Yeah, see? O'Reilly couldn't care less about the truth. He's just gonna spin his version and hope his listeners take his word for it, which is usually the case. The people who make me mad in this country are the ones who spout off what they hear without doing any investigating for themselves!
This explains why I have a sticker on my car that says:
"THINK! It's Patriotic""
Did O'Reilly happen to mention how, in the book, Bush at War, the president himself says: "I didn't feel a sense of urgency"? I'm betting not!
squinny...lovely to see you here!
I just posted some links relevant to this thread but on rather than duplicate
Hi, everyone!
I wish someone would put it all together in chronological order from the Cole forward. I think if we had that the picture would be pretty clear.
I don't think it is about which administration was at fault at this point. It is the idea that Bush is trying to benefit from our citizen's deaths and claim to be such a great president when many of us know about product roll out not being good in August, and agenda's even prior to election.
There is so much we forget or that gets twisted / reworded that it's hard to keep track of. A journalist with access to all of the original articles could probably rake in some rewards if they put it all together so people could have a clear picture.
I don't know, people are going to complain about something.
People complain more wasn't done to stop the terrorists, Bush admin initiates the Patriot act to do more about terrorists, people complain about Patriot act...
It's a never ending circle.
Well, first we're told to go about our normal lives. Then comes the dept of homeland security and the patriot act, not normal at all. Then we're told to use duct tape and plastic wrap to protect ourselves! Then we find that people are still bringing knives onto airplanes without being caught and that our nuke plants are inadequately protected and that our young men were sent overseas without adequate equipment. Now we find that we've been lied to many times and that the president makes jokes about our national disasters.
Yeah, we're just so darn hard to please.
Buncha whiners.
Get Richard Clarke's new book. In great part, it is what you are looking for.
I think I heard earlier this evening that Clarke is to be on "Meet the Press" early Sunday morning.
I'm curious to see what Condi has to say tomorrow night.
Mission accomplished. The evidence has been brought to light and a debate at the highest echelons of government has been set into motion. If my faith in humanity is well placed, logic will take over at this point, forcing people to recognize the Bush administrations ineptness.
IronLionZion wrote:Mission accomplished. The evidence has been brought to light and a debate at the highest echelons of government has been set into motion. If my faith in humanity is well placed, logic will take over at this point, forcing people to recognize the Bush administrations ineptness.
Or, more realistically, the Bush spin machine will spend money on shrill screaming, and the sheeplike American public will nod and say "duh okay" and return the coward in chief to the white house.
I'm not sure how closely you are following this little bit of American politics, but it really quite something. I've actually never seen an administration work so hard to try and negate a story and to discredit someone. I'm sure Paul O'Neil feels as if he got off very lightly indeed.
Of course, Clarke's testimony (and book) directly undercuts Bush's campaign strategy. He can't campaign on jobs/economy or on education or social programs. "Tough on terrorism" was the key.
hobitbob wrote:IronLionZion wrote:Mission accomplished. The evidence has been brought to light and a debate at the highest echelons of government has been set into motion. If my faith in humanity is well placed, logic will take over at this point, forcing people to recognize the Bush administrations ineptness.
Or, more realistically, the Bush spin machine will spend money on shrill screaming, and the sheeplike American public will nod and say "duh okay" and return the coward in chief to the white house.
Yeah, humanity was the achilles tendon of my prediction.
Watch for the Representative from Florida, Katherine Harris, to be put in charge of the Federal Election Commission. Then you'll know the fix is in.
And it would not surprise me a bit.
I suspect they'll be a bit more subtle Set, they will allow her to pick the head of the commission.
Good point, Boss--left to the Shrub, they'd simply suspend elections; Rove is a little slicker than that.