Hmm... a few things:
- Recently Canada was mentioned, and crossing the border patrol, etc. to get into the country >_> Well... I recently saw a news special, and the reporters literally walked across a huge hole in the border (unpatroled/unwatched) and easily wound up in one of the towns without being conflicted or stopped.
It made me wonder about a few things
To imagine that I could literally walk into Canada along that route
- Not every American that owns a gun is obsessed with it. My household has two of them, for two reasons: my father was a trained marksman (military) so one is from those days, and the other is for protection. We're not violent people, we're not crazy, we're some of the most sane people you'll ever meet in this country. I think it's dangerous when people try to attack "American gun owners" as a whole. Sure, some of them are maniacs. But some of -any- group is insane, so that's not saying much.. lol
- In Australia, I'm assuming that if attackers are not known to use firearms often, there isn't as great a need to own guns. Here in the US however, almost every attack somehow involves a firearm--whether the criminals should have one or not, they do, in the sad truth of it. Genuinely, I would not feel safe if we did not own a firearm in this house...
- I think it's silly for people to argue, "Australia should ___" without living there and knowing much about the country. Similar to the point I just made, Aus and the US are two VERY different places in terms of what kind of crime occurs and the rates of each category. I think it's weird for one group to tell the other (Americans against Australians, AND Australians against Americans) what their country should and should not do. Out of all these pages, I've seen maybe... a small handful of replies that attempted to try doing this and actually succeeded in my mind. Often it just reveals how little you know about each other...
- For myself, I'm not really an avid weapons owner either way. But I had a question. Similar to firearms in Australia, if swords are banned, would you be able to get a permit to own them? I think it'd be strange, for collectors and medeival specialists (not sure if those really exist there, but here I've come across quite a few) to suddenly have their swords taken from them. Maybe I didn't read it clearer, but is the law saying they must be used for assault/violent intentions, to be banned?
I was just curious, since this thread kind of.. ran away from the original subject of bladed weapons
- Of course it's difficult for America to imagine any region of Australia having a need to ban swords... we don't really have any crimes involving them. Whereas I'm sure America has far more crimes involving guns. Once again I make the point, you cannot compare both of them and police them both. They are not equal in the criminal sense, rather obviously.
Okay, I'm done babbling for now