North Korea Pledges Nuclear Assault on USA

Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 02:35 pm
BillRM wrote:

The problem that both the US and the USSR ran into when creating the first generation or two of ICBMs were that nuclear warheads at the time was heavy and the technology of the early ICBM rockets did not allow large payloads.

Well, I hope you're right about North Korea facing the same problem!

Useful info.
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 02:38 pm
BillRM: LOL so warhead throw weight of a given rocket is something you do not understand?

Farmerman: SOMETIMES, check your sentences for such things as verbs, voice etc.

Did you figure that you would sound intelligent if you just threw out some grammar terms, Farmer?

Bill has three verbs in that sentence, one you called "a perfect example of nonsense writing", and the funny thing is, they are all in the right locations.

Perhaps you can explain what you mean by "voice".

LOL so warhead throw weight of a given rocket is something you do not understand?

What is so hard to understand about the above sentence?

Bill laughs at you, using a common abbreviation, LOL, then he asks, paraphrased,

Don't you understand the term "warhead throw weight" of a given rocket?

I can't wait to hear your explanation of "voice", Farmer.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 02:45 pm
Bill, I was trying like hell to read and understand your post .Your writing IS usually a problem to understand because obvious;ly ENglish is NOT your primary language. NOW, when youve added an honest to goodness real phrase of which I saw no explanation, it sounded like your garbled English again. As far as annoyed, think about all the other people and I whove reminded you of your language .

Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 03:10 pm
I have no idea what youre saying Bill.

I clicked on the return to previous post link [do you understand that term, Farmer?] to make absolutely certain we are/were taking about the same BillRM posting.

If you can't understand what Bill said, not counting the meaning of the specific terms, you don't deserve to be in academia, Farmer.

Kolyo doesn't seem to have any difficulty understanding Bill. He does seem to have some difficulty gathering up the necessary courage to tell you that you are full of ****, Farmer.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 03:11 pm
he argues that Im the fathead who cant understand his gibberish.

So far, in many more ways than one, that appears to be the case, Farmer. Maybe your explanation of "voice" will clear things up.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 03:38 pm
farmerman wrote:

Bill, I was trying like hell to read and understand your post .Your writing IS usually a problem to understand because obvious;ly ENglish is NOT your primary language. NOW, when youve added an honest to goodness real phrase of which I saw no explanation, it sounded like your garbled English again. As far as annoyed, think about all the other people and I whove reminded you of your language .

Well, for what it's worth, I didn't quite parse his sentence correctly either.

I figured when he wrote "First there is a little problem of throw weight" he meant "First there is a little problem of throwing weight", but I went along with it. Because what better way, after all, to describe the problem of tossing a warhead across an ocean than as a problem of "throwing weight", right? Smile
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 04:08 pm
I just went and looked it up after it dawned on me that maybe it was a term of art and not a langiage thing.
Wikepedia had a small section re: the term in a piece about ballistic missile payloads.

I honestly never heard the term before, but hell, I only learned what a rusty trombone was a few weeks ago .
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 04:14 pm
Well, for what it's worth, I didn't quite parse his sentence correctly either.

But as you yourself have shown, Kolyo, that was due to your own ignorance. You only had a problem with jargon, not, as Farmer errantly suggested "verbs, voice".

You've also not shown the courage to quote my comments which clearly point up Farmer's unfair criticism of BillRM.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 04:22 pm
I just went and looked it up after it dawned on me that maybe it was a term of art and not a langiage thing.

Maybe, just maybe, as an academic, you ought to let things dawn on you more often instead of leaping to unjustified conclusions.

I think you should still explain your "voice" thing. After you apologize to Bill.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 06:15 pm
Well, I hope you're right about North Korea facing the same problem!

Useful info.

The first stage of the rocket that North Korea is now playing with consist of four rockets engines from USSR hardware design of the 1950s.

They are facing problems that the US and the USSR face fifty years ago without the engineering skills of either of those two nations.
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 06:17 pm
t sounded like your garbled English again.

Placing the words into google or even asking me would had been too must trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 06:22 pm
he problem of tossing a warhead across an ocean than as a problem of "throwing weight", right?

I assume the term came from dumb rocket engineers sixty years ago who did indeed think that way and so came up with the term throw weight.

It is kind of a self evidence term in that way.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 06:22 pm
LOL Engineering skills can be bought. They certainly bought the skills of a Pakistani nuclear physicist and avoided 65 years of reinventing the wheel.
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 06:35 pm
LOL Engineering skills can be bought. They certainly bought the skills of a Pakistani nuclear physicist and avoided 65 years of reinventing the wheel.

To a degree that is true but only to a degree.

They are not a modern nation such as Japan who I am sure could get modern ICBMs ready to go in two years or so using current understandings of how the problems was solve sixty years ago.

Korea is a nation that is one step away from staving and with not even a power grid worth the name let alone a large technology infrastructure to support what they are trying to do.

Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 07:18 pm
But they are remarkably focused.
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 08:05 pm
drives me nutz not to know a term that everyone else seems to have stuffed in their everyday vocabulary. SO!!!

"throw weight" =TOTAL PAYLOAD

I dont know which one is the archaic term. But Im familiar with total payload cause its used in trajectory models (as the weight of the vehicle changes dynamically)
Reply Mon 18 Mar, 2013 04:41 am
Second one of the reasons that the first IBM warheads tend to be in the megatons range once we did work out the two problems above is that the accuracy of the rockets were pitiful indeed.

Not likely they could even hit an island.

And we should stop worrying about the NKs because they'd have as hard a time aiming nuclear missiles as we would have in 1955, right???

I mean, nobody had GPS in 1955 and nobody had computers much smaller than a house in 1955 and whatever was guiding those early missiles was basically a glorified sllide-rule, and you don't think anybody other than Uncle Sam could do better than that today???

You don't think an ordinary private citizen could fly a toy airplane from Nova Scotia to Ireland with stuff which anybody could afford and buy today???? I mean that was in 2003, ten years ago:

GPS which you or I or the NKs could easily afford:


Reply Mon 18 Mar, 2013 04:51 am
h great, now theyre gonna fling a nuke at us with RadioShak labels all over.
Reply Mon 18 Mar, 2013 04:54 am
Why don't they serve us some spiked kimchi and call it a day?
Reply Mon 18 Mar, 2013 05:00 am
Weaponized kimchi can be tracked from space so it isnt a "stealth" wepon.
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