping and revealing but virtually commentary-free. Any observations on the facts related tend to come in the form of quotations from experts and those involved. So, there isn't anywhere in the book that explicitly explains what a dirty war is.

The focus of the book is on operations that were once more secretive than they are today: kidnapping, rendition, secret-imprisonment, torture, and assassination. "This is a story," reads the first sentence of the book, "about how the United States came to embrace assassination as a central part of its national security policy." It's a story about special, elite, and mercenary forces operating under even less Congressional or public oversight than the rest of the U.S. military, a story about the Joint Special Operations Command and the CIA, and not about the "shock and awe" bombing of Baghdad or the activities of tens of thousands of soldiers occupying Iraq or Afghanistan.

The type of war recounted is variously identified in the book as dirty, dark, black, dark-side, small, covert, black-ops, asymmetric, secret, twilight, and -- in quotation marks -- "smart." At one point, Scahill describes the White House, along with General Stanley McChrystal, as beginning to "apply its emerging global kill list doctrine inside Afghanistan, buried within the larger, public war involving conventional U.S. forces." But part of Scahill's story is how, in recent years, something that had been considered special, secretive, and relatively unimportant has come to occupy the focus of the U.S. military. In the process, it has lost some of its stigma as well as its secretiveness. Scahill refers to some operations as "not so covert." It's hard to hide a drone war that is killing people by the thousands. Secret death squad night raids that are bragged about in front of the White House Press Corps are not so secret.

I don't think, in the end, that Scahill is suggesting that other wars, or other parts of wars, are clean. In fact, he characterizes the Obama administration's growing use of dirty war tactics as "the fantasy of a clean war." The term "clean" has been used in Washington, D.C., to distinguish killing from imprisonment-and-torture. Scahill's book should make clear to every reader that there is nothing clean about a war fought by death squad, drone, and missile strike -- any more than any other war. They're all dirty, filthy, nasty enterprises, about which we're usually fed a pile of official sanitizing and beautifying lies.

Weighing in at over 500 pages, Dirty Wars is an extensive account, in large part, of how the White House came to begin killing U.S. citizens with drones. You can, however, read this book in less time than it takes to watch a 12-hour filibuster on the subject, as recently presented by Senator Rand Paul, and you'll learn a great deal more in the process.

Scahill combines publicly available information with his own original reporting (much of which he has written and spoken about before) to create the best history we have of how the practice I call murder-by-president evolved from tiny origins in the Clinton White House to weekly Terror Tuesday meetings for Obama. Without the need for any commentary from the author, a number of themes emerge, I think, through the telling of events and the repetition of the same sorts of horrors and blunders:

· The U.S. government vastly overestimates its power and conceives of its power as physical force;

· The use of such force (in Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.) tends to make matters worse and create situations that, by the same analysis, require much more force, which thankfully isn't always used;

· Revenge and machismo sometimes motivate actions publicly depicted as geopolitical strategy and humanitarianism;

· The U.S. government lies frequently, and sometimes begins to believe its own lies;

· The U.S. corporate media takes very little offense at being lied to;

· Nothing you think the CIA might try to do could be dumber than some of the things it actually tries;

· And, uses of power that are permitted will be engaged in increasingly if unchecked.

The book is arranged chronologically, and some stories are returned to again and again. One of these, probably the best, is the story of the Awlaki family, of Anwar Awlaki and his father and his son. (Re. CIA dumbness, don't miss the bit where the CIA supports polygamy by recruiting a new wife for Anwar.)

Anwar Awlaki, as far as we know, began to turn against the United States following the U.S. harassment of Muslims that began on September 12, 2001, at which time Awlaki was living in Virginia; and he grew in his opposition to the United States as our government harassed him and threatened to murder him. Awlaki, as far as we know, never took any action against the United States beyond publicly encouraging others to do so. In other words, Awlaki did the same thing CNN does quite often: he promoted the waging of war. Now, I think that such actions should be illegal, and that under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights they are. I'd like to see Awlaki and various members of the U.S. media and various U.S. government officials prosecuted for war propaganda. But my position is rare if not unique. It is far more common to maintain that the First Amendment protects such speech.

Awlaki wasn't charged with or tried for any crime. Instead, he was killed by a drone, along with another U.S. citizen, Samir Khan, who was with him -- a death that one U.S. Congress member called "a bonus" and "a twofer." Awlaki's teenage son and several other teenage members of his family were killed two weeks later by another U.S. drone strike.

These deaths were a handful among the mountain of corpses produced by U.S. dirty wars. And Dirty Wars provides us with the heartbreaking and "humanizing" stories of some of the non-U.S. victims. I put "humanizing" in quotes because I always wonder whether anyone really truly doubts that foreigners living far away are human until a photo or film or narrative "puts a human face on them." Here are stories of innocent families, children, women, and men killed by a Global War on the Globe that advertises itself as eliminating terrorism.

The Boston marathon bombs created a bit of a public debate this week over how to define "terrorism." Many were unsure whether it was terrorism, not knowing whether the bombers were foreign or domestic. Others believed the bombers' motives needed to be known before the "terrorism" label could be applied. The latter is a reasonable position, but one that renders the term less useful, while ignoring many of its common uses. If we define "terrorism," as seems most useful, as acts of violence that terrorize people, it is hard to see much of what's recounted in Scahill's book as anything other than terrorism.

While we're defining terms, it's worth noting that "assassination" is usually defined as the murder of a prominent public figure. A "signature strike," which Scahill describes as a type of "pre-crime" punishment, in which President Obama or his subordinate orders the killing of someone whose name is unknown but whose behavior suggests that he or she might be likely to engage in active resistance to a U.S. occupation or might be likely to attack people in the United States someday -- that is by definition not an assassination. It is a different type of murder, but still of course a murder.

When the New York Times reported on President Obama's kill list on May 29, 2012, it quoted Obama's National Security Advisor and cited interviews with three-dozen former and current advisors to Obama in the White House. The U.S. voting public reelected Obama five months later, and it appears entirely possible that the president wanted the public to know that he murders people (trusting that many who wouldn't approve would avoid knowing), and that as a political strategist -- if in no other way whatsoever -- Obama was right.
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