Well, my S.O. got to be my S.O. by writing a poem about my hair.

A rawther nice poem, at that. (Sorry, just read a bunch of Eloise books to the sozlet.)
My hair's been super-duper long to medium-long pretty much my entire life except for a brief stint in high school when I got a bob. It was an extremely cool bob, (this was 1983), but it wasn't me. Grew it out, been long since. Through college it was VERY long -- would decide I needed a trim when I started sitting on it. Trim was to waistline. When I turned professional, started getting it cut shorter (bottom of shoulder blades) and using various products on it. (Shinier, whatnot.) Got a perfectly awful cut about a year ago (?) when it suddenly started really bothering me and I decided I needed a cut posthaste, no time for appointments, went to Cost Cutters (or someplace similar), and some idjit did the classic "oops... better straighten that out... oops..." thing, and it ended up about 8 inches shorter than planned. But still past shoulders, and now almost waist length again, though it's almost always in a ponytail these days.
Hubby's good about being appreciative when I get a cut (even the Cost Cutters one), otherwise just registers general approval. He did really like the expensive cuts I got in L.A., though. One was a layered dealie that was actually pretty cool.