@Frank Apisa,
The many everyday posters who, disguised by pseudonyms, disgorge their anger, frustrations, and general contempt for others are able to do so because the anonymity of the Internet allows them the kind of immunity and invulnerability Kim and those other dictators get (or got) from “real world” position. Essentially those “everyday posters” become dictators of a sort—people who do not have to worry about observing niceties and considerations for the feelings of others; the obscurity and safety-of-distance of the Internet gives them insulation from society’s customs and immunity from society’s disapproval of rude, misogynistic, racist, misanthropic conduct.
Your entire post is very interesting and I enjoyed reading it. Homo Sapiens have myriad flaws. There is no doubt we encounter many disturbed posters via the world wide web. Our civilization is constantly creating laws by which our species should live.....without these laws there would be constant havoc in society. Not all people are so inclined to use vociferation against strangers on the internet, spewing garbage at all those they disagree with. Some among us lack a decent education, or proper home training, there are even some whom we encounter who are mentally challenged....then there are those with a physical disability which lead to their angry outbursts.
When I first began using the Internet to post I encountered a poster who suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis along with sciatica. He was often in pain and was limited in the amount of pain relievers he could take for fear of liver damage. His outbursts on the board created anger in posters. There are many among us who suffer from one affliction or another. There usually are reasons why people act the clownish fool without thought for others' feelings.
I have encountered the worse anger among supporters of Republicans and supporters of Democrat; also, with respect to the subject Israeli/Palestinian conflict, with many hard-liners having a near-allergic reaction to the truth. Some posters make it impossible to stay on a board with them, but fortunately, on this board, one can use the ignore feature to escape.
There are often real reasons people behave in an abnormal way.....