My take on the whole "Daddy issues" thing is:
So what?
Sure there is some value in reflecting back on your life looking for lessons to be learned, but at the end of the day you are who you are.
You are an adult.
No one has a perfect childhood. I certainly didn't. As an adult that is no longer what defines me. It is not what defines you.
If you have attachment issues, recognize that and deal with it.
If you feel that you require male validation, recognize that and deal with it.
If you desire a paternal male figure as a mate, recognize that and deal with it.
It is no secret that women prefer men who are similar to their fathers. You are perhaps in a uniquely advantaged position in this regard. You perhaps can be more objective and reflective on who you actually want to share your life with.
What is the point in figuring out what went "wrong" in your life?
You are
here now. What comes next is your future, not your past.