You know, this is just part of God giving me the fantasy (yet real) life that I had hoped for in my highest daydreams. I think he gives everyone a shot at it, so it pays to dream big.
Mine was inspired by SciFi writers early on. It wasn’t the exploration of space and that **** that attracted me, it was the stories of the lone man in an alien environment who had to figure it out in order to survive that intrigued me.
Another comparison seen later in life would being the lone sane man in an insane world, like the character Randal McMurphy in 'One Flew Over the CooCoo's Nest'. Totally dug it.
I didn’t seriously expect them to happen in my life, but in retrospect, I got exactly what I wanted.
I’m sure I’m not alone in that, you might think of yourself in the same way. I'm pretty sure Izzy does. **** me, what a cool sim this is.