Good thinking Phoenix, about the Museum and Zoo. She offered rock-paper-scissors over whether or not she needed fuel... I won 2 out of 3, but she whined that she's not hungry so I'm taking your advice and not worrying about it. You don't think a cultural tour this week will spoil her too much do you? Is it unusual for a 7 year old to read naturally and spell well? She loves showing off her brains, and has an amazing memory and sense of humor for one so small.
She just read all of this advice over my shoulder and thinks the idea of starving is hilarious. She's laughing at me. Looks like we're going to a museum. I'll be checking in often for additional advice. Looks like there's a cartoon that must be watched before we do anything else, lol.
I live in a Condo on the water Cav, so I wouldn't be comfortable letting her outside unsupervised.
Jim you can meet us at the museum if you like! :wink:
LittleK/Gus Spring break; and her mother-friend of mine is poor, so she's saving some dough on babysitting. She couldn't help noticing I'm always fascinated by "Morgan", because I'm seldom exposed to children. Should be fun!