Corn and Bergen respond to Mylroie's article with articles of their own. Big deal. That makes it "she said, he said" this time.
You're right, Tarantulas. But let's face it, "he said, she said" is pretty much all we ever get with the media. One totally biased jackass spins his story, then some other totally biased jackass refutes it and spins it again. The truth is nowhere to be found.
Actually this is more like "dueling blogs" than any kind of hard news story.
Well, no it's not.
Mylroie is a professor and an adjunct fellow with the AEI.
Richard Clarke is a civil servant who was employed by three Republcan presidents and one Democrat president whose familiarity with the subject has perhaps one or two peers in the world.
I was listening to Karen Hughes on NPR this AM and she was basically calling Clarke a liar, or at least an extreme exagerrator over his claim about Bush needling him to blame Iraq. It was interesting.
Richard Clarke now on airamerica
I would pretty much expect that of Hughes.
I thought Clinton and Gore already testified?
In private.
But they are to testify again - or at least that is my understanding. I'm not surprised that they pulled Karen Hughes back into the frey. She is very good and knowledgeable, and hey, she should be called to testify too.
and she has a new book out
Yeah, I know. I bet the WH told her not to promote it at this moment in time. Unless, of course, it is very flattering of Bush, which it would be.
she was on The Daily Show promoting the book
What did she say about it, dys?
Hughes is incensed at the timing of her book and declared it an appalling act of profiteering, that she was cashing with a book that exploited her insider information.
she said she had no insider information and the she was 10 minutes from normal.
10 minutes from normal, dys?
thats the title (I think) of her new book
Well, something like that.
personally I have no more confidence in Clarke than I do in Bush or Rich, believing all have an agenda discordant with credibility, Nixon lied on an equilivent with Johnson.