Sofia wrote:Eleanor Clift is one of the most venomous partisan editorialists in America.
Hyperbolic and inaccurate.
(That title, BTW, belongs to Ann Coulter.)
Sofia wrote:Clarke reveals more about himself than he does anyone else. The time to make this charge, and be credible, was when it was happening. Not when he had a book on the shelves. If he is telling the truth, he was a useless Yes Man in the Bush administration.
"Yes" men are all Bush has in his administration.
Pray tell, where are the useful ones? :wink:
Sofia wrote:Sounds like he was pissed about being passed over for a plumb job, and wanted to cash in and exact revenge.
Mere speculation of the smear variety, no different genetically than what we're hearing from every other Republican.
And the smears just are
not working. Checked the polls lately?
(Sure have missed you, dearie. Welcome back.)